421 research outputs found
Gravitational waves and dynamics of compact binary systems
Part A of this article is devoted to the general investigation of the
gravitational-wave emission by post-Newtonian sources. We show how the
radiation field far from the source, as well as its near-zone inner
gravitational field, can (in principle) be calculated in terms of the matter
stress-energy tensor up to any order in the post-Newtonian expansion. Part B
presents some recent applications to the problems of the dynamics and
gravitational-wave flux of compact binary systems. The precision reached in
these developments corresponds to the third post-Newtonian approximation.Comment: Plenary lecture given at the 16th International Conference on General
Relativity and Gravitation. To appear in the proceedings, edited by N.T.
Bishop and S.D. Maharaj, World Scientifi
On the accuracy of the post-Newtonian approximation
We apply standard post-Newtonian methods in general relativity to locate the
innermost circular orbit (ICO) of irrotational and corotational binary
black-hole systems. We find that the post-Newtonian series converges well when
the two masses are comparable. We argue that the result for the ICO which is
predicted by the third post-Newtonian (3PN) approximation is likely to be very
close to the ``exact'' solution, within 1% of fractional accuracy or better.
The 3PN result is also in remarkable agreement with a numerical calculation of
the ICO in the case of two corotating black holes moving on exactly circular
orbits. The behaviour of the post-Newtonian series suggests that the
gravitational dynamics of two bodies of comparable masses does not resemble
that of a test particle on a Schwarzschild background. This leads us to
question the validity of some post-Newtonian resummation techniques that are
based on the idea that the field generated by two black holes is a deformation
of the Schwarzschild space-time.Comment: 20 pages, in "2001: a relativistic spacetime odyssey", Proc. of the
25th Johns Hopkins Workshop, I. Ciufolini, D. Dominici and L. Lusanna (eds.),
World Scientific, p. 411 (2001
Dipolar Particles in General Relativity
The dynamics of "dipolar particles", i.e. particles endowed with a
four-vector mass dipole moment, is investigated using an action principle in
general relativity. The action is a specific functional of the particle's world
line, and of the dipole moment vector, considered as a dynamical variable. The
first part of the action is inspired by that of a particle with spin moving on
an arbitrary gravitational background. The second part is intended to describe,
at some effective level, the internal non-gravitational force linking together
the "microscopic" constituents of the dipole. We find that some solutions of
the equations of motion and evolution of the dipolar particles correspond to an
equilibrium state for the dipole moment in a gravitational field. Under some
hypothesis we show that a fluid of dipolar particles, supposed to constitute
the dark matter, reproduces the modified Newtonian dynamics (MOND) in the non
relativistic limit. We recover the main characteristics of a recently proposed
quasi-Newtonian model of "gravitational polarization".Comment: 33 pages, 6 figures, to appear in Classical and Quantum Gravit
Gravitational Radiation from Two-Body Systems
Thanks to the new generation of gravitational wave detectors LIGO and VIRGO,
the theory of general relativity will face new and important confrontations to
observational data with unprecedented precision. Indeed the detection and
analysis of the gravitational waves from compact binary star systems requires
beforehand a very precise solution of the two-body problem within general
relativity. The approximation currently used to solve this problem is the
post-Newtonian one, and must be pushed to high order in order to describe with
sufficient accuracy (given the sensitivity of the detectors) the inspiral phase
of compact bodies, which immediately precedes their final merger. The resulting
post-Newtonian ``templates'' are currently known to 3.5PN order, and are used
for searching and deciphering the gravitational wave signals in VIRGO and LIGO.Comment: 19 pages, to appear in the Proceedings of the Spanish Relativity
Meeting ``A Century of Relativity Physics'' (ERE05), Edited by Lysiane Mornas
and Joaquin Diaz-Alons
General Relativistic Dynamics of Compact Binary Systems
The equations of motion of compact binary systems have been derived in the
post-Newtonian (PN) approximation of general relativity. The current level of
accuracy is 3.5PN order. The conservative part of the equations of motion
(neglecting the radiation reaction damping terms) is deducible from a
generalized Lagrangian in harmonic coordinates, or equivalently from an
ordinary Hamiltonian in ADM coordinates. As an application we investigate the
problem of the dynamical stability of circular binary orbits against
gravitational perturbations up to the 3PN order. We find that there is no
innermost stable circular orbit or ISCO at the 3PN order for equal masses.Comment: 13 pages, to appear in the special issue of the Comptes rendus de
l'Academie des Sciences de Paris on "Observations of black holes and extreme
gravitational events", edited by Daniel Roua
Post-Newtonian Expansion of Gravitational Radiation
The post-Newtonian expansion appears to be a relevant tool for predicting the
gravitational waveforms generated by some astrophysical systems such as
binaries. In particular, inspiralling compact binaries are well-modelled by a
system of two point-particles moving on a quasi-circular orbit whose decay by
emission of gravitational radiation is described by a post-Newtonian expansion.
In this paper we summarize the basics of the computation by means of a series
of multipole moments of the exterior field generated by an isolated source in
the post-Newtonian approximation. This computation relies on an ansatz of
matching the exterior multipolar field to the inner field of a slowly-moving
source. The formalism can be applied to point-particles at the price of a
further ansatz, that the infinite self-field of point-particles can be
regularized in a certain way. As it turns out, the concept of point-particle
requires a precise definition in high post-Newtonian approximations of general
relativity.Comment: In Black Holes and Gravitational Waves, Proceedings of the 9th Yukawa
International Seminar, T. Nakamura and H. Kodama (eds.), Prog. Theor. Phys.
Suppl. No. 136, 146 (1999
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