13 research outputs found

    Le produzioni ceramiche nella pianura veronese fra il VI e il II sec. a.C.: aspetti cronologici, tipologici e distributivi

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    The present research aims at examining the ceramic documentation (“ceramica zonata”, “ceramica etrusco-padana”, grey pottery etc.) found in the plain of Verona and datable from the 5th to the Roman epoch. During this period, the territory was initially controlled by the population of the ancient Veneti; later, it was partially influenced by the Etruscan Po-valley culture and finally was occupied by the Celts in its western part. We have considered both published materials (and we have autopticaly examinated a great part of them) and part of unpublished materials from settlements in Oppeano/Isolo and Corte Vivaro. On the basis of these data a typology of the different pottery groups (imported and of local production) has been created. For every group this plan has been followed: - short history of studies; - characteristics, distribution and chronology; - evidence in the area (chronology, distribution, use); - catalogue of types. After considering all these data it comes out that in this area during the considered period there was not a specific production, but in the ceramic koinè, first essentially Venetic and after that Celtic, there were many external elements: imported materials and expecially in the later period external models that were imitated from local workshops. Certainly the rule of geopolitical location of the area near different populations was important and also it was relevant the existence of important communications routes, first of all along the rivers Atesis and Tartarus

    Pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma cell lines display a plastic ability to bi‑directionally convert into cancer stem cells

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    Pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC) is often diagnosed when metastatic events have occurred. Cancer stem cells (CSCs) play an important role in tumor initiation, metastasis, chemoresistance and relapse. A growing number of studies have suggested that CSCs exist in a dynamic equilibrium with more differentiated cancer cells via a bi‑directional regeneration that is dependent on the environmental stimuli. In this investigation, we obtain, by using a selective medium, PDAC CSCs from five out of nine PDAC cell lines, endowed with different tumorsphere‑forming ability. PDAC CSCs were generally more resistant to the action of five anticancer drugs than parental cell lines and were characterized by an increased expression of EpCAM and CD44v6, typical stem cell surface markers, and a decreased expression of E‑cadherin, the main marker of the epithelial state. PDAC CSCs were able to re‑differentiate into parental cells once cultured in parental growth condition, as demonstrated by re‑acquisition of the epithelial morphology, the decreased expression levels of EpCAM and CD44v6 and the increased sensitivity to anticancer drugs. Finally, PDAC CSCs injected into nude mice developed a larger subcutaneous tumor mass and showed a higher metastatic activity compared to parental cells. The present study demonstrates the ability to obtain CSCs from several PDAC cell lines and that these cells are differentially resistant to various anticancer agents. This variability renders them a model of great importance to deeply understand pancreatic adenocarcinoma biology, to discover new biomarkers and to screen new therapeutic compounds

    Vasi con figure grottesche nella sigillata nord-italica: una inedita coppa Sarius da Bovolone (Verona)

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    This study examines a Northern Italian Sigillata unpublished Sarius cup, decorated with grotesque figures, datable to the late Augustan age. This cup was found in 1890 near Bovolone (Verona) in a grave together with an Henkeldellenbecher and a Firmalampe. Among the few vases of Northern Italian Sigillata with grotesque figures, the same punches used in the cup from Bovolone appear in specimens found in Budrio (Bologna), Chiunsano (Rovigo), Aquileia, Vrhnika (Slovenia) and Velika Mrdakovica (Croatia). These almost skeletal figures, whose models are to be found in Hellenistic craftsmanship, are probably linked to comic performances; however, we don’t believe that there are any real scenes.In questo contributo è presa in esame una coppa Sarius inedita in sigillata nord-italica decorata con figure grottesche, databile alla tarda età augustea. La coppa è stata trovata nel 1890 presso Bovolone (Verona) in una tomba assieme ad un Henkeldellenbecher e ad una lucerna a canale. Tra i pochi vasi con figure grottesche testimoniati nella sigillata nord-italica, punzoni uguali a quelli utilizzati nella coppa di Bovolone compaiono in esemplari trovati a Budrio (Bologna), a Chiunsano (Rovigo), ad Aquileia, a Vrhnika (Slovenia) e a Velika Mrdakovica (Croazia). Queste figure quasi scheletriche, i cui modelli sono da ricercare nell’artigianato ellenistico, sono legate probabilmente a rappresentazioni comico-farsesche; si ritiene, tuttavia, che non siano raffigurate delle vere e proprie scene

    Le produzioni ceramiche nella pianura veronese fra il VI e il II sec. a.C.: aspetti cronologici, tipologici e distributivi

