5 research outputs found
Causes and Models of Privatization in Higher Education
The world we live in is extraordinarily dynamic and forces us daily to face numerous changes in all areas of life. Although the relationship between private and state property was considered and compared by classics in economics, it is only over the last couple of decades that the privatization processes have become a part of everyday economic life. Privatization reaches all industrial branches and the most recent trend is to involve private sector into public administration. Education system is not immune to privatization either, however, due to its specifi c nature the privatization processes have to be handled very cautiously. This paper examines the meaning of privatization in education, the factors causing privatization in higher education and how it is implemented. It also looks at the issue of advantages and disadvantages of privatization in education, i.e., higher education.privatization, education, private sector, public sector.
Impact Analysis of Changes in Human Resource Capital on Economic Development - from Gravely Underdeveloped to Highly Developed Societies
This research encompasses 177 countries around the world with the data on human resource variables for the year 2005. The countries have been put into four groups: gravely underdeveloped, developing, developed, and highly developed. The research has looked into the variables Human Development Index, population, population over 65 years of age, primary education enrolment, investment into secondary education, investment into tertiary education, investment into research and development, Gender–Related Development Index and productivity increase, and analyzed how they influence the economic growth rate. This means that the impact of changes in the observed variables is analyzed, i.e. how they influence the standard of living and level of development in countries of the world. The main hypothesis is that investing in people, i.e. in primary, secondary and tertiary education will bring long-term positive effects on social growth and development, thus contributing to the level of development and overall standard of living. Another hypothesis is that, depending on the development level, human capital and education will exert different influence on GDP per capita, which indicates that a number of economic variables play a major role on the effects of education.primary education, secondary education, tertiary education, human resource capital, economic development, development level
Background: Business excellence represents one of the most valuable management means of achieving competitive advantage of organizations. Modern and global market demands new organizational approaches for the long-term improvement at all organization levels. Objectives: This paper is concerned with the level of business excellence in Sibenik-Knin County and the level of knowledge about the EFQM model. Moreover, this paper is concerned with the level of knowledge of the top management concerning the business excellence and quality principles. Methods/Approach: For the purpose of this paper, the research was conducted among organizations in Sibenik-Knin County. Results: The results showed that the organizations in Sibenik-Knin County lack the initiatives for the systematic approach and implementation of business excellence model, but poses the knowledge about the basic concepts of business excellence. Conclusions: The research had showed that the organizations believe that the ISO certification is sufficient for strengthening competitive advantage and organization success