726 research outputs found

    The use of virtual environments as an extended classroom – A case study with adult learners in tertiary education

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    This study was conducted in immersive 3D virtual environment Second Life®, with the support of web 2.0 tools as a complement to physical classroom - extended classroom. It was assumed that socialization is a key factor for collaborative learning and knowledge construction. The study aims to identify the variables that may influence knowledge sharing in learning contexts using virtual environments; with the aim of contributing to the improvement of learning situations using the online tools. This research is exploratory in nature and falls within the field of phenomenological studies. The study was implemented in a tertiary education institution involving regular and adult learners. We conclude that in virtual environments learners tend to feel more confident, open, participatory, creative, understanding and seem to participate in training sessions because they are indeed interested in learning. On the other hand, the possibility of providing online tutorial session allows reaching a larger number of learners. These online sessions can be established in a time and place (virtual) free of constraints and can be tailored, allowing a more effective participation from learners.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    O Bronze Final no Noroeste português. Uma rede complexa de lugares, memórias e ações

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    "Estudos arqueológicos de Oeiras". ISSN 0872-6086. Vol. 20 (2013)Síntese sobre a Idade do Bronze Final do Noroeste português.Espaços Naturais, Arquiteturas, Arte rupestre e Deposições na Pré-história Recente da Fachada Ocidental do Centro e Norte Português: das Ações aos Significados – ENARDAS (PTDC/ HI S-ARQ/112983/2009), financiado pelo Programa Operacional Temático Fatores de Competitividade (COMPETE ) e comparticipados pelo Fundo Comunitário Europeu FEDERinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Tumulus of Leira das Mamas, Lamas, Braga

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    Artigo bilingue, em português e inglêsSyntesis about the Neolithic Mound of Leira das Mamas, North of PortugalThis work was develloped in the scope of the project Espaços naturais, arquiteturas, arte rupestre e deposições na pré-história recente da fachada ocidental do centro-norte português: das acções aos significados – ENARDAS / Natural spaces, architecture, rock art and depositions from the Late Prehistory of the Western front of Central and Northern Portugal: from actions to meanings (reference PTDC/HIS-ARQ/112983/2009) financed by the Operational Programme “Thematic Factors of Competitiveness” (COMPETE) and by the European Regional Development Fund (Fundo Europeu de Desenvolvimento Regional - FEDER).info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Um caso paradigmático de património arqueológico e antropológico na fronteira de Portugal e Galiza

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    Pretende-se, com base no acervo arqueológico pré-histórico da região fronteiriça de Campo de Caparinho, Vilar de Perdizes, Montalegre (Norte de Portugal) demonstrar a possibilidade e premência de um diálogo entre passado e presente, como forma de desenvolvimento sustentado. Trata-se de uma área com profusão e diversidade de monumentos arqueológicos da Pré-História Recente, inseríveis, sensivelmente, entre o IV e o II milénios AC e que temos vindo a estudar desde 2002. A escavação de um túmulo, de uma depósito sob um “abrigo” gravado, de várias gravuras rupestres entre as quais destacamos a do “Penedo do Matrimónio”, uma das mais imponentes do conjunto, permitem pensar este local como um sítio especial, cheio de sentidos, gerador de uma memória emocional e de identidade socio-cultural. Mas a história deste local também pode ler-se pelos testemunhos arqueológicos da permanência de cultos pagãos durante o cristianismo bem como pelos vestígios de um sistema agro-silvo-pastoril em extinção. Assim sendo e tendo em atenção o conjunto patrimonial pré-histórico e histórico ou antropológico desta área fronteiriça a autora efectua uma reflexão sobre a sua reintegração no quotidiano dos presentes, enquanto elementos geradores de novas identidades e de desenvolvimento sócio-ecultural

    Burials, corpses and offerings in the Bronze Age of NW Iberia as agents of social identity and memory

