390 research outputs found

    Age Decline in the Activity of the Ca2+-sensitive K+ Channel of Human Red Blood Cells

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    The Ca2+-sensitive K+ channel of human red blood cells (RBCs) (Gardos channel, hIK1, hSK4) was implicated in the progressive densification of RBCs during normal senescence and in the mechanism of sickle cell dehydration. Saturating RBC Ca2+ loads were shown before to induce rapid and homogeneous dehydration, suggesting that Gardos channel capacity was uniform among the RBCs, regardless of age. Using glycated hemoglobin as a reliable RBC age marker, we investigated the age–activity relation of Gardos channels by measuring the mean age of RBC subpopulations exceeding a set high density boundary during dehydration. When K+ permeabilization was induced with valinomycin, the oldest and densest cells, which started nearest to the set density boundary, crossed it first, reflecting conservation of the normal age–density distribution pattern during dehydration. However, when Ca2+ loads were used to induce maximal K+ fluxes via Gardos channels in all RBCs (Fmax), the youngest RBCs passed the boundary first, ahead of the older RBCs, indicating that Gardos channel Fmax was highest in those young RBCs, and that the previously observed appearance of uniform dehydration concealed a substantial degree of age scrambling during the dehydration process. Further analysis of the Gardos channel age–activity relation revealed a monotonic decline in Fmax with cell age, with a broad quasi-Gaussian Fmax distribution among the RBCs

    What are we fighting for? Ideological posturing and anarchist geographies

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    Recent debates in radical geography seem determined to be oppositional and in so doing simplify what is at stake. We need to celebrate and maintain the openness of geography to multiple perspectives while simultaneously developing more action-oriented, hopeful ways forward. Anarchist perspectives hold plenty of promise for radical geography, but only if we critically interrogate their principles and empirics

    Exploring Quaker organising to consider the possibilities for relational leadership

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    This paper develops the perspective of ‘relational leadership’ by exploring dynamics of influence within Quaker organising. The theory of relational leadership is drawn upon as it is connected with more sustainable and equitable ways of organising. A Quaker context is studied as it is conducive for understanding possibilities for relational leadership because there is no formal hierarchy. By applying three aspects of a relational leadership perspective (mutual influence process [1], momentary [2] and socially co-constructed [3]) to a thematic analysis of interview data, understanding is developed about the potential dynamics of influence and leadership in non-hierarchical organising. Two contributions to relational leadership theory are offered. Firstly, the paper shows a need for greater critical attention to appreciate the potential subtleties and tensions involved in influencing dynamics in non-hierarchical organising; and, secondly, assumptions about the continuous potential for fluidity of influencing are challenged

    Anarcho-Environmentalists: Ascetics of Late Modernity

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    This article explores experiences of environmental activism from the viewpoint of members of a radical environment group. It is based on data collected during eight months of participant observation and through semistructured interviews with ten core members and two ex-members. Working on personal feelings, attitudes, beliefs, and behaviors (self-work) was central to the strategy for social change employed by this group. Drawing on Weber's sociology of religion, this article explores the way the high expectation the activists had of themselves matched Weber's typification of the rationally active ascetic. It is argued that asceticism is an enduring element of Western culture that takes different forms in response to historical conditions. In this case, we see a form of secular asceticism that responds to the conditions of late modernity

    The Rachel Carson Letters and the Making of Silent Spring

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    Environment, conservation, green, and kindred movements look back to Rachel Carson’s 1962 book Silent Spring as a milestone. The impact of the book, including on government, industry, and civil society, was immediate and substantial, and has been extensively described; however, the provenance of the book has been less thoroughly examined. Using Carson’s personal correspondence, this paper reveals that the primary source for Carson’s book was the extensive evidence and contacts compiled by two biodynamic farmers, Marjorie Spock and Mary T. Richards, of Long Island, New York. Their evidence was compiled for a suite of legal actions (1957-1960) against the U.S. Government and that contested the aerial spraying of dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane (DDT). During Rudolf Steiner’s lifetime, Spock and Richards both studied at Steiner’s Goetheanum, the headquarters of Anthroposophy, located in Dornach, Switzerland. Spock and Richards were prominent U.S. anthroposophists, and established a biodynamic farm under the tutelage of the leading biodynamics exponent of the time, Dr. Ehrenfried Pfeiffer. When their property was under threat from a government program of DDT spraying, they brought their case, eventually lost it, in the process spent US$100,000, and compiled the evidence that they then shared with Carson, who used it, and their extensive contacts and the trial transcripts, as the primary input for Silent Spring. Carson attributed to Spock, Richards, and Pfeiffer, no credit whatsoever in her book. As a consequence, the organics movement has not received the recognition, that is its due, as the primary impulse for Silent Spring, and it is, itself, unaware of this provenance

