28 research outputs found

    The Photonic TIGER: a multicore fiber-fed spectrograph

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    We present a proof of concept compact diffraction limited high-resolution fiber-fed spectrograph by using a 2D multicore array input. This high resolution spectrograph is fed by a 2D pseudo-slit, the Photonic TIGER, a hexagonal array of near-diffraction limited single-mode cores. We study the feasibility of this new platform related to the core array separation and rotation with respect to the dispersion axis. A 7 core compact Photonic TIGER fiber-fed spectrograph with a resolving power of around R~31000 and 8 nm bandwidth in the IR centered on 1550 nm is demonstrated. We also describe possible architectures based on this concept for building small scale compact diffraction limited Integral Field Spectrographs (IFS).Comment: 8 pages, 6 figures, SPIE Astronomical Telescopes and Instrumentation 8450-5

    Measurements of few-mode fiber photonic lanterns in emulated atmospheric conditions for a low earth orbit space to ground optical communication receiver application

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    Photonic lanterns are being evaluated as a component of a scalable photon counting real-time optical ground receiver for space-to-ground photon-starved communication applications. The function of the lantern as a component of a receiver is to efficiently couple and deliver light from the atmospherically distorted focal spot formed behind a telescope to multiple small-core fiber-coupled single-element super-conducting nanowire detectors. This architecture solution is being compared to a multimode fiber coupled to a multi-element detector array. This paper presents a set of measurements that begins this comparison. This first set of measurements are a comparison of the throughput coupling loss at emulated atmospheric conditions for the case of a 60 cm diameter telescope receiving light from a low earth orbit satellite. The atmospheric conditions are numerically simulated at a range of turbulence levels using a beam propagation method and are physically emulated with a spatial light modulator. The results show that for the same number of output legs as the single-mode fiber lantern, the few-mode fiber lantern increases the power throughput up to 3.92 dB at the worst emulated atmospheric conditions tested of D/r(sub 0)=8.6. Furthermore, the coupling loss of the few-mode fiber lantern approaches the capability of a 30 micron graded index multimode fiber chosen for coupling to a 16 element detector array

    A Multi-Core Fibre Photonic Lantern-Based Spectrograph for Raman Spectroscopy

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    [EN] We report on the development of a compact (volume approximate to 100 cm(3)), multimode diffraction-limited Raman spectrograph and probe designed to be compact as possible. The spectrograph uses 'off the shelf' optics, a custom 3D-printed two-part housing and harnesses a multi-core fibre (MCF) photonic lantern (multimode to few-mode converter), which slices a large 40 mu m multimode input into a near-diffraction-limited 6 mu m aperture. Our unique design utilises the hexagonal geometry of our MCF, permitting high multimode collection efficiency with near-diffraction-limited performance in a compact design. Our approach does not require a complex reformatter or mask and thus preserves spectral information and throughput when forming the entrance slit of the spectrograph. We demonstrate the technology over the interval 800 nm to 940 nm (200 cm(-1) to 2000 cm(-1)) with a resolution of 0.3 nm (4 cm(-1)), but other spectral regions and resolutions from the UV to the near infrared are also possible. We demonstrate the performance of our system by recording the Raman spectra of several compounds, including the pharmaceuticals paracetamol and ibuprofen.This work was supported in part by the University of Sydney under Grant SREI 2020 and in part by JBH's ARC Laureate Fellowship under Grant FL140100278.Betters, CH.; Bland-Hawthorn, J.; Sukkarieh, S.; Gris-Sánchez, I.; Leon-Saval, SG. (2020). A Multi-Core Fibre Photonic Lantern-Based Spectrograph for Raman Spectroscopy. IEEE Photonics Technology Letters. 32(7):395-398. https://doi.org/10.1109/LPT.2020.2976599S39539832

    Seeking celestial Positronium with an OH-suppressed diffraction-limited spectrograph

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    Celestially, Positronium (Ps), has only been observed through gamma-ray emission produced by its annihilation. However, in its triplet state, a Ps atom has a mean lifetime long enough for electronic transitions to occur between quantum states. This produces a recombination spectrum observable in principle at near IR wavelengths, where angular resolution greatly exceeding that of the gamma-ray observations is possible. However, the background in the NIR is dominated by extremely bright atmospheric hydroxyl (OH) emission lines. In this paper we present the design of a diffraction-limited spectroscopic system using novel photonic components - a photonic lantern, OH Fiber Bragg Grating filters, and a photonic TIGER 2-dimensional pseudo-slit - to observe the Ps Balmer alpha line at 1.3122 microns for the first time.Comment: 6 pages, 9 Figures, 2 Tables. Accepted to Applied Optics feature issue on Astrophotonic

