634 research outputs found
W/Z and diboson production at hadron colliders
A general review of the latest results about single and double vector boson
production in the multipurpose experiments at LHC (ATLAS and CMS) and at
Tevatron (CDF and D0) will be presented. The review will focus on boson
production, while a more detailed report about W and Z properties can be found
elsewhere. Only leptonic decays into electrons and muons will be considered.Comment: 7 pages, 6 figures, proceedings of XXXI PHYSICS IN COLLISION,
Vancouver, BC Canada, August 28 - September 1, 201
El trinomio realidad, leyenda y fantástico en “Pablito clavĂł un clavito: una evocaciĂłn del Petiso Orejudo” (2016), de Mariana EnrĂquez
This article proposes a critical reading of the interlocking of the fantastic genre and a famous Argentine urban legend, starring the serial killer Cayetano Santos Godino, within the short story’s plot “An invocation of Big-Eared Runt”, included in Things we lost in the fire (2016), by Mariana EnrĂquez. Specifically, this research analyses the supernatural elements that compose the plot, with the aim of showing that they have not only an aesthetic or entertainment purpose but also a socio-political intention. The paranormal, in fact, motivates the reader to look at the intimacy of a monstrous couple, because of the ghostly company of the infanticide and the precariousness in which the protagonist and his wife live their unhealthy relationship. So that, horror permeates not only the atmosphere and style of the story but also destroys family and emotional ties, clouds the mind of the main character, and suggests the tragic fate of his son.The research’s theoretical framework will include the purpose of fantastic genre, mainly through the classic studies of Sigmund Freud, H. P. Lovecraft, and Tzvetan Todorov, and more contemporary ones, such as those of Teodosio Fernández and David Roas. Likewise, the investigations of Pascuala Morote Magán and Javier GĂłmez Ferri will be used to define the urban legend’s characteristics. Consequently, the research will conclude that the fantastic and the legend are liminal genres, because they are anchored to reality but propose a dialogue with the extraordinary to show an unstable reality and the possibility of an alternative order, where nothing is what it seems and no one can trust, not even oneself.Este artĂculo propone una lectura crĂtica de la imbricaciĂłn del gĂ©nero de lo fantástico y una cĂ©lebre leyenda urbana argentina, protagonizada por el asesino en serie Cayetano Santos Godino, dentro del argumento del cuento “Pablito clavĂł un clavito: una evocaciĂłn del Petiso Orejudo”, incluido en Las cosas que perdimos en el fuego (2016), de Mariana EnrĂquez. En concreto, la presente investigaciĂłn busca analizar los elementos sobrenaturales que componen la trama, con el propĂłsito de mostrar que estos no guardan una mera finalidad estĂ©tica o de entretenimiento, sino que poseen una intenciĂłn sociopolĂtica. Lo paranormal, en efecto, motiva al lector a asomarse a la intimidad de una pareja que se presenta como monstruosa, tanto por la compañĂa fantasmal del infanticida como por la precariedad en la que el protagonista y su mujer viven su relaciĂłn enfermiza. De esta manera, el horror no solo impregna la atmĂłsfera y el estilo del cuento, sino que destroza los vĂnculos familiares y afectivos, nubla la mente del personaje principal y sugiere el trágico destino de su hijo.El marco teĂłrico del trabajo abordará en quĂ© consiste el gĂ©nero de lo fantástico, principalmente a travĂ©s de los estudios —ya clásicos— de Sigmund Freud, H. P. Lovecraft y Tzvetan Todorov, junto a otros más contemporáneos, como los de Teodosio Fernández y David Roas. Asimismo, se emplearán las investigaciones de Pascuala Morote Magán y Javier GĂłmez Ferri para definir las caracterĂsticas de la leyenda urbana. Por consiguiente, se establecerá que lo fantástico y la leyenda son gĂ©neros liminares, en tanto que se encuentran anclados a la realidad, pero proponen un diálogo con lo extraordinario, con el fin de mostrar la inestabilidad de lo real y la posibilidad de un orden alternativo, donde nada es lo que parece y nadie puede confiar, ni siquiera en uno mismo
Questo studio ha lo scopo di evidenziare l'efficacia della terapia cognitivo-comportamentale in pazienti parzialmente o totalmente resistenti al trattamento farmacologico affetti da disturbo di panico.
