28,463 research outputs found

    Rotational cavity optomechanics

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    We theoretically examine the optomechanical interaction between a rotating nanoparticle and an orbital angular momentum-carrying optical cavity mode. Specifically, we consider a dielectric nanosphere rotating uniformly in a ring-shaped optical potential inside a Fabry-Perot resonator. The motion of the particle is probed by a weak angular lattice, created by introducing two additional degenerate Laguerre-Gaussian cavity modes carrying equal and opposite orbital angular momenta. We demonstrate that the rotation frequency of the nanoparticle is imprinted on the probe optical mode, via the Doppler shift, and thus may be sensed experimentally using homodyne detection. We show analytically that the effect of the optical probe on the particle rotation vanishes in the regime of linear response, resulting in an accurate frequency measurement. We also numerically characterize the degradation of the measurement accuracy when the system is driven in the nonlinear regime. Our results are relevant to rotational Doppler velocimetry and to studies of rotational Brownian motion in a periodic lattice.Comment: 7 pages, 2 figures, to appear in JOSA

    Stereochemical properties of the OH molecule in combined electric and magnetic fields: analytic results

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    The stereochemical properties of the ultracold ground state OH molecule in the presence of electric and magnetic fields are currently of considerable interest. For example, relevant quantities such as molecular alignment and orientation, calculated numerically by using large basis sets, have lately appeared in the literature. In this work, based on our recent exact solution to an effective eight-dimensional matrix Hamiltonian for the molecular ground state, we present analytic expressions for the stereochemical properties of OH. Our results require the solution of algebraic equations only, agree well with the aforementioned fully numerical calculations, provide compact expressions for simple field geometries, allow ready access to relatively unexplored parameter space, and yield straightforwardly higher moments of the molecular axis distribution.Comment: 8 pages, 9 figure

    Options for Human Capital Acquisition

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    An \u27options\u27 view of human capital acquisition explains value creation through timedeferred, sequential, path-dependent investment choices and addresses gaps in the resourcebased theory explanation of the relationship between human resources and competitive advantage. Firms will invest in options for human capital, using alternative employment arrangements like temporary/contractual/part-time workers and internships, or by outsourcing the work, when uncertainty associated with human capital is high and investments in human capital are largely irreversible. We discuss various options for skills and employees, two interrelated components of human capital. These are flexibility options, options to wait or defer, options to abandon, learning options, and switching options. The opportunity cost of not having options is quantifiable, which makes the real options approach valuable for strategic HRM decisions
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