3,526 research outputs found

    Testing the Martingale Difference Hypothesis Using Neural Network Approximations

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    The martingale difference restriction is an outcome of many theoretical analyses in economics and finance. A large body of econometric literature deals with tests of that restriction. We provide new tests based on radial basis function neural networks. Our work is based on the test design of Blake and Kapetanios (2000, 2003a,b). However, unlike that work we can provide a formal theoretical justification for the validity of these tests using approximation results from Kapetanios and Blake (2007). These results take advantage of the link between the algorithms of Blake and Kapetanios (2000, 2003a,b) and boosting. We carry out a Monte Carlo study of the properties of the new tests and find that they have superior power performance to all existing tests of the martingale difference hypothesis we consider. An empirical application to the S&P500 constituents illustrates the usefulness of our new test.Martingale difference hypothesis, Neural networks, Boosting

    Testing for Neglected Nonlinearity in Cointegrating Relationships

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    This paper proposes pure significance tests for the absence of nonlinearity in cointegrating relationships. No assumption of the functional form of the nonlinearity is made. It is envisaged that the application of such tests could form the first step towards specifying a nonlinear cointegrating relationship for empirical modelling. The asymptotic and small sample properties of our tests are investigated, where special attention is paid to the role of nuisance parameters and a potential resolution using the bootstrap.Cointegration, Nonlinearity, Neural networks, Bootstrap

    Testing for ARCH in the Presence of Nonlinearity of Unknown Form in the Conditional Mean

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    Tests of ARCH are a routine diagnostic in empirical econometric and financial analysis. However, it is well known that misspecification of the conditional mean may lead to spurious rejections of the null hypothesis of no ARCH. Nonlinearity is a prime example of this phenomenon. There is little work on the extent of the effect of neglected nonlinearity on the properties of ARCH tests. This paper provides some such evidence and also new ARCH testing procedures that are robust to the presence of neglected nonlinearity. Monte Carlo evidence shows that the problem is serious and that the new methods alleviate this problem to a very large extent.Nonlinearity, ARCH, Neural networks

    Boosting Estimation of RBF Neural Networks for Dependent Data

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    This paper develops theoretical results for the estimation of radial basis function neural network specifications, for dependent data, that do not require iterative estimation techniques. Use of the properties of regression based boosting algorithms is made. Both consistency and rate results are derived. An application to nonparametric specification testing illustrates the usefulness of the results.Neural Networks, Boosting
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