1 research outputs found
Non-photonic electron-hadron azimuthal correlation for AuAu, CuCu and pp collisions at GeV
We present preliminary STAR results of azimuthal correlations between
non-photonic electrons and hadrons in AuAu, CuCu and pp at
GeV. Comparison of the e-h correlations from these colliding systems allows one
to study the system-size dependence of heavy quark jet-medium interactions. We
also report on the relative charm and bottom contributions to non-photonic
electrons extracted from correlations measured in pp collisions. Our results,
when combined with measurements of non-photonic electrons, constrain
the charm and bottom energy loss in the dense medium.Comment: 4 pages 3 figures - To appear in the conference proceedings for Quark
Matter 2009, March 30 - April 4, Knoxville, Tennessee. v4 has beautified
figures for the CuCu and AuAu e-h correlations, no other chang