8,970 research outputs found

    Every longest circuit of a 3-connected, K3,3K_{3,3}-minor free graph has a chord

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    Carsten Thomassen conjectured that every longest circuit in a 3-connected graph has a chord. We prove the conjecture for graphs having no K3,3K_{3,3} minor, and consequently for planar graphs.Comment: accepted by Journal of Graph Theor

    Let Care Shine Through

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    Care is in the eyes of the receiver; it doesn\u27t exist unless those being cared for experience it. The authors describe culturally relevant critical teacher care, an approach that considers the effects of students\u27 cultural and socioeconomic conditions and that helps teachers find ways to show care to every learner—especially those from oppressed groups. Bondy and Hambacher describe three principles of this care for students (having political clarity, embodying critical hope, and sticking to asset-based thinking). They describe four helpful practices that they observed in a long-term study of two effective 5th grade teachers. These teachers embodied a culturally relevant approach to supporting students: expanding the meaning of achievement; overhauling deficit thinking; offering high expectations and support; and teaching with urgency

    Designing Redress: A Study About Grievances Against Public Bodies

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    How grievances against public bodies are resolved is important not only for the individuals concerned and the decision-makers complained about but also to the whole system of government. People need to have confidence that when things go wrong, they will be put right. There is a general public interest in that being done in accordance with constitutional principles and in ways that are effective and efficient. Over many years, a great variety of different ?mechanisms? for dealing with grievances have been created, ranging from internal complaints processes through to the work of external bodies (including ombudsmen, tribunals and courts). This project has focused on how mechanisms are designed. The study explores how different mechanisms can be thought of as relating to each other. It also looks at the various reasons why mechanisms have to be designed. Drawing on interviews with people involved in the design process and analysis of public information, a map of where the activity of designing redress has been created. Evaluating the ?administrative justice landscape?, two particular deficiencies emerge: there is no strong political or official leadership in relation to how mechanisms ought to be designed and the system is fragmented, with many different people, in various organisations all contributing to design activities. Might a toolkit of guiding principles for designing redress be one way of achieving a better design process and outcomes? A number of principles are proposed in this report, and the authors hope to engage stakeholders in a debate about how this might best be taken forward

    Ore- and Fan-type heavy subgraphs for Hamiltonicity of 2-connected graphs

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    Bedrossian characterized all pairs of forbidden subgraphs for a 2-connected graph to be Hamiltonian. Instead of forbidding some induced subgraphs, we relax the conditions for graphs to be Hamiltonian by restricting Ore- and Fan-type degree conditions on these induced subgraphs. Let GG be a graph on nn vertices and HH be an induced subgraph of GG. HH is called \emph{o}-heavy if there are two nonadjacent vertices in HH with degree sum at least nn, and is called ff-heavy if for every two vertices u,v∈V(H)u,v\in V(H), dH(u,v)=2d_{H}(u,v)=2 implies that max⁥{d(u),d(v)}≄n/2\max\{d(u),d(v)\}\geq n/2. We say that GG is HH-\emph{o}-heavy (HH-\emph{f}-heavy) if every induced subgraph of GG isomorphic to HH is \emph{o}-heavy (\emph{f}-heavy). In this paper we characterize all connected graphs RR and SS other than P3P_3 such that every 2-connected RR-\emph{f}-heavy and SS-\emph{f}-heavy (RR-\emph{o}-heavy and SS-\emph{f}-heavy, RR-\emph{f}-heavy and SS-free) graph is Hamiltonian. Our results extend several previous theorems on forbidden subgraph conditions and heavy subgraph conditions for Hamiltonicity of 2-connected graphs.Comment: 21 pages, 2 figure

    Unique Breast Cancer Features Within the Vietnamese Population

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    BACKGROUND: Breast cancer is known to be a heterogeneous disease across women, and even within individual tumors. However, relatively little is known about heterogeneity across cultures. There has been some evidence to suggest that Asian women are more likely to have HER2+ breast cancer than their Caucasian counterparts. PURPOSE: The aim of this study was to further investigate the unique pattern of breast cancer incidence and subtype in the Vietnamese population. METHODS: We retrospectively collected data on all Vietnamese women diagnosed with invasive breast cancer at the Lester & Sue Smith Breast Center in Houston, Texas over a four year period. We recorded the subtype of breast cancer, tumor grade, age at diagnosis, and menopausal status for each woman. We then compared these characteristics between our population of Vietnamese breast cancer patients, and an ethnically diverse group of American women from the 2010 SEER registry. RESULTS: We discovered that 15 of 33 Vietnamese patients diagnosed in our breast center had HER2 over-expressing breast cancer, resulting in a 45% rate of HER2 positivity. Compared with the 2010 Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End Results (SEER) registry data that encompasses 28% of all US breast cancer patients diagnosed that year, regardless of race, the Smith Clinic Vietnamese cohort had a statistically significant higher rate of HER2+ breast cancer, with an odds ratio of 4.7 (45% vs. 15%, p CONCLUSIONS: Vietnamese breast cancer patients, especially those older than 50 years old, tend to have higher rates of HER2+ breast cancer than the general population. This unique pattern of breast cancer merits further study, as it may reflect a genetic mutation or environmental exposure which is more common among Vietnamese women

    Gerechte Designs with Rectangular Regions

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    A \emph{gerechte framework} is a partition of an n×nn \times n array into nn regions of nn cells each. A \emph{realization} of a gerechte framework is a latin square of order nn with the property that when its cells are partitioned by the framework, each region contains exactly one copy of each symbol. A \emph{gerechte design} is a gerechte framework together with a realization. We investigate gerechte frameworks where each region is a rectangle. It seems plausible that all such frameworks have realizations, and we present some progress towards answering this question. In particular, we show that for all positive integers ss and tt, any gerechte framework where each region is either an s×ts \times t rectangle or a t×st\times s rectangle is realizable.Comment: 14 pages, 12 figure

    The epistemic approach to argument evaluation: Virtues, beliefs, commitments

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    This paper will have two parts. In the first, it will point out the agreement between lists of paradigm epistemic and argumentative virtues, and it will take that agreement as prima facie support for the epistemic approach to argument evaluation. Second, it will consider the disagreement over whether successful argument resolution requires change of belief or whether it only requires change of commitment. It turns out that the epistemic approach is neutral on that question

    Becoming warm demanders: Perspectives and practices of first-year teachers

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    In the literature on culturally responsive pedagogy warm demanders are teachers who embrace values and enact practices that are central to their students’ success. Few scholars have examined the experience of novice teachers who attempt to enact this stance. In this study of two first-year, female, European American teachers who attempted to be warm demanders for their predominantly African American elementary school students, the authors answer the question, “How do the teachers think about and enact warm demanding?” The teachers’ contrasting experiences have implications for administrators and teacher educators

    Tutte's 5-Flow Conjecture for Highly Cyclically Connected Cubic Graphs

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    In 1954, Tutte conjectured that every bridgeless graph has a nowhere-zero 5-flow. Let ω\omega be the minimum number of odd cycles in a 2-factor of a bridgeless cubic graph. Tutte's conjecture is equivalent to its restriction to cubic graphs with ω≄2\omega \geq 2. We show that if a cubic graph GG has no edge cut with fewer than 5/2ω−1 {5/2} \omega - 1 edges that separates two odd cycles of a minimum 2-factor of GG, then GG has a nowhere-zero 5-flow. This implies that if a cubic graph GG is cyclically nn-edge connected and n≄5/2ω−1n \geq {5/2} \omega - 1, then GG has a nowhere-zero 5-flow
