404 research outputs found

    Ets-1, a functional cofactor of T-bet, is essential for Th1 inflammatory responses

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    To mount an effective type 1 immune response, type 1 T helper (Th1) cells must produce inflammatory cytokines and simultaneously suppress the expression of antiinflammatory cytokines. How these two processes are coordinately regulated at the molecular level is still unclear. In this paper, we show that the proto-oncogene E26 transformation–specific-1 (Ets-1) is necessary for T-bet to promote interferon-γ production and that Ets-1 is essential for mounting effective Th1 inflammatory responses in vivo. In addition, Ets-1–deficient Th1 cells also produce a very high level of interleukin 10. Thus, Ets-1 plays a crucial and unique role in the reciprocal regulation of inflammatory and antiinflammatory Th responses

    Proposal for the Development and Addition of a Cybersecurity Assessment Section into Technology Involving Global Public Health

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    This paper discusses and proposes the inclusion of a cyber or security risk assessment section during the course of public health initiatives involving the use of information and communication computer technology. Over the last decade, many public health research efforts have included information technologies such as Mobile Health (mHealth), Electronic Health (eHealth), Telehealth, and Digital Health to assist with unmet global development health needs. This paper provides a background on the lack of documentation on cybersecurity risks or vulnerability assessments in global public health areas. This study suggests existing frameworks and policies be adopted for public health. We also propose to incorporate a simple assessment toolbox and a research paper section intended to help minimize cybersecurity and information security risks for public, non-profit, and healthcare organizations

    Analysis of Laser ARPES from Bi2_2Sr2_2CaCu2_2O8+δ_{8+\delta} in superconductive state: angle resolved self-energy and fluctuation spectrum

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    We analyze the ultra high resolution laser angle resolved photo-emission spectroscopy (ARPES) intensity from the slightly underdoped Bi2_2Sr2_2CaCu2_2O8+δ_{8+\delta} in the superconductive (SC) state. The momentum distribution curves (MDC) were fitted at each energy \w employing the SC Green's function along several cuts perpendicular to the Fermi surface with the tilt angle θ\theta with respect to the nodal cut. The clear observation of particle-hole mixing was utilized such that the complex self-energy as a function of ω\omega is directly obtained from the fitting. The obtained angle resolved self-energy is then used to deduce the Eliashberg function \alpha^2 F^{(+)}(\th,\w) in the diagonal channel by inverting the d-wave Eliashberg equation using the maximum entropy method. Besides a broad featureless spectrum up to the cutoff energy ωc\omega_c, the deduced α2F\alpha^2 F exhibits two peaks around 0.05 eV and 0.015 eV. The former and the broad feature are already present in the normal state, while the latter emerges only below TcT_c. Both peaks become enhanced as TT is lowered or the angle th\th moves away from the nodal direction. The implication of these findings are discussed.Comment: 7 pages, 5 figures, summited to PR

    AAD-2004, a potent spin trapping molecule and microsomal prostaglandin E synthase-1 inhibitor, shows safety and efficacy in a mouse model of ALS

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    While free radicals and inflammation constitute major routes of neuronal injury occurring in neurodegenerative diseases, neither antioxidants nor nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) have shown significant efficacy in human clinical trials. To explore the possibility that concurrent blockade of free radicals and PGE2-mediated inflammation might constitute a safe and effective therapeutic approach to certain neurodegenerative diseases, we have developed 2-hydroxy-5-[2-(4-trifluoromethylphenyl)-ethylaminobezoic acid (AAD-2004) as a derivative of aspirin. AAD-2004 completely removed free radicals at 50 nM as a potent spin trapping molecule and inhibited microsomal prostaglandin E synthase-1 (mPGES-1) with an IC50 of 230 nM. Oral administration of AAD-2004 blocked free radical formation, PGE2 formation, and microglial activation in the spinal motor neurons of SOD1G93A mice. As a consequence, AAD-2004 reduced autophagosome formation, axonopathy, and motor neuron degeneration, improving motor function and increasing life span. In these assays, AAD-2004 was superior to ibuprofen or riluzole. Gastric bleeding was not induced by AAD-2004 even at a dose 400-fold higher than that required to obtain maximal therapeutic efficacy in SOD1G93A mice. Targeting both mPGES-1 and free radicals may be a promising approach to reduce neurodegeneration in ALS and possibly other neurodegenerative diseases

    Tetra­kis(nitrato-κ2 O,O′)[N,N′-1,4-phenyl­enebis(pyridine-4-carboxamide)-κN 1](4-{[4-(pyridine-4-carboxamido-κN 1)phen­yl]carbamo­yl}pyridin-1-ium)neodymium(III)

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    In the title compound, [Nd(NO3)4(C18H15N4O2)(C18H14N4O2)], the NdIII centre is located on a twofold axis and exhibits a ten-coordinated distorted bicapped square-anti­prismatic geometry. The pyridinium NH H atom is disordered over the two ligands. Adjacent mononuclear clusters are linked through N—H⋯O and N—H⋯N hydrogen-bonding inter­actions, generating layers in the (102) plane

    Identification of a novel human Rad51 variant that promotes DNA strand exchange

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    Rad51 plays a key role in the repair of DNA double-strand breaks through homologous recombination, which is the central process in the maintenance of genomic integrity. Five paralogs of the human Rad51 gene (hRad51) have been identified to date, including hRad51B, hRad51C, hRad51D, Xrcc2 and Xrcc3. In searches of additional hRad51 paralogs, we identified a novel hRad51 variant that lacked the sequence corresponding to exon 9 (hRad51-Δex9). The expected amino acid sequence of hRad51-Δex9 showed a frame-shift at codon 259, which resulted in a truncated C-terminus. RT-PCR analysis revealed that both hRad51 and hRad51-Δex9 were prominently expressed in the testis, but that there were subtle differences in tissue specificity. The hRad51-Δex9 protein was detected as a 31-kDa protein in the testis and localized at the nucleus. In addition, the hRad51-Δex9 protein showed a DNA-strand exchange activity comparable to that of hRad51. Taken together, these results indicate that hRad51-Δex9 promotes homologous pairing and DNA strand exchange in the nucleus, suggesting that alternative pathways in hRad51- or hRad51-Δex9-dependent manners exist for DNA recombination and repair

    Tracing the evolutionary stage of Bok globules: CCS and NH3

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    We pursue the investigation of a previously proposed correlation between chemical properties and physical evolutionary stage of isolated low-mass star-forming regions. In the past, the NH3/CCS abundance ratio was suggested to be a potentially useful indicator for the evolutionary stage of cloud cores. We aim to study its applicability for isolated Bok globules. A sample of 42 Bok globules with and without signs of current star formation was searched for CCS(2-1) emission, the observations were complemented with NH3 measurements available in the literature and own observations. The abundance ratio of both molecules is discussed with respect to the evolutionary stage of the objects and in the context of chemical models. The NH3/CCS ratio could be assessed for 18 Bok globules and is found to be moderately high and roughly similar across all evolutionary stages from starless and prestellar cores towards internally heated cores harbouring protostars of Class 0, Class I or later. Bok globules with extremely high CCS abundance analogous to carbon-chain producing regions in dark cloud cores are not found. The observed range of NH3/CCS hints towards a relatively evolved chemical state of all observed Bok globules.Comment: 12 pages, 6 figures, accepted for publication in Astronomy & Astrophysic