    Methodological considerations for the special-risk researcher: a research note

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    Researchers seeking to investigate the dynamics and individuals constituting today’s myriad social movements must grapple with attendant challenges such as designing a methodological framework appropriate for investigating subjects and phenomena of interest, as well as gaining and maintaining access to groups of interest. Such challenges are magnified many times over when the groups under investigation pose potential special safety risks to themselves as well as researchers through engagement in dangerous or illegal activities, problematize previously conceived research criteria for suitable participants due to their amorphous and transient organizational dynamics or are otherwise difficult to access. In this research note, I recount my experiences in the field and the various methodological readjustments I was compelled to make as a result while conducting qualitative investigations of radical environmental activists for my PhD thesis. It is hoped that the experiences and insights gleaned from the research note will be deemed of value for future scholars engaging in 'special-risk' research

    Взаємний зв'язок властивостей і структури плівкових чутливих елементів сенсорів магнітного поля

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    Дисертацію присвячено комплексним експериментальним дослідженням особливостей структурно-фазового стану та магнітних і магніторезистивних властивостей багатошарових плівкових систем на основі Co і Cu, Co і Cr, Fe і Cr та Fe і Cu як можливих матеріалів чутливих елементів сенсорів різного призначення. У роботі встановлено взаємозв’язок між товщиною магнітних шарів і немагнітних прошарків, орієнтацією зразка у зовнішньому магнітному полі, температурою термообробки та магнітними, магніторезистивними і магнітооптичними властивостями багатошарових плівкових систем із можливим спін-залежним розсіюванням електронів. Визначені величини магнітоопору, коерцитивної сили, коефіцієнта прямокутності й чутливості плівкової системи до магнітного поля досліджуваних плівкових систем як приладових структур для формування первинних перетворювачів. Установлена кореляція між структурно-фазовим станом, магнітними та магнітооптичними властивостями тришарових плівкових систем з різним типом розчинності компонент як функціональних елементів датчиків. Запропонована схематична конструкція АМР-датчика магнітного поля для тришарових плівкових систем із спін-залежним розсіюванням електронів. У результаті проведених досліджень впливу геометрії вимірювання, температури термообробки та загальної концентрації феромагнітної компоненти в системі на магнітні й магніторезистивні властивості визначені можливі області застосування плівкових систем на основі Co і Cu або Cr та Fe і Cu або Cr.Диссертация посвящена комплексным экспериментальным исследованиям особенностей структурно-фазового состояния, магнитных магниторезистивных свойств многослойных пленочных систем на основе Co и Cu, Co и Cr, Fe и Cr и Fe и Cu в качестве возможных материалов чувствительных элементов сенсоров различного назначения. В работе установлена взаимосвязь между толщиной магнитных слоев и немагнитных прослоек, ориентацией образца во внешнем магнитном поле, температурой термообработки и магнитными, магниторезистивными и магнитооптическими свойствами многослойных пленочных систем с возможным спин-зависимым рассеянием электронов. При исследовании магнитных свойств пленочных систем на основе Fe, Co, Cu или Cr получено, что для пленочных систем на основе Fe и Cu в форме кривых гистерезиса наблюдается определенный перегиб, свидетельствующий о послойном перемагничивании слоев Fe, в то время как для систем на основе Fe и Cr петля гистерезиса имеет форму, подобную однослойным пленкам Fe, что говорит о преобладании ферромагнитной связи в системе. В пленочных структурах на основе Co и Cr или Cu магнитные свойства системы главным образом определяются состоянием слоев Со, поэтому форма кривых гистерезиса для обеих систем схожа с формой кривых для однослойных пленок Со, а небольшие значения коэрцитивной силы свидетельствуют о реализации ферромагнитной связи в системе. Все четыре системы характеризуются достаточно высоким значением коэффициента прямоугольности, которое при смене ориентации образца от 0 до 90° несколько уменьшается для систем Fe/Cu/Fe и Fe/Cr/Fe и, наоборот, растет в системах на основе Co и Cr. Определены величины магнитосопротивления, коэрцитивной силы, коэффициента прямоугольности и чувствительности пленочной системы к магнитному полю исследуемых пленочных систем как приборных структур для формирования первичных преобразователей. Установлена корреляция между структурно-фазовым состоянием, магнитными и магнитооптическими свойствами трехслойных пленочных систем с разным типом растворимости компонент в качестве функциональных элементов датчиков. Предложена схематическая конструкция АМР-датчика магнитного поля для трехслойных пленочных систем со спин-зависимым рассеянием электронов. В результате проведенных исследований влияния геометрии измерения, температуры термообработки и общей концентрации ферромагнитной компоненты в системе на магниторезистивные свойства определены возможные области применения пленочных систем на основе Co и Cu или Cr и Fe и Cu или Cr.The thesіs іs dedіcаted to the complex experіmentаl reseаrch between the structurаl-phаse stаte, magnetic and magnetoresistance propertіes of multіlаyer fіlm systems bаsed on the Co аnd Cu, Co аnd Cr, Fe аnd Cr, аnd Fe аnd Cu, аs the potential mаterіаls for sensіtіve elements of sensors for dіfferent purposes. Іn thіs thesis wаs found the correlаtіon between the thіckness of the mаgnetіc аnd nonmаgnetіc lаyers, the orіentаtіon of the sаmple іn аn externаl mаgnetіc fіeld, temperаture of heаt treаtment аnd mаgnetіc, mаgnetoresіstіve аnd mаgneto-optіcаl propertіes іn multіlаyer fіlm systems wіth possіble spіn-dependent scаtterіng of electrons. The vаlues of mаgnetoresіstаnce, coercіvіty, squаreness fаctor аnd sensіtіvіty of fіlm system to a mаgnetіc fіeld in the studіed fіlm systems аs devіce structures for the formаtіon of prіmаry converters were defined. The correlаtіon between the structurаl-phаse stаte, mаgnetіc аnd mаgneto-optіcаl propertіes of three-lаyer fіlm systems wіth dіfferent types of component solubіlіty аs functіonаl elements sensors was established. The schemаtіc sturucture of АMR sensor for three-lаyer fіlm systems wіth spіn-dependent scаtterіng of electrons was purposed. The possіble аreаs of аpplіcаtіons wаs іdentіfіed on the bаsіs of studіes of the effect of geometry meаsurement temperаture heаt treаtment аnd the totаl concentrаtіon of ferromаgnetіc components іn the system on the magnetic and mаgnetoresіstіve propertіes of fіlm-systems bаsed on Co аnd Cu, or Cr аnd Fe, аnd Cu or Cr

