98 research outputs found

    New Zealand blackcurrant extract improves high-intensity intermittent running performance.

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    New Zealand blackcurrant (BC) intake showed reduced blood lactate during low and moderate intensity cycling and improved 16.1 km cycling time trial performance. We examined the effect of BC on high-intensity intermittent treadmill running and post-running lactate clearance. Thirteen active males (age: 25±4 yrs, stature: 1.82±0.07 m, body mass: 81±14 kg, V̇O2max: 56±4 mL∙kg-1∙min-1, velocity at V̇O2max: 17.6±0.8 km∙h-1, mean±SD) visited the laboratory three times. In the 1st visit, a ramp protocol (0.1 km∙h-1 every 5 sec) was completed to establish V̇O2max and velocity at V̇O2max, and subjects were familiarised with the protocols. In visits 2 and 3, subjects completed an high intensity intermittent running capability test which consisted of six 19 s high-intensity running bouts, each interspersed by 15 s of low-intensity running, followed by 1 minute of rest, this was repeated at increasing speeds, until exhaustion. Prior to visits 2 and 3, subjects consumed either New Zealand BC extract (300 mg∙day-1 CurraNZ™; containing 105 mg anthocyanin) or placebo (P) (300 mg∙day-1 microcrystalline cellulose M102) for 7 days in capsules (double blind, randomised, cross-over design, wash-out at least 14 days). Blood lactate was collected for 30 min post-exhaustion. Two-tailed paired t-tests were used and significance accepted at p< .05. BC increased total running distance by 10.6% (BC: 4282±833 m, P: 3871±622 m, p = .023, 10 out of 13 subjects improved), with the distance during the high-intensity running bouts by 10.8% (p= .024). Heart rate, rating of perceived exertion and oxygen uptake were not different between conditions for each stage. At exhaustion, lactate tended to be higher for BC (BC: 6.01±1.07 mmol∙L-1, P: 5.22±1.52 mmol∙L-1, p = .066, 9 out of 13 subjects). There was a trend towards improved lactate clearance following 15 min (BC: -2.89±0.51 mmol∙L-1, P: -2.46±0.39 mmol∙L-1, p = .07) and 30 minutes of passive recovery (BC: -4.12±0.73 mmol∙L-1, P: -3.66±1.01 mmol∙L-1, p = 0.11). It is concluded that New Zealand blackcurrant extract (CurraNZ™) may enhance performance in team sports characterised by high-intensity intermittent exercise as with BC intake greater distances were covered during high-intensity running, there was higher lactate tolerance, and increased lactate clearance after high-intensity exercise

    The importance of left atrial volume assessment in identifying the cause of ischemic stroke

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    Separating cardioembolic from large artery stroke has important treatment implications. We investigated whether echocardiography could improve Cardioembolic Stroke (CES) prediction compared with traditional measures and cholesterol biomarkers. Data from 40 consecutive patients presenting with acute ischemic stroke which included brain and carotid imaging, ECG, echo, serum cholesterol and apolipoproteins were independently reviewed. Patients were classified into two groups: a) CES, defined by sustained or paroxysmal atrial fibrillation and \u3c50% stenosis of a perfusing cerebral artery; b) Large artery stroke (LAS) defined as \u3e 50% stenosis of an ipsilateral perfusing cerebral artery, with no evidence of AF on monitoring or evidence of small artery disease on neuroimaging and confirmed by an independent neurologist. Other than the CES group being older, the baseline characteristics of the two groups were similar. Left Atrial Volume (indexed for body surface area, LAVi) was significantly larger in CES (57.9 +/- 19.4 vs 31.1 +/- 8.3ml/m2, p\u3c0.01), with a simple equation that utilised age, LAVi and E wave accurately predicting 90% of CES. The difference in LAVi for CES was beyond that anticipated from the presence of AF alone. No differences in any of the lipid biomarkers were observed. These finding indicate that LAVi is the most important predictor of CES due to atrial fibrillation and is highly predictive of patients with CES due to atrial fibrillation. Cholesterol biomarkers offered no additional discriminatory value

    Validity of energy expenditure estimation methods during 10 days of military training

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    Wearable physical activity (PA) monitors have improved the ability to estimate free-living total energy expenditure (TEE) but their application during arduous military training alongside more well-established research methods has not been widely documented. This study aimed to assess the validity of two wrist-worn activity monitors and a PA log against doubly-labelled water (DLW) during British Army Officer Cadet (OC) training. For 10 days of training, twenty (10 male and 10 female) OCs (mean ± SD: age 23 ± 2 years, height 1.74 ± 0.09 m, body mass 77.0 ± 9.3 kg) wore one research-grade accelerometer (GENEActiv, Cambridge, UK) on the dominant wrist, wore one commercially-available monitor (Fitbit SURGE, USA) on the non-dominant wrist and completed a self-report PA log. Immediately prior to this 10-day period, participants consumed a bolus of DLW and provided daily urine samples, which were analysed by mass spectrometry to determine TEE. Bivariate correlations and limits of agreement (LoA) were employed to compare TEE from each estimation method to DLW. Average daily TEE from DLW was 4112 ± 652 kcal·day against which the GENEActiv showed near identical average TEE (mean bias ± LoA: -15 ± 851 kcal day ) while Fitbit tended to underestimate (-656 ± 683 kcal·day ) and the PA log substantially overestimate (+1946 ± 1637 kcal·day ). Wearable physical activity monitors provide a cheaper and more practical method for estimating free-living TEE than DLW in military settings. The GENEActiv accelerometer demonstrated good validity for assessing daily TEE and would appear suitable for use in large-scale, longitudinal military studies

    Transferability of Military-Specific Cognitive Research to Military Training and Operations

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    The influence of acute aerobic exercise on cognitive function is well documented (e.g., Lambourne and Tomporowski, 2010; Chang et al., 2012). However, the influence of military specific exercise on aspects of cognitive function relevant to military operations is less well understood. With the increasing physical and cognitive loads placed on military personnel (Mahoney et al., 2007), this interaction is fundamental to understanding operational performance (Russo et al., 2005). As such, ensuring the transferability of military-specific cognitive research to military training and operations, is of great importance, particularly for the development of both mitigation and enhancement strategies (see Brunyé et al., 2020). Despite this, studies have not always considered whether meaningful translations can be made. We suggest that researchers should endeavor to strike the balance between external validity and experimental control (Figure 1), and consider the concept of representative design (Pinder et al., 2011). External validity refers to the transferability of research findings from the research to the target population, whilst representative design refers to methodological approaches chosen to ensure that the experimental task constraints characterize those experienced during performance (i.e., the training or operational environment) (Pinder et al., 2011). Herein, we will focus on representative design during load carriage investigations, due to its mission criticality (Knapik and Reynolds, 2012), and it being the primary physical activity choice during military specific exercise-cognition research. Specifically, we discuss the inclusion of dual-/multi-tasking, implications of study population, cognitive task selection, and the data collection environment

    The Development, and Day-to-Day Variation, of a Military-Specific Auditory N-Back Task and Shoot-/Don’t-Shoot Task

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    During military operations, soldiers are required to successfully complete numerous physical and cognitive tasks concurrently. Understanding the typical variance in research tools that may be used to provide insight into the interrelationship between physical and cognitive performance is therefore highly important. This study assessed the inter-day variability of two military-specific cognitive assessments; a Military-Specific Auditory N-Back Task (MSANT) and a Shoot-/Don’t-Shoot Task (SDST) in 28 participants. Limits of agreement ± 95% Confidence Intervals, Standard Error of the Mean, and Smallest Detectable Change were calculated to quantify the typical variance in task performance. All parameters within the MSANT and SDST demonstrated no mean difference for trial visit in either the seated or walking condition, with equivalency demonstrated for the majority of comparisons. Collectively, these data provided an indication of the typical variance in MSANT and SDST performance, whilst demonstrating that both assessments can be used during seated and walking conditions

    Metabolic, cardiovascular, neuromuscular, and perceptual responses to repeated military-1 specific load carriage treadmill simulations

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    Bouts of military load carriage are rarely completed in isolation; however, limited research has investigated the physiological responses to repeated load carriage tasks. Twelve civilian men (age, 28 ± 8 years; stature, 185.6 ± 5.8 cm; body mass 84.3 ± 11.1 kg and maximal oxygen uptake, 51.5 ± 6.4 mL·kg-1 min-1) attended the laboratory on two occasions to undertake a familiarisation and an experimental session. Following their familiarisation session, participants completed three bouts of a fast load carriage protocol (FLCP; ∼65 min), carrying 25 kg, interspersed with a 65-min recovery period. Physiological strain (oxygen uptake [V̇O2] and heart rate [HR]) was assessed during the FLCP bouts, and physical performance assessments (weighted counter-movement jump [wCMJ], maximal isometric voluntary contraction of the quadriceps [MIVC] and seated medicine ball throw [SMBT]) was measured pre and post each FLCP bout. A main effect for bout and measurement time was evident for V̇O2 and HR (both p < 0.001 and Ѡ2 = 0.103-0.816). There was no likely change in SMBT distance (p = 0.201 and Ѡ2 = 0.004), but MIVC peak force reduced by approximately 25% across measurement points (p < 0.001 and Ѡ2 = 0.133). A mean percentage change of approximately -12% from initial values was also evident for peak wCMJ height (p = 0.001 and Ѡ2 = 0.028). Collectively, these data demonstrate that repeated FLCP bouts result in an elevated physiological strain for each successive bout, along with a substantial reduction in lower body power (wCMJ and MIVC). Therefore, future research should investigate possible mitigation strategies to maintain role-related capability
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