130 research outputs found
Staphylococcus aureus ATP Synthase Promotes Biofilm Persistence by Influencing Innate Immunity
ABSTRACT Staphylococcus aureus is a major cause of prosthetic joint infection (PJI), which is characterized by biofilm formation. S. aureus biofilm skews the host immune response toward an anti-inflammatory profile by the increased recruitment of myeloid-derived suppressor cells (MDSCs) that attenuate macrophage proinflammatory activity, leading to chronic infection. A screen of the Nebraska Transposon Mutant Library identified several hits in the ATP synthase operon that elicited a heightened inflammatory response in macrophages and MDSCs, including atpA, which encodes the alpha subunit of ATP synthase. An atpA transposon mutant (ΔatpA) had altered growth kinetics under both planktonic and biofilm conditions, along with a diffuse biofilm architecture that was permissive for leukocyte infiltration, as observed by confocal laser scanning microscopy. Coculture of MDSCs and macrophages with ΔatpA biofilm elicited significant increases in the proinflammatory cytokines interleukin 12p70 (IL-12p70), tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-α), and IL-6. This was attributed to increased leukocyte survival resulting from less toxin and protease production by ΔatpA biofilm as determined by liquid chromatography with tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS). The enhanced inflammatory response elicited by ΔatpA biofilm was cell lysis-dependent since it was negated by polyanethole sodium sulfanate treatment or deletion of the major autolysin, Atl. In a mouse model of PJI, ΔatpA-infected mice had decreased MDSCs concomitant with increased monocyte/macrophage infiltrates and proinflammatory cytokine production, which resulted in biofilm clearance. These studies identify S. aureus ATP synthase as an important factor in influencing the immune response during biofilm-associated infection and bacterial persistence. IMPORTANCE Medical device-associated biofilm infections are a therapeutic challenge based on their antibiotic tolerance and ability to evade immune-mediated clearance. The virulence determinants responsible for bacterial biofilm to induce a maladaptive immune response remain largely unknown. This study identified a critical role for S. aureus ATP synthase in influencing the host immune response to biofilm infection. An S. aureus ATP synthase alpha subunit mutant (ΔatpA) elicited heightened proinflammatory cytokine production by leukocytes in vitro and in vivo, which coincided with improved biofilm clearance in a mouse model of prosthetic joint infection. The ability of S. aureus ΔatpA to augment host proinflammatory responses was cell lysis-dependent, as inhibition of bacterial lysis by polyanethole sodium sulfanate or a ΔatpAΔatl biofilm did not elicit heightened cytokine production. These studies reveal a critical role for AtpA in shaping the host immune response to S. aureus biofilm
Relaxation of surface tension in the liquid-solid interfaces of Lennard-Jones liquids
We have established the surface tension relaxation time in the liquid-solid interfaces of Lennard-Jones (LJ) liquids by means of direct measurements in molecular dynamics (MD) simulations. The main result is that the relaxation time is found to be almost independent of the molecular structures and viscosity of the liquids (at seventy-fold change) used in our study and lies in such a range that in slow hydrodynamic motion the interfaces are expected to be at equilibrium. The implications of our results for the modelling of dynamic wetting processes and interpretation of dynamic contact angle data are discussed
The Atacama Cosmology Telescope: Extragalactic Sources at 148 GHz in the 2008 Survey
We report on extragalactic sources detected in a 455 square-degree map of the
southern sky made with data at a frequency of 148 GHz from the Atacama
Cosmology Telescope 2008 observing season. We provide a catalog of 157 sources
with flux densities spanning two orders of magnitude: from 15 to 1500 mJy.
