98 research outputs found
Survey on basic knowledge about exposure and potential environmental and health risks for selected nanomaterials
På basis af en litteraturundersøgelse gives en generel beskrivelse samt en miljø- og sundhedsprofil af 7 nanomaterialer. De undersøgte nanomaterialer er udvalgt på grund af forventet stor anvendelse eller særlige miljø- og sundhedsegenskaber. Fullerener, jern, sølv, nanoler samt titan-, cerium- og silicium dioksid har indgået i undersøgelsen. Det påpeges, at der er lille sandsynlighed for, at nuværende anvendelser af nano-jern og nanoler kan give uforudsete, nanorelaterede miljø- eller sundhedsproblemer. For de øvrige nanomaterialer, er der områder, hvor der kan være grund til opmærksomhed og til af skaffe mere viden, selvom der ikke er identificeret konkret risiko i forbindelse med nuværende anvendelser af nogen af de 7 undersøgte nanomaterialer.Based on a literature review this report provides a general description as well as an environmental and health profile of 7 nanomaterials. The examined nanomaterials are selected because of expected high use or specific environmental and health properties. Fullerenes, iron, silver, nanoclay and titanium-, cerium-, and silicondioxides were studied in the project. Based on current uses, it is concluded that current applications of nano-iron and nanoclay can not cause unexpected “nano-associated” health or environmental problems. Although no specific risk associated with current uses of any of the 7 other nanomaterials were identified, there are areas where there may be reason for attention and thus need for more knowledge
Scientific opinion of Flavouring Group Evaluation 502 (FGE.502): grill flavour ‘Grillin’ 5078’
Publisher PD
Scientific opinion of Flavouring Group Evaluation 503 (FGE.503): grill flavour ‘Grillin’ CB-200SF’
Publisher PD
Scientific Opinion on Flavouring Group Evaluation 201 Revision 2 (FGE.201Rev2) : 2-alkylated, aliphatic, acyclic alpha,beta-unsaturated aldehydes and precursors, with or without additional double-bonds, from chemical subgroup 1.1.2 of FGE.19
Acknowledgements: The Panel wishes to thank the hearing experts: Vibe Beltoft and Karin Nørby for the support provided to this scientific opinion.Publisher PD
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