234 research outputs found

    Focal Spot, Winter 1983/84

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    Qualidade da interação professor-aluno no 1.º ciclo do ensino básico: do diálogo experiencial à educação emocional.

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    Na interação professor-aluno, a qualidade do diálogo estabelecido pode potenciar a escuta, a partilha, o reconhecimento e a compreensão de emoções, dimensões conducentes a uma melhoria do processo de ensino-aprendizagem em contexto de sala de aula e consequentemente ao desenvolvimento de um trabalho ao nível da educação emocional das crianças. A interação professor-aluno que crie as condições necessárias para uma educação emocional com sucesso é o foco do nosso projeto. O diálogo experiencial/sensibilidade é a dimensão em estudo e compreende os indicativos de autenticidade, aceitação e empatia. Com o presente estudo, financiado pela Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia (FCT) e apoiado pelo Centro de Investigação Didática e Tecnologia na Formação de professores pretende-se trazer uma contribuição para a promoção do bem-estar emocional de crianças e professores em sala de aula. Assim esta investigação, sendo um estudo exploratório e descritivo, insere-se numa metodologia qualitativa e no paradigma fenomenológico-interpretativo. Este estudo pretende conhecer a perceção de uma amostra de professores portugueses sobre as interações professor-aluno que possibilitam uma educação emocional com sucesso, e compreender e analisar as estratégias de promoção da educação emocional em contexto escolar. O estudo decorre em duas fases. Na fase I, a foram aplicados inquéritos por questionário a 91 professores de 5 agrupamentos de escolas do 1.º ciclo do ensino básico da zona centro do país. Na fase II, e com base nos resultados da fase I do estudo, será retirada uma amostra mais pequena de 8 docentes para realização de entrevistas focus group e narrativas de situação. A análise preliminar dos dados demonstra uma prevalência de docentes interessados em desenvolver atividades de educação emocional em sala de aula mas uma percentagem reduzida a fazê-lo. Pretende-se com este trabalho contribuir para a promoção do bem-estar emocional de crianças e professores em sala de aula.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Query Processing in Mobile Peer-to-peer Networks

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    Mobile local search is a procedure in which a mobile user searches for local resources, i.e., resources that are in geographic proximity to the user (e.g., a person with certain expertise in a convention hall, a ride-share opportunity, a taxi-cab, a parking slot, etc.). A promising approach to mobile local search is mobile peer-to-peer databases (MP2PD). In the MP2PD approach, a database is stored in the peers (PDA's, cell phones, vehicles, sensors, etc.) that communicate with each other via short-range wireless technologies such as IEEE 802.11, Bluetooth, Zigbee, or Ultra Wide Band (UWB). All the local databases maintained by the mobile peers form a mobile P2P database. The characteristics of MP2PD include (i) dynamic network topology, (ii) memory/energy/bandwidth limitations, and (iii) lack of global coordination. The objective of the dissertation is to study query processing in such an environment. The traditional in-network query processing paradigm postulates that a query is routed among peers and collects the answers from the peers. It works for static and connected networks. However, when the network consists of mobile peers and is sparse, a different approach is necessary. We propose a query processing method that uses cooperative caching. It makes the data items satisfying a query flow to its originator. To cope with communication bandwidth and storage constraints, the method prioritizes the data-items in terms of their value, as reflected by supply and demand. The dissertation develops the formula by which a mobile peer dynamically adjusts the number of reports included in a transmission, develops a report prioritization method called MARKET, analyzes the way a report is propagated in geospace and time, the benefit of information dissemination in capturing competitive resources (i.e. resources that can be used by only one user at a time) and provisioning real-time traffic information, how well the average local database reflects the status of physical resources, how our approach compares with the central server model and with existing work on publish/subscribe in wireless ad-hoc networks, how to incentivize mobile devices to relay reports, the application to continuous kNN queries and to transportation mode detection

    Manganese-Catalyzed <i>ortho</i>-C‑H Amidation of Weakly Coordinating Aromatic Ketones

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    An efficient manganese-catalyzed <i>ortho</i>-C-H amidation of weakly coordinating aromatic ketones using the readily available sulfonyl azide as the amination reagent is developed. The key step is the ketone directed aromatic metalation using the in situ generated reactive Mn intermediate, MnMe­(CO)<sub>5</sub>. This method offers excellent chemical yields, high regioselectivities, and good functional group tolerance

