1 research outputs found
The Degree of Perceived Benefits of Case-Based Lecture by Associate Degree Nursing Students\u27 Compared to Traditional Lecture- a Quantitative Study
Objective: Nursing school is a time for students to think critically, apply previous knowledge with new knowledge, problem solve, prioritize care, and make decisions to deliver care that will affect patient outcomes. Nursing instructors are expected to provide instruction to students to help them understand the knowledge they need to pass the NCLEX as well as prepare them for their future careers. Traditional lecturing is still being used to educate nurses even though it has been proven to be ineffective. Instructors are being urged to modernize education to meet the learning needs of students, keep students motivated and engaged, and retain nursing students in the nursing program. Research shows that case-based learning is a technique that can be implemented in nursing programs to meet these demands. The objective of this research is to identify to what degree do nursing students find case-based lecturing to be effective in their learning. Methods: In this study, associate degree nursing (ADN) students were asked to fill out a post survey following traditional lecture and again following case-based lecture. Results from each post lecture survey were compared. Results: Students who completed both lecture based learning and case-based learning surveys (n=41) showed a statistically significant medium difference between perceived benefits of traditional lecture (M=87.1, SD=10.6) and case-based lecture (M=94.5, SD=7.5), t(40)=4.6, p \u3c.001) Conclusion: Using case-based learning is an effective teaching method that should be implemented in nursing programs to hold students interest, provide motivation, and allow them to actively participate in their education