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    In this text we analyse several materialities related to the world of death during the Bronze Age in the Northwest of the Iberian Peninsula with the purpose of discussing the long-term role of the corpses, the sepulchral places and the offerings as agents of legitimization of the territory, of memory and of creation and maintenance of the group identity. The first framed hypothesis is that there seems to be different conceptions of death between the highlands, associated with communities with a more pastoral way of life, and the lowlands, more in connection with agricultural societies. The second one establishes that in both types of communities it was always in the Early Bronze when corpses had a greater weight as agents of legitimization of territory and identity. Finally, the third and last hypothesis assumes that from the Middle Bronze Age on the scenarios of power negotiation and maintenance are gradually transferred and spread into other contexts, such as the sites with rock engravings, the places of metal deposits and the settlements themselves. This may be in accordance with the possible increase of the practice of cremation in which the “consumed body” loses “visibility”.In this text we analyse several materialities related to the world of death during the Bronze Age in the Northwest of the Iberian Peninsula with the purpose of discussing the long-term role of the corpses, the sepulchral places and the offerings as agents of legitimization of the territory, of memory and of creation and maintenance of the group identity. The first framed hypothesis is that there seems to be different conceptions of death between the highlands, associated with communities with a more pastoral way of life, and the lowlands, more in connection with agricultural societies. The second one establishes that in both types of communities it was always in the Early Bronze when corpses had a greater weight as agents of legitimization of territory and identity. Finally, the third and last hypothesis assumes that from the Middle Bronze Age on the scenarios of power negotiation and maintenance are gradually transferred and spread into other contexts, such as the sites with rock engravings, the places of metal deposits and the settlements themselves. This may be in accordance with the possible increase of the practice of cremation in which the “consumed body” loses “visibility”. Key-words: Northwest of Iberian Peninsula; Bronze Age; corpses, burials; funerary practices; new structuration of the landscape; new ideological conceptions; places of identity and social memoryNous analysons plusieurs aspects concernant la mort et le monde des morts au cours de l’Age du Bronze dans le Nordouest de la Péninsule Ibérique. Nous cherchons à identifier et à comprendre le rôle des cadavres, des tombes et des offrandes et leur lien avec l’identité, la mémoire et le territoire du groupe. Trois hypothèses sont avancées. La première considère l’existence de différentes notions de la mort, séparant les communautés humaines habitant sur les hauteurs et dans la plaine. La seconde admet que, pendant le début de l’Age du Bronze, les corps jouaient un rôle majeur dans la reconnaissance de l’identité du territoire, au sein des deux communautés. A partir du Bronze moyen, la troisième théorie considère que le pouvoir est acquis et maintenu à l’aide d’autres apports, comme les zones d’art pariétale, les caches d’objets métalliques et les propres villages. Cela peut s’accorder avec la possibilité d’augmentation des crémations, puisque les corps brûlés perdent leur visibilité

    Rock engravings of Breia, Cardielos, Viana do Castelo

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    Artigo bilingue, em português e inglêsNotice about the rock carvings set of Breia, in the Northwest of Portugal.This work was develloped in the scope of the project Espaços naturais, arquiteturas, arte rupestre e deposições na pré-história recente da fachada ocidental do centro-norte português: das acções aos significados – ENARDAS / Natural spaces, architecture, rock art and depositions from the Late Prehistory of the Western front of Central and Northern Portugal: from actions to meanings (reference PTDC/HIS-ARQ/112983/2009) financed by the Operational Programme “Thematic Factors of Competitiveness” (COMPETE) and by the European Regional Development Fund (Fundo Europeu de Desenvolvimento Regional - FEDER).info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    La edad del bronce en el Noroeste de la Península Ibérica: un análisis a partir de las prácticas funerarias