    Rapid Chemical Reaction Workup Based on a Rigid Solvent Extraction

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    The conventional chemical reaction workup based on liquid–liquid extraction is a time- and labor-consuming practice. We have developed a substantially faster technique for the routine workup that relies on a porous organic polymer (Porelite) supported solvent phase to extract organic products from an aqueous reaction mixture. We call this process rigid solvent extraction. Using this technique, the tedious liquid–liquid extraction can be replaced by a simple filtration, making parallel operation and automation feasible

    The TranQuyl Language for Data Management in Intelligent Transportation

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    Intelligent Transportation Systems envision a networked environment consisting of vehicles, the infrastructure, and hand-held devices (e.g., smart-phones). The environment will enable numerous safety, mobility, and environmental improvement applications. For example, drivers can be warned of dangers in their local environment or when risking to leave their lane. Furthermore, their visibility range can be expanded by providing highly up-to-date information from areas that are currently invisible. For another example, the road weather—up-to-the-minute visibility, precipitation, and pavement condition information—can be provided at high spatial resolution. Intelligent Transportation efforts are currently being undertaken throughout the world. In addition to the IntelliDrive initiative of the U.S. Department of Transportation, similar efforts exist in Europe, Japan, and China. But these efforts are largely decoupled from, and often incognizant of, the advances in spatio-temporal information management. This paper outlines a spatio-temporal data management language, Transportation Query Language (TranQuyl), which will facilitate the specification of a wide variety of queries of interest to travelers, to transportation agencies, and to industry. Queries in TranQuyl may be processed in either client server mode, or mobile peer-to-peer (P2P) mode, or both. TranQuyl will provide support for the specification of uncertainty either quantitatively or qualitatively as fuzzy queries, for example: “retrieve safety/emergency information around me.” In response, query processing should avoid overloading the traveler with information, and instead present only the most relevant answers to the query

    Cationic Gold Catalyst Poisoning and Reactivation

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    High gold affinity impurities (halides, bases) in solvents, starting materials, filtration, or drying agents could affect the reactivity of gold catalyst adversely, which may significantly reduce the TON of cationic gold-catalyzed reactions. Use of a suitable acid activator (e.g., HOTf, In­(OTf)<sub>3</sub>) reactivates the gold catalyst and makes the reaction proceed smoothly at low gold catalyst loading

    Ligand Effects and Ligand Design in Homogeneous Gold(I) Catalysis

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    Gold catalysis is considered one of the most important breakthroughs in organic synthesis during the past decade, but a rational understanding of ligand effects in gold catalysis is lacking. Most gold-catalyzed reactions go through three major stages: (i) electronic activation of alkyne (or allene) to generate a vinyl gold intermediate; (ii) protodeauration to generate the product and regenerate the cationic gold catalyst; (iii) decay of the active gold catalyst. Our research provides a clearer understanding of how ligands influence each of the three stages in the gold catalytic cycle. What is even more important, by not focusing on a particular gold-catalyzed reaction, we have been able to categorize most gold-catalyzed reactions and propose a ligand design protocol for each category of gold-catalyzed reactions

    Faster and Greener Chemical Reaction Workup Using Silicone Elastomer-Coated Glass Powders

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    We have developed a substantially faster and greener technique for routine chemical reaction workups. We use silicone elastomer-coated glass powder (“FastWoRX”) as an absorbent to extract organic products from a quenched aqueous reaction mixture. After filtration, FastWoRX powder loaded with organic products can serve as a convenient input for flash chromatographic separations. With this technique, tedious and solvent-consuming liquid–liquid extractions are replaced by a simple filtration. Use of FastWoRX reduces solvent use and the <i>E</i>-factor by up to an order of magnitude compared to traditional liquid–liquid extraction-based workup

    The evolution of cooperation in Facebook dataset 1 with denoting only two pairs of best friends (four cooperators) as cooperators initially.

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    <p>The size of each node is related to its degree. Red nodes represent cooperators and black nodes represent defectors. We set , and . The game is repeated for 10000 times. The fraction of cooperators becomes 1 after 2000 time steps.</p