    Comparing nuclear power trajectories in Germany and the UK: from ‘regimes' to ‘democracies’ in sociotechnical transitions and Discontinuities

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    This paper focuses on arguably the single most striking contrast in contemporary major energy politics in Europe (and even the developed world as a whole): the starkly differing civil nuclear policies of Germany and the UK. Germany is seeking entirely to phase out nuclear power by 2022. Yet the UK advocates a ‘nuclear renaissance’, promoting the most ambitious new nuclear construction programme in Western Europe.Here,this paper poses a simple yet quite fundamental question: what are the particular divergent conditions most strongly implicated in the contrasting developments in these two countries. With nuclear playing such an iconic role in historical discussions over technological continuity and transformation, answering this may assist in wider understandings of sociotechnical incumbency and discontinuity in the burgeoning field of‘sustainability transitions’. To this end, an ‘abductive’ approach is taken: deploying nine potentially relevant criteria for understanding the different directions pursued in Germany and the UK. Together constituted by 30 parameters spanning literatures related to socio-technical regimes in general as well as nuclear technology in particular, the criteria are divided into those that are ‘internal’ and ‘external’ to the ‘focal regime configuration’ of nuclear power and associated ‘challenger technologies’ like renewables. It is ‘internal’ criteria that are emphasised in conventional sociotechnical regime theory, with ‘external’ criteria relatively less well explored. Asking under each criterion whether attempted discontinuation of nuclear power would be more likely in Germany or the UK, a clear picture emerges. ‘Internal’ criteria suggest attempted nuclear discontinuation should be more likely in the UK than in Germany– the reverse of what is occurring. ‘External’ criteria are more aligned with observed dynamics –especially those relating to military nuclear commitments and broader ‘qualities of democracy’. Despite many differences of framing concerning exactly what constitutes ‘democracy’, a rich political science literature on this point is unanimous in characterising Germany more positively than the UK. Although based only on a single case,a potentially important question is nonetheless raised as to whether sociotechnical regime theory might usefully give greater attention to the general importance of various aspects of democracy in constituting conditions for significant technological discontinuities and transformations. If so, the policy implications are significant. A number of important areas are identified for future research, including the roles of diverse understandings and specific aspects of democracy and the particular relevance of military nuclear commitments– whose under-discussion in civil nuclear policy literatures raises its own questions of democratic accountability

    Prefigurative politics between ethical practice and absent promise

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    'Prefigurative politics' has become a popular term for social movements' ethos of unity between means and ends, but its conceptual genealogy has escaped attention. This article disentangles two components: an ethical revolutionary practice, chiefly indebted to the anarchist tradition, which fights domination while directly constructing alternatives; and prefiguration as a recursive temporal framing, unknowingly drawn from Christianity, in which a future radiates backwards on its past. Tracing prefiguration from the Church Fathers to politicised re-surfacings in the Diggers and the New Left, I associate it with Koselleck's 'process of reassurance' in a pre-ordained historical path. Contrasted to recursive prefiguration are the generative temporal framings couching defences of means-ends unity in the anarchist tradition. These emphasised the path dependency of revolutionary social transformation and the ethical underpinnings of anti-authoritarian politics. Misplaced recursive terminology, I argue, today conveniently distracts from the generative framing of means-ends unity, as the promise of revolution is replaced by that of environmental and industrial collapse. Instead of prefiguration, I suggest conceiving of means-ends unity in terms of Bloch's 'concrete utopia', and associating it with 'anxious' and 'catastrophic' forms of hope
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