    Single-mode Fiber and Few-Mode Fiber Photonic Lanterns Performance Evaluated for Use in a Scalable Real-Time Photon Counting Ground Receiver

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    Photonic lanterns provide an efficient way of coupling light from a single large-core fiber to multiple small-core fibers. This capability is of interest for space to ground communication applications. In these applications, the optical ground receivers require high-efficiency coupling from an atmospherically distorted focus spot to multiple fiber coupled single pixel super-conducting nanowire detectors. This paper will explore the use of photonic lanterns in a real-time ground receiver that is scalable and constructed with commercial parts. The number of small-core fibers that make a photonic lantern determines the number of spatial modes that they couple. For instance, lanterns made with n number of single-mode fibers can couple n number of spatial modes. Although the laser transmitted from a spacecraft originates as a Gaussian shape, the atmosphere distorts the beam profile by scattering energy into higher-order spatial modes. Therefore, if a ground receiver is sized for a target data rate with n number of detectors, the corresponding lantern made with single-mode fibers will couple n number of spatial modes. The energy of the transmitted beam scattered into spatial modes higher than n will be lost. This paper shows this loss may be reduced by making lanterns with few-mode fibers instead of single-mode fibers, increasing the number of spatial modes that can be coupled and therefore increasing the coupling efficiency to single pixel, single photon detectors. The free space to fiber coupling efficiency of these two types of photonic lanterns are compared over a range of the free-space coupling numerical apertures and mode field diameters. Results indicate the few mode fiber lantern has higher coupling efficiency for telescopes with longer focal lengths under higher turbulent conditions. Also presented is analysis of the jitter added to the system by the lanterns, showing the few-mode fiber photonic lantern adds more jitter than the single-mode fiber lantern, but less than a multimode fiber

    Measurements of Few-Mode Fiber Photonic Lanterns in Emulated Atmospheric Conditions for a Low Earth Orbit Space to Ground Optical Communication Receiver Application

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    Photonic lanterns are being evaluated as a component of a scalable photon counting real-time optical ground receiver for space-to-ground photon-starved communication applications. The function of the lantern as a component of a receiver is to efficiently couple and deliver light from the atmospherically distorted focal spot formed behind a telescope to multiple small-core fiber-coupled single-element super-conducting nanowire detectors. This architecture solution is being compared to a multimode fiber coupled to a multi-element detector array. This paper presents a set of measurements that begins this comparison. This first set of measurements are a comparison of the throughput coupling loss at emulated atmospheric conditions for the case of a 60 cm diameter telescope receiving light from a low earth orbit satellite. The atmospheric conditions are numerically simulated at a range of turbulence levels using a beam propagation method and are physically emulated with a spatial light modulator. The results show that for the same number of output legs as the single-mode fiber lantern, the few mode fiber lantern increases the power throughput up to 3.92 dB at the worst emulated atmospheric conditions tested of D/r0=8.6. Furthermore, the coupling loss of the few mode fiber lantern approaches the capability of a 30 micron graded index multimode fiber chosen for coupling to a 16 element detector array

    Spectroastrometry and Imaging Science with Photonic Lanterns on Extremely Large Telescopes

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    Photonic lanterns (PLs) are tapered waveguides that gradually transition from a multi-mode fiber geometry to a bundle of single-mode fibers. In astronomical applications, PLs can efficiently couple multi-mode telescope light into a multi-mode fiber entrance and convert it into multiple single-mode beams. The output beams are highly stable and suitable for feeding into high-resolution spectrographs or photonic chip beam combiners. For instance, by using relative intensities in the output cores as a function of wavelength, PLs can enable spectroastrometry. In addition, by interfering beams in the output cores with a beam combiner in the backend, PLs can be used for high-throughput interferometric imaging. When used on an Extremely Large Telescope (ELT), with its increased sensitivity and angular resolution, the imaging and spectroastrometric capabilities of PLs will be extended to higher contrast and smaller angular scales. We study the potential spectroastrometry and imaging science cases of PLs on ELTs, including study of exomoons, broad-line regions of quasars, and inner circumstellar disks.Comment: AO4ELT7 conference proceedings 202