299 research outputs found

    Optical identification of hard X-ray source IGRJ18257-0707

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    We present the results of the optical identification of hard X-ray source IGRJ18257-0707 trough the spectroscopic observations of its optical counterpart with RTT150 telescope. Accurate position of the X-ray source, determined using Chandra observations, allowed us to associate this source with the faint optical object (m_R=~20.4), which shows broad H_\alpha emission line in its optical spectrum. Therefore we conclude that the source IGRJ18257-0707 is a type 1 Seyfert galaxy at redshift z=0.037.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, accepted for publication in Astronomy Letters, the original text in Russian can be found at http://hea.iki.rssi.ru/~rodion/pigrj18257-0707.pd

    1RXS J180834.7+101041 is a new cataclysmic variable with non-uniform disc

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    Results of photometric and spectroscopic investigations of the recently discovered disc cataclysmic variable star 1RXS J180834.7+101041 are presented. Emission spectra of the system show broad double peaked hydrogen and helium emission lines. Doppler maps for the hydrogen lines demonstrate strongly non-uniform emissivity distribution in the disc, similar to that found in IP Peg. It means that the system is a new cataclysmic variable with a spiral density wave in the disc. Masses of the components (M_WD = 0.8 +/- 0.22 M_sun and M_RD = 0.14 +/- 0.02 M_sun), and the orbit inclination (i = 78 +/- 1.5 deg) were estimated using the various well-known relations for cataclysmic variables.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, conference "European White Dwarf Workshop, 2010", Tuebingen, German

    Several New Active Galactic Nuclei Among X-ray Sources Detected by INTEGRAL and SWIFT Observatories

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    We present the results of the optical identifications of a set of X-ray sources from the all-sky surveys of INTEGRAL and SWIFT observatories. Optical data were obtained with Russian-Turkish 1.5-m Telescope (RTT150). Nine X-ray sources were identified as active galactic nuclei (AGNs). Two of them are hosted by nearby, nearly exactly edge-on, spiral galaxies MCG -01-05-047 and NGC 973. One source, IGR J16562-3301, is most probably BL Lac object (blazar). Other AGNs are observed as stellar-like nuclei of spiral galaxies, with broad emission lines in their spectra. For the majority of our hard X-ray selected AGNs, their hard X-ray luminosities are well-correlated with the luminosities in [OIII],5007 optical emission line. However, the luminosities of some AGNs deviate from this correlation. The fraction of these objects can be as high as 20%. In particular, the flux in [OIII] line turns to be lower in two nearby edge-on spiral galaxies, which can be explained by the extinction in their galactic disks.Comment: 9 pages, 3 figures, accepted for publication in Astronomy Letters, the original text in Russian can be found at http://hea.iki.rssi.ru/~rodion/poptid.pd

    XSS J00564+4548 and IGR J00234+6141 -- new cataclysmic variables from RXTE and INTEGRAL all sky surveys

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    We present the results of optical identification of two X-ray sources from RXTE and INTEGRAL all sky surveys: XSS J00564+4548 and IGR J00234+6141. Using the optical data from Russian-Turkish 1.5-m Telescope (RTT150) and SWIFT X-ray observations, we show that these sources most probably are intermediate polars, i.e. binary systems with accreting white dwarfs with not very strong magnetic field (<~10 MG). Periodical oscillations of optical emission with periods 480 s and 570 s were found. We argue that these periods most probably correspond to the rotating periods of the white dwarfs in these systems. Further optical observations scheduled at RTT150 will allow to study the parameters of these systems in more detail.Comment: 5 pages, 8 figures, accepted for publication in Astronomy Letter

    Optical Identifications of Five INTEGRAL Hard X-ray Sources in the Galactic Plane Region

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    The results of optical identifications of five hard X-ray sources in the Galactic plane region from the INTEGRAL all-sky survey are presented. The X-ray data on one source (IGRJ20216+4359) are published for the first time. The optical observations were performed with 1.5-m RTT-150 telescope (TUBITAK National Observatory, Antalya, Turkey) and 6-m BTA telescope (Special Astrophysical Observatory, Nizhny Arkhyz, Russia). A blazar, three Seyfert galaxies, and a high-mass X-ray binary are among the identified sources.Comment: 7 pages, 10 figures, Astronomy Letters, v. 34, p. 65

    On the relation between the carriers of diffuse interstellar bands and simple molecular species

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    The interstellar clouds composed mostly of neutral hydrogen (H I clouds) show evident differences in the pattern of interstellar absorptions: in the shapes of the extinction curves, the strengths of the diffuse interstellar bands and the intensities of the features originating in simple molecular species. It is well known that the ratio of the two prominent diffuse bands (5780 and 5797 A) varies strongly from cloud to cloud; our data suggest that this phenomenon is related to the intensities of the absorption features of interstellar molecules such as CH+ or CH. However, the intensity ratio of the diffuse bands can change gradually, suggesting a 'smooth' variation of the carrier abundances, while the strength ratios of molecular features and the colour excesses change rather stepwise when the diffuse band ratio reaches a certain value. © 1997 RAS
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