141 research outputs found

    Test of Conformal Invariance in One-Dimensional Quantum Liquid with Long-Range Interaction

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    We numerically study the momentum distribution of one-dimensional Bose and Fermi systems with long-range interaction g/r2g/r^2 for the ``special'' values g=12,0,4g= -\frac{1}{2}, 0, 4, singled out by random matrix theory. The critical exponents are shown to be independent of density and in excellent agreement with estimates obtained from c=1c=1 conformal finite-size scaling analysis.Comment: 25 page

    Exact Solution of a One-Dimensional Multicomponent Lattice Gas with Hyperbolic Interaction

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    We present the exact solution to a one-dimensional multicomponent quantum lattice model interacting by an exchange operator which falls off as the inverse-sinh-square of the distance. This interaction contains a variable range as a parameter, and can thus interpolate between the known solutions for the nearest-neighbor chain, and the inverse-square chain. The energy, susceptibility, charge stiffness and the dispersion relations for low-lying excitations are explicitly calculated for the absolute ground state, as a function of both the range of the interaction and the number of species of fermions.Comment: 13 REVTeX pages + 5 uuencoded figures, UoU-003059

    Reading strategy for the MBA: informing effective use of learner time for critical reading.

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    This paper is motivated by the development of a reading strategy for the MBA at RGU. It provides an overview of current views on the importance of reading to inform significant learner hours on directed and self-directed study and quantifies the extent of reading on the course, providing a leaner perspective on the scope and scale of reading across modules. Exploration of learner motivation for reading and learner engagement with reading at this postgraduate level is used to establish the essence of a reading strategy. We argue that an important role for educators and the wider educational system experienced by the learner both recognises and positively supports learners as active readers. The opportunity for academic staff to assist learners with their engagement in their reading activity and to identify mechanisms to purposively link these actions to pedagogical principles is set out

    Exact Derivation of Luttinger Liquid Relation in a One-Dimensional Two-Component Quantum System with Hyperbolic Interactions

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    We present an exact calculation of the Luttinger liquid relation for the one-dimensional, two-component SC model in the interaction strength range 1<s<0-1<s<0 by appropriately varying the limits of the integral Bethe Ansatz equations. The result is confirmed by numerical and conformal methods. By a related study of the transport properties of the SC model, we can give an exact formula for the susceptibility. Our method is applicable to a wide range of models such as, e.g., the Heisenberg-Ising chain.Comment: 10 REVTeX pages + 1 uuencoded figure, UoU-001029

    Conservation laws in the continuum 1/r21/r^2 systems

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    We study the conservation laws of both the classical and the quantum mechanical continuum 1/r21/r^2 type systems. For the classical case, we introduce new integrals of motion along the recent ideas of Shastry and Sutherland (SS), supplementing the usual integrals of motion constructed much earlier by Moser. We show by explicit construction that one set of integrals can be related algebraically to the other. The difference of these two sets of integrals then gives rise to yet another complete set of integrals of motion. For the quantum case, we first need to resum the integrals proposed by Calogero, Marchioro and Ragnisco. We give a diagrammatic construction scheme for these new integrals, which are the quantum analogues of the classical traces. Again we show that there is a relationship between these new integrals and the quantum integrals of SS by explicit construction.Comment: 19 RevTeX 3.0 pages with 2 PS-figures include

    Solution of Some Integrable One-Dimensional Quantum Systems

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    In this paper, we investigate a family of one-dimensional multi-component quantum many-body systems. The interaction is an exchange interaction based on the familiar family of integrable systems which includes the inverse square potential. We show these systems to be integrable, and exploit this integrability to completely determine the spectrum including degeneracy, and thus the thermodynamics. The periodic inverse square case is worked out explicitly. Next, we show that in the limit of strong interaction the "spin" degrees of freedom decouple. Taking this limit for our example, we obtain a complete solution to a lattice system introduced recently by Shastry, and Haldane; our solution reproduces the numerical results. Finally, we emphasize the simple explanation for the high multiplicities found in this model


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    We report on the closing of gaps in the ground state of the critical Heisenberg-Ising chain at momentum π\pi. For half-filling, the gap closes at special values of the anisotropy Δ=cos(π/Q)\Delta= \cos(\pi/Q), QQ integer. We explain this behavior with the help of the Bethe Ansatz and show that the gap scales as a power of the system size with variable exponent depending on Δ\Delta. We use a finite-size analysis to calculate this exponent in the critical region, supplemented by perturbation theory at Δ0\Delta\sim 0. For rational 1/r1/r fillings, the gap is shown to be closed for {\em all} values of Δ\Delta and the corresponding perturbation expansion in Δ\Delta shows a remarkable cancellation of various diagrams.Comment: 12 RevTeX pages + 4 figures upon reques