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    The present research aims at examining the ceramic documentation (“ceramica zonata”, “ceramica etrusco-padana”, grey pottery etc.) found in the plain of Verona and datable from the 5th to the Roman epoch. During this period, the territory was initially controlled by the population of the ancient Veneti; later, it was partially influenced by the Etruscan Po-valley culture and finally was occupied by the Celts in its western part. We have considered both published materials (and we have autopticaly examinated a great part of them) and part of unpublished materials from settlements in Oppeano/Isolo and Corte Vivaro. On the basis of these data a typology of the different pottery groups (imported and of local production) has been created. For every group this plan has been followed: - short history of studies; - characteristics, distribution and chronology; - evidence in the area (chronology, distribution, use); - catalogue of types. After considering all these data it comes out that in this area during the considered period there was not a specific production, but in the ceramic koinè, first essentially Venetic and after that Celtic, there were many external elements: imported materials and expecially in the later period external models that were imitated from local workshops. Certainly the rule of geopolitical location of the area near different populations was important and also it was relevant the existence of important communications routes, first of all along the rivers Atesis and Tartarus.Nel presente lavoro è stata presa in esame la documentazione ceramica della pianura veronese tra la fine del VI sec. a.C. e la fase della romanizzazione, un periodo in cui questo territorio, dapprima controllato esclusivamente dai Veneti antichi, risente dell’espansionismo etrusco-padano e poi di quello gallo-cenomane. Si è considerato il materiale pubblicato, in gran parte oggetto di riscontro autoptico, e qualche materiale inedito dai siti abitativi di Oppeano/Isolo e di Corte Vivaro. Sulla base dei dati acquisiti è stata elaborata una tipologia delle varie classi sia importate sia di produzione regionale (ceramica attica, etrusco-padana, a vernice nera, a pareti sottili, comune depurata, comune grezza). Nella trattazione di ciascuna classe lo schema seguito è stato il seguente: - breve storia degli studi; - caratteristiche, distribuzione, cronologia; - documentazione nel territorio in esame (cronologia, distribuzione, destinazioni d’uso); - forme, famiglie e tipi documentati con catalogo dei materiali. In generale emerge come in questo territorio nel periodo esaminato non sia presente una peculiare produzione, ma, pur nell’ambito di una koinè ceramica dapprima veneta e poi celtico-padana, sia forte invece la presenza di elementi esterni, siano essi prodotti importati o anche, nella fase celtica, modelli che vengono rielaborati dagli artigiani locali. In questo, evidentemente, giocarono un ruolo importante la posizione geopolitica dell’area ai confini fra realtà etnico-culturali diverse e la presenza di importanti vie di comunicazione, in primo luogo due arterie d’acqua: l’Adige che lo collegava ad Este e il Tartaro che lo collegava all’importante emporio di Adria

    Ceramiche comuni decorate del territorio cenomane orientale

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    Decorated common ware from the Eastern Cenoman territory This paper examines the decorative patterns present in the coarse ware of the plains around Verona (inclu ding the town of Verona itself) between the 4th and the 1st centuries BC, in the period in which the Celtic tribe of the Cenomani settled in this area. Incised, impressed, and relief decorations are documented. The most significant motifs (dotted and notched decorations covering the entire surface of the vase) are related to the western Celtic Po Valley area. Some decorations, however, refer to the Veneto and the Magré culture areas. Decorated vases have been found both in settlements and in tombs. The decorations appear mainly on small vases with drinking function. The decorated vessels can almost all be dated between LT C2 and LT D2. The most numerous attestations date to LT D1. This increase, which can also be found in the territory of the Insubri, could come from the desire to emphasize one’s cultural tradition in a phase in which Rome’s political and cultural presence was becoming increasingly felt

    Aircraft with electric batteries, in particular a hybrid aircraft

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    The present invention relates to an aircraft (100) comprising: a fuselage (101) comprising a plurality of panels (105) adapted to define an aerodynamic shape for a cockpit or a cargo hold of the aircraft (100);at least one wing (103) structurally connected to the fuselage (101) and adapted to allow flying of said aircraft (100), the wing (103) comprising a plurality of wing surfaces and at least a frame configured to support the wing surfaces; a propulsion system for the aircraft (100), comprising at least one electric motor, and batteries adapted to store electrical energy to supply the electric motor. The batteries comprise first structural batteries which constitute at least one surface (104a, 104b) of the wing surfaces, and further second structural batteries which constitute at least one panel (105) of the panels of the fuselage

    Pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma cell lines display a plastic ability to bi\u2011directionally convert into cancer stem cells

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    Pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC) is often diagnosed when metastatic events have occurred. Cancer stem cells (CSCs) play an important role in tumor initiation, metastasis, chemoresistance and relapse. A growing number of studies have suggested that CSCs exist in a dynamic equilibrium with more differentiated cancer cells via a bi\u2011directional regeneration that is dependent on the environmental stimuli. In this investigation, we obtain, by using a selective medium, PDAC CSCs from five out of nine PDAC cell lines, endowed with different tumorsphere\u2011forming ability. PDAC CSCs were generally more resistant to the action of five anticancer drugs than parental cell lines and were characterized by an increased expression of EpCAM and CD44v6, typical stem cell surface markers, and a decreased expression of E\u2011cadherin, the main marker of the epithelial state. PDAC CSCs were able to re\u2011differentiate into parental cells once cultured in parental growth condition, as demonstrated by re\u2011acquisition of the epithelial morphology, the decreased expression levels of EpCAM and CD44v6 and the increased sensitivity to anticancer drugs. Finally, PDAC CSCs injected into nude mice developed a larger subcutaneous tumor mass and showed a higher metastatic activity compared to parental cells. The present study demonstrates the ability to obtain CSCs from several PDAC cell lines and that these cells are differentially resistant to various anticancer agents. This variability renders them a model of great importance to deeply understand pancreatic adenocarcinoma biology, to discover new biomarkers and to screen new therapeutic compounds