Comparison to other catalogs shows that 98% of the ACT detections correspond to
sources detected at lower radio frequencies. Three of the sources appear to be
associated with the brightest cluster galaxies of low redshift X-ray selected
galaxy clusters. Estimates of the radio to mm-wave spectral indices and
differential counts of the sources further bolster the hypothesis that they are
nearly all radio sources, and that their emission is not dominated by
re-emission from warm dust. In a bright (>50 mJy) 148 GHz-selected sample with
complete cross-identifications from the Australia Telescope 20 GHz survey, we
observe an average steepening of the spectra between 5, 20, and 148 GHz with
median spectral indices of , , and . When the
measured spectral indices are taken into account, the 148 GHz differential
source counts are consistent with previous measurements at 30 GHz in the
context of a source count model dominated by radio sources. Extrapolating with
an appropriately rescaled model for the radio source counts, the Poisson
contribution to the spatial power spectrum from synchrotron-dominated sources
with flux density less than 20 mJy is C^{\rm Sync} = (2.8 \pm 0.3) \times
10^{-6} \micro\kelvin^2.Comment: Accepted to Ap
The Atacama Cosmology Telescope: A Measurement of the Cosmic Microwave Background Power Spectrum at 148 and 218 GHz from the 2008 Southern Survey
We present measurements of the cosmic microwave background (CMB) power
spectrum made by the Atacama Cosmology Telescope at 148 GHz and 218 GHz, as
well as the cross-frequency spectrum between the two channels. Our results
clearly show the second through the seventh acoustic peaks in the CMB power
spectrum. The measurements of these higher-order peaks provide an additional
test of the {\Lambda}CDM cosmological model. At l > 3000, we detect power in
excess of the primary anisotropy spectrum of the CMB. At lower multipoles 500 <
l < 3000, we find evidence for gravitational lensing of the CMB in the power
spectrum at the 2.8{\sigma} level. We also detect a low level of Galactic dust
in our maps, which demonstrates that we can recover known faint, diffuse
signals.Comment: 19 pages, 13 figures. Submitted to ApJ. This paper is a companion to
Hajian et al. (2010) and Dunkley et al. (2010
The Atacama Cosmology Telescope: Data Characterization and Map Making
We present a description of the data reduction and mapmaking pipeline used
for the 2008 observing season of the Atacama Cosmology Telescope (ACT). The
data presented here at 148 GHz represent 12% of the 90 TB collected by ACT from
2007 to 2010. In 2008 we observed for 136 days, producing a total of 1423 hours
of data (11 TB for the 148 GHz band only), with a daily average of 10.5 hours
of observation. From these, 1085 hours were devoted to a 850 deg^2 stripe (11.2
hours by 9.1 deg) centered on a declination of -52.7 deg, while 175 hours were
devoted to a 280 deg^2 stripe (4.5 hours by 4.8 deg) centered at the celestial
equator. We discuss sources of statistical and systematic noise, calibration,
telescope pointing, and data selection. Out of 1260 survey hours and 1024
detectors per array, 816 hours and 593 effective detectors remain after data
selection for this frequency band, yielding a 38% survey efficiency. The total
sensitivity in 2008, determined from the noise level between 5 Hz and 20 Hz in
the time-ordered data stream (TOD), is 32 micro-Kelvin sqrt{s} in CMB units.
Atmospheric brightness fluctuations constitute the main contaminant in the data
and dominate the detector noise covariance at low frequencies in the TOD. The
maps were made by solving the least-squares problem using the Preconditioned
Conjugate Gradient method, incorporating the details of the detector and noise
correlations. Cross-correlation with WMAP sky maps, as well as analysis from
simulations, reveal that our maps are unbiased at multipoles ell > 300. This
paper accompanies the public release of the 148 GHz southern stripe maps from
2008. The techniques described here will be applied to future maps and data
releases.Comment: 20 pages, 18 figures, 6 tables, an ACT Collaboration pape
The Atacama Cosmology Telescope: Sunyaev Zel'dovich Selected Galaxy Clusters at 148 GHz in the 2008 Survey
We report on twenty-three clusters detected blindly as Sunyaev-Zel'dovich
(SZ) decrements in a 148 GHz, 455 square-degree map of the southern sky made
with data from the Atacama Cosmology Telescope 2008 observing season. All SZ
detections announced in this work have confirmed optical counterparts. Ten of
the clusters are new discoveries. One newly discovered cluster, ACT-CL
J0102-4915, with a redshift of 0.75 (photometric), has an SZ decrement
comparable to the most massive systems at lower redshifts. Simulations of the
cluster recovery method reproduce the sample purity measured by optical
follow-up. In particular, for clusters detected with a signal-to-noise ratio
greater than six, simulations are consistent with optical follow-up that
demonstrated this subsample is 100% pure. The simulations further imply that
the total sample is 80% complete for clusters with mass in excess of 6x10^14
solar masses referenced to the cluster volume characterized by five hundred
times the critical density. The Compton y -- X-ray luminosity mass comparison
for the eleven best detected clusters visually agrees with both self-similar
and non-adiabatic, simulation-derived scaling laws.Comment: 13 pages, 7 figures, Accepted for publication in Ap
The Atacama Cosmology Telescope: Cosmology from Galaxy Clusters Detected via the Sunyaev-Zel'dovich Effect
We present constraints on cosmological parameters based on a sample of
Sunyaev-Zel'dovich-selected galaxy clusters detected in a millimeter-wave
survey by the Atacama Cosmology Telescope. The cluster sample used in this
analysis consists of 9 optically-confirmed high-mass clusters comprising the
high-significance end of the total cluster sample identified in 455 square
degrees of sky surveyed during 2008 at 148 GHz. We focus on the most massive
systems to reduce the degeneracy between unknown cluster astrophysics and
cosmology derived from SZ surveys. We describe the scaling relation between
cluster mass and SZ signal with a 4-parameter fit. Marginalizing over the
values of the parameters in this fit with conservative priors gives sigma_8 =
0.851 +/- 0.115 and w = -1.14 +/- 0.35 for a spatially-flat wCDM cosmological
model with WMAP 7-year priors on cosmological parameters. This gives a modest
improvement in statistical uncertainty over WMAP 7-year constraints alone.
