55 research outputs found

    Collision Times in Multicolor Urn Models and Sequential Graph Coloring With Applications to Discrete Logarithms

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    Consider an urn model where at each step one of qq colors is sampled according to some probability distribution and a ball of that color is placed in an urn. The distribution of assigning balls to urns may depend on the color of the ball. Collisions occur when a ball is placed in an urn which already contains a ball of different color. Equivalently, this can be viewed as sequentially coloring a complete qq-partite graph wherein a collision corresponds to the appearance of a monochromatic edge. Using a Poisson embedding technique, the limiting distribution of the first collision time is determined and the possible limits are explicitly described. Joint distribution of successive collision times and multi-fold collision times are also derived. The results can be used to obtain the limiting distributions of running times in various birthday problem based algorithms for solving the discrete logarithm problem, generalizing previous results which only consider expected running times. Asymptotic distributions of the time of appearance of a monochromatic edge are also obtained for other graphs.Comment: Minor revision. 35 pages, 2 figures. To appear in Annals of Applied Probabilit

    High Temperature Asymptotics of Orthogonal Mean-Field Spin Glasses

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    We evaluate the high temperature limit of the free energy of spin glasses on the hypercube with Hamiltonian HN(σ)=σTJσH_N(\sigma) = \sigma^T J \sigma, where the coupling matrix JJ is drawn from certain symmetric orthogonally invariant ensembles. Our derivation relates the annealed free energy of these models to a spherical integral, and expresses the limit of the free energy in terms of the limiting spectral measure of the coupling matrix JJ. As an application, we derive the limiting free energy of the Random Orthogonal Model (ROM) at high temperatures, which confirms non-rigorous calculations of Marinari et al. (1994). Our methods also apply to other well-known models of disordered systems, including the SK and Gaussian Hopfield models.Comment: 15 pages, 1 figur

    Holes or Empty Pseudo-Triangles in Planar Point Sets

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    Let E(k,β„“)E(k, \ell) denote the smallest integer such that any set of at least E(k,β„“)E(k, \ell) points in the plane, no three on a line, contains either an empty convex polygon with kk vertices or an empty pseudo-triangle with β„“\ell vertices. The existence of E(k,β„“)E(k, \ell) for positive integers k,β„“β‰₯3k, \ell\geq 3, is the consequence of a result proved by Valtr [Discrete and Computational Geometry, Vol. 37, 565--576, 2007]. In this paper, following a series of new results about the existence of empty pseudo-triangles in point sets with triangular convex hulls, we determine the exact values of E(k,5)E(k, 5) and E(5,β„“)E(5, \ell), and prove bounds on E(k,6)E(k, 6) and E(6,β„“)E(6, \ell), for k,β„“β‰₯3k, \ell\geq 3. By dropping the emptiness condition, we define another related quantity F(k,β„“)F(k, \ell), which is the smallest integer such that any set of at least F(k,β„“)F(k, \ell) points in the plane, no three on a line, contains a convex polygon with kk vertices or a pseudo-triangle with β„“\ell vertices. Extending a result of Bisztriczky and T\'oth [Discrete Geometry, Marcel Dekker, 49--58, 2003], we obtain the exact values of F(k,5)F(k, 5) and F(k,6)F(k, 6), and obtain non-trivial bounds on F(k,7)F(k, 7).Comment: A minor error in the proof of Theorem 2 fixed. Typos corrected. 19 pages, 11 figure
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