143 research outputs found
Fast and Compact Regular Expression Matching
We study 4 problems in string matching, namely, regular expression matching,
approximate regular expression matching, string edit distance, and subsequence
indexing, on a standard word RAM model of computation that allows
logarithmic-sized words to be manipulated in constant time. We show how to
improve the space and/or remove a dependency on the alphabet size for each
problem using either an improved tabulation technique of an existing algorithm
or by combining known algorithms in a new way
String Indexing with Compressed Patterns
Given a string S of length n, the classic string indexing problem is to preprocess S into a compact data structure that supports efficient subsequent pattern queries. In this paper we consider the basic variant where the pattern is given in compressed form and the goal is to achieve query time that is fast in terms of the compressed size of the pattern. This captures the common client-server scenario, where a client submits a query and communicates it in compressed form to a server. Instead of the server decompressing the query before processing it, we consider how to efficiently process the compressed query directly. Our main result is a novel linear space data structure that achieves near-optimal query time for patterns compressed with the classic Lempel-Ziv 1977 (LZ77) compression scheme. Along the way we develop several data structural techniques of independent interest, including a novel data structure that compactly encodes all LZ77 compressed suffixes of a string in linear space and a general decomposition of tries that reduces the search time from logarithmic in the size of the trie to logarithmic in the length of the pattern
From Regular Expression Matching to Parsing
Given a regular expression and a string , the regular expression
parsing problem is to determine if matches and if so, determine how it
matches, e.g., by a mapping of the characters of to the characters in .
Regular expression parsing makes finding matches of a regular expression even
more useful by allowing us to directly extract subpatterns of the match, e.g.,
for extracting IP-addresses from internet traffic analysis or extracting
subparts of genomes from genetic data bases. We present a new general
techniques for efficiently converting a large class of algorithms that
determine if a string matches regular expression into algorithms that
can construct a corresponding mapping. As a consequence, we obtain the first
efficient linear space solutions for regular expression parsing
Fast evaluation of union-intersection expressions
We show how to represent sets in a linear space data structure such that
expressions involving unions and intersections of sets can be computed in a
worst-case efficient way. This problem has applications in e.g. information
retrieval and database systems. We mainly consider the RAM model of
computation, and sets of machine words, but also state our results in the I/O
model. On a RAM with word size , a special case of our result is that the
intersection of (preprocessed) sets, containing elements in total, can
be computed in expected time , where is the
number of elements in the intersection. If the first of the two terms
dominates, this is a factor faster than the standard solution of
merging sorted lists. We show a cell probe lower bound of time , meaning that our upper bound is nearly
optimal for small . Our algorithm uses a novel combination of approximate
set representations and word-level parallelism
Space-Efficient Re-Pair Compression
Re-Pair is an effective grammar-based compression scheme achieving strong
compression rates in practice. Let , , and be the text length,
alphabet size, and dictionary size of the final grammar, respectively. In their
original paper, the authors show how to compute the Re-Pair grammar in expected
linear time and words of working space on top
of the text. In this work, we propose two algorithms improving on the space of
their original solution. Our model assumes a memory word of bits and a re-writable input text composed by such words. Our
first algorithm runs in expected time and uses
words of space on top of the text for any parameter
chosen in advance. Our second algorithm runs in expected
time and improves the space to words
Subsequence Automata with Default Transitions
Let be a string of length with characters from an alphabet of size
. The \emph{subsequence automaton} of (often called the
\emph{directed acyclic subsequence graph}) is the minimal deterministic finite
automaton accepting all subsequences of . A straightforward construction
shows that the size (number of states and transitions) of the subsequence
automaton is and that this bound is asymptotically optimal.
In this paper, we consider subsequence automata with \emph{default
transitions}, that is, special transitions to be taken only if none of the
regular transitions match the current character, and which do not consume the
current character. We show that with default transitions, much smaller
subsequence automata are possible, and provide a full trade-off between the
size of the automaton and the \emph{delay}, i.e., the maximum number of
consecutive default transitions followed before consuming a character.
Specifically, given any integer parameter , , we
present a subsequence automaton with default transitions of size
and delay . Hence, with we
obtain an automaton of size and delay . On
the other extreme, with , we obtain an automaton of size and delay , thus matching the bound for the standard subsequence
automaton construction. Finally, we generalize the result to multiple strings.
The key component of our result is a novel hierarchical automata construction
of independent interest.Comment: Corrected typo
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