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    La autora ensaya una nueva interpretación de los mecanismos de negociación del poder y de promoción de la identidad social a partir del análisis de unas prácticas funerarias, cuya existencia ha quedado demostrada en todos los períodos de la Edad del Bronce en el Noroeste de la Península Ibérica, y de la integración de las mismas en los diferentes contextos cronológico-culturales en los que se desenvuelven. En esta extensa área distingue dos grandes tendencias en el tipo y la distribución de las arquitecturas funerarias que asocia a los diferentes modos de interacción y percepción del mundo de las comunidades de este período. Defiende que las necrópolis de sepulturas “opacas” (cistas sin tumuli, sepulturas planas y fosas), localizadas en áreas de importante potencial agrícola y en las inmediaciones de los poblados, fueron construidas por comunidades sedentarias, muy implicadas en actividades agrícolas, con un marcado sentido de la territorialización y un dominio y conocimiento profundo del territorio. En cambio las comunidades conectadas con paisajes montañosos, eventualmente mas subordinadas a las prácticas pastoriles y con modos de vida que implicarían mayor movilidad, serían las responsables de la construcción de estructuras funerarias más visibles, como los monumentos bajo tumuli de tradición megalítica, alejados de los poblados. Defiende durante el Bronce Inicial una ocupación de nuevos territorios y la aparición tanto de una nueva forma de interacción de las comunidades con el medio como nuevos mecanismos de poder y de legitimación sobre el territorio que se materializan, parcialmente, en las prácticas funerarias. Atribuye un papel social a algunos cadáveres, aquellos que tienen ofrendas de cobre y de oro y que están presentes en lugares antiguos y nuevos. A partir del Bronce Medio asume que el cadáver pierde importancia en términos colectivos y que la muerte se vuelve más familiar, transfiriéndose los escenarios de negociación del poder y de la identidad social a otros contextos de acción más conectados con la esfera de los vivos. Pone como ejemplo los lugares de explotación de estaño y de fabricación, manipulación y deposición de artefactos en bronce, los escenarios donde se edifican y se colocan las estatuas-menhires emergentes, grabadas con armas y con nuevos símbolos, y el interior de los poblados. Durante el Bronce Final esta dinámica se acentuaría, aumentando la transformación del cadáver con la consiguiente pérdida de importancia del cuerpo físico, sobre todo en los lugares o períodos en los que los indicios de incineración parecen más usuales. Destaca la mayor relevancia adquirida por los poblados como polos dinamizadores de poder y la aparición de localizaciones en alto, de verdaderos recintos excepcionales, a veces con murallas, en donde las acciones realizadas implicaron la manipulación de varios y diversificados artefactos metálicos, además de materias primas excepcionales y de gran cantidad de recipientes cerámicos singulares. Finaliza preconizando la necesidad de estudios de contingencia que permitan confirmar o refutar estas hipótesis

    A estátua sedente de Roriz (Barcelos), no contexto das manifestações simbólicas e rituais da Proto-história do Norte de Portugal

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    Dá-se a conhecer uma estátua-sedente encontrada no Castro de Roriz, concelho de Barcelos, entre 1979 e 1980, hoje depositada no Museu Regional de Arqueologia D. Diogo de Sousa, em Braga. A propósito da publicação desta peça, faz-se uma reavaliação dos achados similares detectados no Norte de Portugal e colocam-se algumas questões sobre o mundo ritual e o povoamento da Idade do Ferro, com base na análise iconográfica e dos contextos onde têm sido encontrados.This article draws upon a “sitting statue” found at the Castro de Roriz (Barcelos) between 1979 and 1980 actually in the Museu Regional de Arqueologia D. Diogo de Sousa (Braga). Concerning the publication of this statue we have been reappraising similar discoveries detected in the North of Portugal. We have also been putting some questions related to the ritual world and the settlement of the Iron Age based on an iconographic analysis and on the contacts stablished in the places where they have been found.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Life and death in the Bronze Age of the NW of Iberian Peninsula

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    This paper examines funerary practices and contexts in the northwest of the Iberian Peninsula during the Bronze Age in order to chart the different responses to death. These practices, understood as “social metaphors”, will serve as a basis for our interpretation of the different ways in which societies engage with the environment. The burial sites and associated rites are also analyzed as forms of legitimization and territorial possession, which function through the creation of “a sense of place”, able thereafter to transmit memory and contribute to the construction of the group identity

    Rock engravings of Senhora da Encarnação, Lovelhe, Vila Nova de Cerveira

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    Artigo bilingue, em português e inglêsNotice about the rock engravings of Senhora da Encarnação, in Vila Nova de Cerqueira (Minho Valley) in the Northwest of Portugal.This work was develloped in the scope of the project Espaços naturais, arquiteturas, arte rupestre e deposições na pré-história recente da fachada ocidental do centro-norte português: das acções aos significados – ENARDAS / Natural spaces, architecture, rock art and depositions from the Late Prehistory of the Western front of Central and Northern Portugal: from actions to meanings (reference PTDC/HIS-ARQ/112983/2009) financed by the Operational Programme “Thematic Factors of Competitiveness” (COMPETE) and by the European Regional Development Fund (Fundo Europeu de Desenvolvimento Regional - FEDER).info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio