810 research outputs found
Human Factors of Flight-deck Automation: NASA/Industry Workshop
The scope of automation, the benefits of automation, and automation-induced problems were discussed at a workshop held to determine whether those functions previously performed manually on the flight deck of commercial aircraft should always be automated in view of various human factors. Issues which require research for resolution were identified. The research questions developed are presented
PAMELA and FERMI-LAT limits on the neutralino-chargino mass degeneracy
Searches for Dark Matter (DM) particles with indirect detection techniques
have reached important milestones with the precise measurements of the
anti-proton and gamma-ray spectra, notably by the PAMELA and FERMI-LAT
experiments. While the gamma-ray results have been used to test the thermal
Dark Matter hypothesis and constrain the Dark Matter annihilation cross section
into Standard Model (SM) particles, the anti-proton flux measured by the PAMELA
experiment remains relatively unexploited. Here we show that the latter can be
used to set a constraint on the neutralino-chargino mass difference. To
illustrate our point we use a Supersymmetric model in which the gauginos are
light, the sfermions are heavy and the Lightest Supersymmetric Particle (LSP)
is the neutralino. In this framework the W^+ W^- production is expected to be
significant, thus leading to large anti-proton and gamma-ray fluxes. After
determining a generic limit on the Dark Matter pair annihilation cross section
into W^+ W^- from the anti-proton data only, we show that one can constrain
scenarios in which the neutralino-chargino mass difference is as large as ~ 20
GeV for a mixed neutralino (and intermediate choices of the anti-proton
propagation scheme). This result is consistent with the limit obtained by using
the FERMI-LAT data. As a result, we can safely rule out the pure wino
neutralino hypothesis if it is lighter than 450 GeV and constitutes all the
Dark Matter.Comment: 22page
Fluctuating brane in a dilatonic bulk
We consider a cosmological brane moving in a static five-dimensional bulk
spacetime endowed with a scalar field whose potential is exponential. After
studying various cosmological behaviours for the homogeneous background, we
investigate the fluctuations of the brane that leave spacetime unaffected. A
single mode embodies these fluctuations and obeys a wave equation which we
study for bouncing and ever-expanding branes.Comment: 17 pages, 7 figures, revte
A geoneutrino experiment at Homestake
A significant fraction of the 44TW of heat dissipation from the Earth's
interior is believed to originate from the decays of terrestrial uranium and
thorium. The only estimates of this radiogenic heat, which is the driving force
for mantle convection, come from Earth models based on meteorites, and have
large systematic errors. The detection of electron antineutrinos produced by
these uranium and thorium decays would allow a more direct measure of the total
uranium and thorium content, and hence radiogenic heat production in the Earth.
We discuss the prospect of building an electron antineutrino detector
approximately 700m^3 in size in the Homestake mine at the 4850' level. This
would allow us to make a measurement of the total uranium and thorium content
with a statistical error less than the systematic error from our current
knowledge of neutrino oscillation parameters. It would also allow us to test
the hypothesis of a naturally occurring nuclear reactor at the center of the
Earth.Comment: proceedings for Neutrino Sciences 2005, submitted to Earth, Moon, and
Quintessential brane cosmology
We study a class of braneworlds where the cosmological evolution arises as
the result of the movement of a three-brane in a five-dimensional static
dilatonic bulk, with and without reflection symmetry. The resulting
four-dimensional Friedmann equation includes a term which, for a certain range
of the parameters, effectively works as a quintessence component, producing an
acceleration of the universe at late times. Using current observations and
bounds derived from big-bang nucleosynthesis we estimate the parameters that
characterize the model.Comment: 29 pages. LaTeX. 5 postscript figures included. v2 typos corrected
and references added. Final version to appear in Phys.Rev.
Baryogenesis and Degenerate Neutrinos
We bring the theoretical issue of whether two important cosmological demands,
baryon asymmetry and degenerate neutrinos as hot dark matter, can be compatible
in the context of the seesaw mechanism. To realize leptogenesis with almost
degenerate Majorana neutrinos without severe fine-tuning of parameters, we
propose the hybrid seesaw mechanism with a heavy Higgs triplet and right-handed
neutrinos. Constructing a minimal hybrid seesaw model with SO(3) flavor
symmetry for the neutrino sector, we show that the mass splittings for the
atmospheric and solar neutrino oscillations which are consistent with the
requirements for leptogenesis can naturally arise.Comment: 13 pages with one figure using axodraw.st
An Empirical Study of the Object-Oriented Paradigm and Software Reuse
Little or no empirical validation exists for many of software engineering's basic assumptions. While some of these assumptions are intuitive, the need for scientific experimentation remains clear. Several assumptions are made about the factors affecting software reuse, and in particular, the role of the object-oriented paradigm. This paper describes the preliminary results of a controlled experiment designed to evaluate the impact of the object-oriented paradigm on software reuse. The experiment concludes that (1) the object-oriented paradigm substantially improves productivity, although a significant part of this improvement is due to the effect of reuse, (2) reuse without regard to language paradigm improves productivity, (3) language differences are far more important when programmers reuse than when they do not, and (4) the object-oriented paradigm has a particular affinity to the reuse process
Reactor-based Neutrino Oscillation Experiments
The status of neutrino oscillation searches employing nuclear reactors as
sources is reviewed. This technique, a direct continuation of the experiments
that proved the existence of neutrinos, is today an essential tool in
investigating the indications of oscillations found in studying neutrinos
produced in the sun and in the earth's atmosphere. The low-energy of the
reactor \nuebar makes them an ideal tool to explore oscillations with small
mass differences and relatively large mixing angles.
In the last several years the determination of the reactor anti-neutrino flux
and spectrum has reached a high degree of accuracy. Hence measurements of these
quantities at a given distance L can be readily compared with the expectation
at L = 0, thus testing \nuebar disappearance.
While two experiments, Chooz and Palo Verde, with baselines of about 1 km and
thus sensitive to the neutrino mass differences associated with the atmospheric
neutrino anomaly, have collected data and published results recently, an
ambitious project with a baseline of more than 100 km, Kamland, is preparing to
take data. This ultimate reactor experiment will have a sensitivity sufficient
to explore part of the oscillation phase space relevant to solar neutrino
scenarios. It is the only envisioned experiment with a terrestrial source of
neutrinos capable of addressing the solar neutrino puzzle.Comment: Submitted to Reviews of Modern Physics 34 pages, 39 figure
A Quintessentially Geometric Model
We consider string inspired cosmology on a solitary -brane moving in the
background of a ring of branes located on a circle of radius . The motion of
the -brane transverse to the plane of the ring gives rise to a radion field
which can be mapped to a massive non-BPS Born-Infeld type field with a cosh
potential. For certain bounds of the brane tension we find an inflationary
phase is possible, with the string scale relatively close to the Planck scale.
The relevant perturbations and spectral indices are all well within the
expected observational bounds. The evolution of the universe eventually comes
to be dominated by dark energy, which we show is a late time attractor of the
model. However we also find that the equation of state is time dependent, and
will lead to late time Quintessence.Comment: 11 pages, 3 figures. References and comments adde
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