In base ai dati ottenuti e' possibile affermare come l'associazione delle due terapie abbia effetti significativi sia sulla sintomatologia sia sulla qualita' della vita dei pazienti in accordo con l'ipotesi iniziale
Higgs at LHC
An overview of recent theoretical results on the Higgs boson and its
discovery strategy at ATLAS and CMS will be presented, focusing on the main
Higgs analysis effective with low integrated luminosity (less than 30 fb^-1).Comment: 10 pages, 9 figures, talk given at: V Workshop Italiano sulla fisica
p-p ad LHC, Perugia, Italy, 30 Jan. - 2 Feb. 200
Offline Calibration Procedure of the Drift Tube Detectors
A detailed description of the calibration of the DT local reconstruction algorithm is reported. After inter-channel synchronization has been verified through the appropriate hardware procedure, the time pedestal can be extracted directly from the distribution of the digi-times. Further corrections for time-of-flight and time of signal propagation are applied as soon as the three-dimensional hit position within the chamber is known. The different effects of the time pedestal miscalibration on the two main hit reconstruction algorithms are shown. The drift velocity calibration algorithm is based on the meantimer technique and different meantimer relations for different track angles and patterns of hit cells are used. This algorithm can also be used to determine the uncertainty of the reconstructed hit position
Local Muon Reconstruction in the Drift Tube Detectors
This note describes the local reconstruction in the Drift Tube subdetector of the CMS muon subsystem. The local reconstruction is the sequence of steps leading from the TDC measurements to reconstructed three-dimensional segments inside each DT chamber. These segments are the input to the muon track reconstruction. This note updates and supersedes CMS NOTE 2002/04
Longitudinal kinematic imbalances in (anti-)neutrino interactions for improved measurements of nuclear removal energies and the axial vector form factor
Current and future accelerator neutrino oscillation experiments require an
improved understanding of nuclear effects in neutrino-nucleus interactions. One
important systematic uncertainty is given by potential mismodeling of the
removal energy, which biases the reconstruction of the neutrino energy. In this
manuscript, we introduce a novel observable for accelerator neutrino
oscillation experiments, the visible longitudinal momentum imbalance,
reconstructed in charged current quasi-elastic interactions from the outgoing
charged lepton and nucleon. Minimally dependent on the neutrino energy and
directly sensitive to the removal energy distribution, we demonstrate a method
to constrain the latter. Further, we show how the use of the longitudinal
imbalance in anti-neutrino interactions in a target containing hydrogen allows
for an improved, high-purity selection of the interactions on hydrogen. This
approach offers the potential for precise measurements of the nuclear axial
vector form factor as well as of the anti-neutrino flux.Comment: 9 pages, 9 figure
Measurement of Drift Velocity in the CMS Barrel Muon Chambers at the CMS Magnet Test Cosmic Challenge
This note reports the results of the analysis performed on the data collected by the CMS Barrel Muon system during the Magnet Test-Cosmic Challenge, aimed to study the Drift Tube chambers behavior at the nominal value of the CMS magnetic field. In particular, the analysis is devoted to the study of the drift velocity in the various equipped regions of the apparatus. It is shown that the drift velocity is significantly affected by the presence of a residual magnetic field in the chamber volume only in the innermost stations, MB1, of Wheel+2; where the maximal variation inside the chamber is of 4 percent, which does not prevent a good functionality of the DT trigger even in this most critical region
Expected accuracy of proximal and distal temperature estimated by wireless sensors, in relation to their number and position on the skin
A popular method to estimate proximal/distal temperature (TPROX and TDIST) consists in calculating a weighted average of nine wireless sensors placed on pre-defined skin locations. Specifically, TPROX is derived from five sensors placed on the infra-clavicular and mid-thigh area (left and right) and abdomen, and TDIST from four sensors located on the hands and feet. In clinical practice, the loss/removal of one or more sensors is a common occurrence, but limited information is available on how this affects the accuracy of temperature estimates. The aim of this study was to determine the accuracy of temperature estimates in relation to number/position of sensors removed. Thirteen healthy subjects wore all nine sensors for 24 hours and reference TPROX and TDIST time-courses were calculated using all sensors. Then, all possible combinations of reduced subsets of sensors were simulated and suitable weights for each sensor calculated. The accuracy of TPROX and TDIST estimates resulting from the reduced subsets of sensors, compared to reference values, was assessed by the mean squared error, the mean absolute error (MAE), the cross-validation error and the 25th and 75th percentiles of the reconstruction error. Tables of the accuracy and sensor weights for all possible combinations of sensors are provided. For instance, in relation to TPROX, a subset of three sensors placed in any combination of three non-homologous areas (abdominal, right or left infra-clavicular, right or left mid-thigh) produced an error of 0.13°C MAE, while the loss/removal of the abdominal sensor resulted in an error of 0.25°C MAE, with the greater impact on the quality of the reconstruction. This information may help researchers/clinicians: i) evaluate the expected goodness of their TPROX and TDIST estimates based on the number of available sensors; ii) select the most appropriate subset of sensors, depending on goals and operational constraints
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