Fixing the scaling relation between cluster mass and SZ signal to a fiducial
relation obtained from numerical simulations and calibrated by X-ray
observations, we find sigma_8 = 0.821 +/- 0.044 and w = -1.05 +/- 0.20. These
results are consistent with constraints from WMAP 7 plus baryon acoustic
oscillations plus type Ia supernoava which give sigma_8 = 0.802 +/- 0.038 and w
= -0.98 +/- 0.053. A stacking analysis of the clusters in this sample compared
to clusters simulated assuming the fiducial model also shows good agreement.
These results suggest that, given the sample of clusters used here, both the
astrophysics of massive clusters and the cosmological parameters derived from
them are broadly consistent with current models.Comment: 12 pages, 7 figures. Submitted to Ap
The Atacama Cosmology Telescope: Cosmological parameters from three seasons of data
We present constraints on cosmological and astrophysical parameters from
high-resolution microwave background maps at 148 GHz and 218 GHz made by the
Atacama Cosmology Telescope (ACT) in three seasons of observations from 2008 to
2010. A model of primary cosmological and secondary foreground parameters is
fit to the map power spectra and lensing deflection power spectrum, including
contributions from both the thermal Sunyaev-Zeldovich (tSZ) effect and the
kinematic Sunyaev-Zeldovich (kSZ) effect, Poisson and correlated anisotropy
from unresolved infrared sources, radio sources, and the correlation between
the tSZ effect and infrared sources. The power ell^2 C_ell/2pi of the thermal
SZ power spectrum at 148 GHz is measured to be 3.4 +\- 1.4 muK^2 at ell=3000,
while the corresponding amplitude of the kinematic SZ power spectrum has a 95%
confidence level upper limit of 8.6 muK^2. Combining ACT power spectra with the
WMAP 7-year temperature and polarization power spectra, we find excellent
consistency with the LCDM model. We constrain the number of effective
relativistic degrees of freedom in the early universe to be Neff=2.79 +\- 0.56,
in agreement with the canonical value of Neff=3.046 for three massless
neutrinos. We constrain the sum of the neutrino masses to be Sigma m_nu < 0.39
eV at 95% confidence when combining ACT and WMAP 7-year data with BAO and
Hubble constant measurements. We constrain the amount of primordial helium to
be Yp = 0.225 +\- 0.034, and measure no variation in the fine structure
constant alpha since recombination, with alpha/alpha0 = 1.004 +/- 0.005. We
also find no evidence for any running of the scalar spectral index, dns/dlnk =
-0.004 +\- 0.012.Comment: 26 pages, 22 figures. This paper is a companion to Das et al. (2013)
and Dunkley et al. (2013). Matches published JCAP versio
Executive Quirks in Operational Decisions
We ask if corporate executives have fixed effects (quirks) that explain perational decisions made in firms, independent of firm effects. We replicate the approach in Bertrand et al. (2003), solving the empirical challenge of distinguishing firm and executive effects by constructing a dataset of executives who move from one firm to another. We find that executives indeed exhibit fixed effects separate from firm effects. These quirks are large, although there is a wide dispersion of sizes among executives. The quirks also come in themes, such as a bias toward investing in human rather than physical capital. We also find that quirks mostly lead to inefficient outcomes for firms. Finally, we link quirks to observable characteristics of executives, such as their age or education. We conclude by arguing for an increased focus on individual effects in operations management research
Reversible and Noisy Progression towards a Commitment Point Enables Adaptable and Reliable Cellular Decision-Making
Cells must make reliable decisions under fluctuating extracellular conditions, but also be flexible enough to adapt to such changes. How cells reconcile these seemingly contradictory requirements through the dynamics of cellular decision-making is poorly understood. To study this issue we quantitatively measured gene expression and protein localization in single cells of the model organism Bacillus subtilis during the progression to spore formation. We found that sporulation proceeded through noisy and reversible steps towards an irreversible, all-or-none commitment point. Specifically, we observed cell-autonomous and spontaneous bursts of gene expression and transient protein localization events during sporulation. Based on these measurements we developed mathematical population models to investigate how the degree of reversibility affects cellular decision-making. In particular, we evaluated the effect of reversibility on the 1) reliability in the progression to sporulation, and 2) adaptability under changing extracellular stress conditions. Results show that reversible progression allows cells to remain responsive to long-term environmental fluctuations. In contrast, the irreversible commitment point supports reliable execution of cell fate choice that is robust against short-term reductions in stress. This combination of opposite dynamic behaviors (reversible and irreversible) thus maximizes both adaptable and reliable decision-making over a broad range of changes in environmental conditions. These results suggest that decision-making systems might employ a general hybrid strategy to cope with unpredictably fluctuating environmental conditions
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