3,334 research outputs found
Non-Abelian Anyon Superconductivity
Non-Abelian Anyons exist in certain spin models and may exist in Quantuam
Hall systems at certain filling fractions. In this work we studied the ground
state of dynamical SU(2) level- Chern Simons non-Abelian anyons at
finite density and no external magnetic field. We find that in the
large- limit the topological interaction induces a pairing instability
and the ground state is a superconductor with gap symmetry. We also
develop a picture of pairing for the special value and argue that
the ground state is a superfluid of pairs for all values of .Comment: 5 pages, no figure
Edge States and Interferometers in the Pfaffian and anti-Pfaffian States
We compute the tunneling current in a double point contact geometry of a
Quantum Hall system at filling fraction , as function of voltage and
temeprature, in the weak tunneling regime. We quantitatively compare two
possible candidates for the state at : the Moore-Read Pfaffian state,
and its particle-hole conjugate, the anti-Pfaffian. We find that both
possibilities exhibit the same qualitative behavior, and both have an even-odd
effect that reflects their non-Abelian nature, but differ quantitatively in
their voltage and temperature dependance.Comment: 8 pages, 3 figures. Fixed typos, added refs 32-3
Holographic opto-fluidic microscopy.
Over the last decade microfluidics has created a versatile platform that has significantly advanced the ways in which micro-scale organisms and objects are controlled, processed and investigated, by improving the cost, compactness and throughput aspects of analysis. Microfluidics has also expanded into optics to create reconfigurable and flexible optical devices such as reconfigurable lenses, lasers, waveguides, switches, and on-chip microscopes. Here we present a new opto-fluidic microscopy modality, i.e., Holographic Opto-fluidic Microscopy (HOM), based on lensless holographic imaging. This imaging modality complements the miniaturization provided by microfluidics and would allow the integration of microscopy into existing on-chip microfluidic devices with various functionalities. Our imaging modality utilizes partially coherent in-line holography and pixel super-resolution to create high-resolution amplitude and phase images of the objects flowing within micro-fluidic channels, which we demonstrate by imaging C. elegans, Giardia lamblia, and Mulberry pollen. HOM does not involve complicated fabrication processes or precise alignment, nor does it require a highly uniform flow of objects within microfluidic channels
Lensfree super-resolution holographic microscopy using wetting films on a chip.
We investigate the use of wetting films to significantly improve the imaging performance of lensfree pixel super-resolution on-chip microscopy, achieving < 1 µm spatial resolution over a large imaging area of ~24 mm(2). Formation of an ultra-thin wetting film over the specimen effectively creates a micro-lens effect over each object, which significantly improves the signal-to-noise-ratio and therefore the resolution of our lensfree images. We validate the performance of this approach through lensfree on-chip imaging of various objects having fine morphological features (with dimensions of e.g., ≤0.5 µm) such as Escherichia coli (E. coli), human sperm, Giardia lamblia trophozoites, polystyrene micro beads as well as red blood cells. These results are especially important for the development of highly sensitive field-portable microscopic analysis tools for resource limited settings
The Effect of Landau Level-Mixing on the Effective Interaction between Electrons in the fractional quantum Hall regime
We compute the effect of Landau-level-mixing on the effective two-body and
three-body pseudopotentials for electrons in the lowest and second Landau
levels. We find that the resulting effective three-body interaction is
attractive in the lowest relative angular momentum channel. The renormalization
of the two-body pseudopotentials also shows interesting structure. We comment
on the implications for the fractional quantum Hall state
Higgs pair production in vector-boson fusion at the LHC and beyond
The production of pairs of Higgs bosons at hadron colliders provides unique
information on the Higgs sector and on the mechanism underlying electroweak
symmetry breaking (EWSB). Most studies have concentrated on the gluon fusion
production mode which has the largest cross section. However, despite its small
production rate, the vector-boson fusion channel can also be relevant since
even small modifications of the Higgs couplings to vector bosons induce a
striking increase of the cross section as a function of the invariant mass of
the Higgs boson pair. In this work, we exploit this unique signature to propose
a strategy to extract the quartic coupling and provide model-independent
constraints on theories where EWSB is driven by new strong interactions. We
take advantage of the higher signal yield of the final state
and make extensive use of jet substructure techniques to reconstruct signal
events with a boosted topology, characteristic of large partonic energies,
where each Higgs boson decays to a single collimated jet . Our results
demonstrate that the coupling can be measured with 45% (20%) precision
at the LHC for 300 (3000) fb, while a 1% precision can be
achieved at a 100 TeV collider.Comment: Updated to match published version in EPJC and fixed typo in Tab. 10
(column labels a & b were swapped
Multi-channel Kondo Models in non-Abelian Quantum Hall Droplets
We study the coupling between a quantum dot and the edge of a non-Abelian
fractional quantum Hall state which is spatially separated from it by an
integer quantum Hall state. Near a resonance, the physics at energy scales
below the level spacing of the edge states of the dot is governed by a
-channel Kondo model when the quantum Hall state is a Read-Rezayi state at
filling fraction or its particle-hole conjugate at
. The -channel Kondo model is channel isotropic even without
fine tuning in the former state; in the latter, it is generically channel
anisotropic. In the special case of , our results provide a new venue,
realized in a mesoscopic context, to distinguish between the Pfaffian and
anti-Pfaffian states at filling fraction .Comment: 4 pages, 1 figure; references updated, version to appear in PR
Exact Solution for Bulk-Edge Coupling in the Non-Abelian Quantum Hall Interferometer
It has been predicted that the phase sensitive part of the current through a
non-abelian quantum Hall Fabry-Perot interferometer will depend on
the number of localized charged quasiparticles (QPs) inside the
interferometer cell. In the limit where all QPs are far from the edge, the
leading contribution to the interference current is predicted to be absent if
the number of enclosed QPs is odd and present otherwise, as a consequence of
the non-abelian QP statistics. The situation is more complicated, however, if a
localized QP is close enough to the boundary so that it can exchange a Majorana
fermion with the edge via a tunneling process. Here, we derive an exact
solution for the dependence of the interference current on the coupling
strength for this tunneling process, and confirm a previous prediction that for
sufficiently strong coupling, the localized QP is effectively incorporated in
the edge and no longer affects the interference pattern. We confirm that the
dimensionless coupling strength can be tuned by the source-drain voltage, and
we find that not only does the magnitude of the even-odd effect change with the
strength of bulk-edge coupling, but in addition, there is a universal shift in
the interference phase as a function of coupling strength. Some implications
for experiments are discussed at the end.Comment: 12 pages, 3 figure
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