1,884 research outputs found
Vacuum energy, holography and a quantum portrait of the visible Universe
Describing the presently observable Universe as a self-sustained condensate
of gravitons of size , with large occupation number , we argue
that the most probable value for the quantum vacuum energy is of the order of
the critical energy density, as observed.Comment: 9 page
Testing Gaugino Mass Unification Directly at the LHC
We report on the first step of a systematic study of how gaugino mass
unification can be probed at the LHC in a quasi-model independent manner. Here
we focus our attention on the theoretically well-motivated mirage pattern of
gaugino masses, a one-parameter family of models of which universal (high
scale) gaugino masses are a limiting case. Using a statistical method to
optimize our signature selection we arrive at three ensembles of observables
targeted at the physics of the gaugino sector, allowing for a determination of
this non-universality parameter without reconstructing individual mass
eigenvalues or the soft supersymmetry-breaking gaugino masses themselves. In
this controlled environment we find that approximately 80% of the
supersymmetric parameter space would give rise to a model for which our method
will detect non-universality in the gaugino mass sector at the 10% level with
approximately 10 inverse femptobarns of integrated luminosity.Comment: To appear in proceedings of "Beyond the Standard Model at the LHC
(BSM-LHC)", June 2-4, 200
On Quadratic Divergences in Supergravity, Vacuum Energy and the Supersymmetric Flavor Problem
We examine the phenomenological consequences of quadratically divergent
contributions to the scalar potential in supergravity effective Lagrangians. We
focus specifically on the effect of these corrections on the vacuum
configuration of scalar fields in softly-broken supersymmetric theories and the
role these corrections play in generating non-diagonal soft scalar masses. Both
effects can only be properly studied when the divergences are regulated in a
manifestly supersymmetric manner -- something which has thus far been neglected
in past treatments. We show how a supersymmetric regularization can impact past
conclusions about both types of phenomena and discuss what types of high-energy
theories are likely to be safe from unwanted flavor-changing neutral current
interactions in the context of supergravity theories derived from heterotic
string compactifications
Probing large-distance higher-dimensional gravity with Cosmic Microwave Background measurements
It has been recently argued that higher dimensional gravity theories may
manifest themselves not only at short microscopic distances but also at large
cosmological scales. We study the constraints that cosmic microwave background
measurements set on such large distance modifications of the gravitational
SUSY dark matter with non-universal gaugino masses
In this talk we investigate the dark matter prospects for supersymmetric
models with non-universal gaugino masses. We motivate the use of non-universal
gaugino masses from several directions, including problems with the current
favorite scenario, the cMSSM. We then display new corridors of parameter space
that allow an acceptable dark matter relic density once gaugino mass
universality is relaxed. We finish with a specific string-derived model that
allows this universality relaxation and then use the dark matter constraint to
make specific statements about the hidden sector of the model.Comment: Talk at Dark Matter 2002. 5 pages, 4 figure
S-Duality Constraints On Effective Potentials For Gaugino Condensation
We clarify the role of approximate S-duality in effective supergravity
theories that are the low energy limits of string theories, and show how this
partial symmetry may be used to constrain effective lagrangians for gaugino
condensation.Comment: 22 page
Direct and Indirect Detection of Dark Matter in Heterotic Orbifold Models
We study the neutralino dark matter phenomenology in the context of effective
field theories derived from the weakly--coupled heterotic string. We consider
in particular direct detection and indirect detection with neutrino telescopes
rates. The two cases of moduli dominated and dilaton dominated SUSY breaking
lead to completely different phenomenologies. Even if in both cases relic
density constraints can be fulfilled, moduli domination generically leads to
detection rates which are much below the present and future experimental
sensitivities, whereas dilaton domination gives high detection rates accessible
to the next generation of experiments. This could make dark matter searches an
alternative way to constrain high energy fundamental parameters.Comment: 29 pages, 13 figures. Notations clarified, figures improved, typos
and english correcte
Dynamical D4-D8 and D3-D7 branes in supergravity
We present a class of dynamical solutions for intersecting D4-D8 and D3-D7
brane systems in ten-dimensional type IIA and IIB supergravity. We discuss if
these solutions can be recovered in lower-dimensional effective theories for
the warped compactification of a general p-brane system. It is found that an
effective -dimensional description is not possible in general due to the
entanglement of the transverse coordinates and the -dimensional
coordinates in the metric components. For the D4-D8 brane system, the dynamical
solutions reduces to a static warped geometry in
a certain spacetime region. For the D3-D7 brane system, we find a dynamical
solution whose metric form is similar to that of a D3-brane solution. The main
difference is the existence of a nontrivial dilaton configuration in the D3-D7
solution. Then we discuss cosmology of these solutions. We find that they
behave like a Kasner-type cosmological solution at , while it
reduces to a warped static solution at , where is the cosmic
time.Comment: 25 pages, no figure, typos corrected, references and discussions of
D3-D7 brane solutions adde
Dynamical solution of supergravity
We present a class of dynamical solutions for an intersecting D4-D8 brane
system in ten-dimensional type IIA supergravity. The dynamical solutions
reduces to a static warped AdS_6 x S^4 geometry in a certain spacetime region.
We also consider lower-dimensional effective theories for the warped
compactification of general p-brane system. It is found that an effective
(p+1)-dimensional description is not possible in general due to the
entanglement of the transverse coordinates and the (p+1)-dimensional
coordinates in the metric components. Then we discuss cosmological solutions.
We find a solution that behaves like a Kasner-type cosmological solution at
, while it reduces to a warped static solution at ,
where is the cosmic time.Comment: 4 pages, no figure. Contribution to proceedings of the workshop "The
17th Workshop on General Relativity and Gravitation" (Japan, December 2007
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