2,205 research outputs found

    How do galactic winds affect the Lyalpha forest?

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    We investigate the effect of galactic winds on the Lyalpha forest in cosmological simulations of structure and galaxy formation. We combine high resolution N-body simulations of the evolution of the dark matter with a semi-analytic model for the formation and evolution of galaxies which includes detailed prescriptions for the long-term evolution of galactic winds. This model is the first to describe the evolution of outflows as a two-phase process (an adiabatic bubble followed by a momentum--driven shell) and to include metal--dependent cooling of the outflowing material. We find that the main statistical properties of the Lyalpha forest, namely the flux power spectrum P(k) and the flux probability distribution function (PDF), are not significantly affected by winds and so do not significantly constrain wind models. Winds around galaxies do, however, produce detectable signatures in the forest, in particular, increased flux transmissivity inside hot bubbles, and narrow, saturated absorption lines caused by dense cooled shells. We find that the Lyalpha flux transmissivity is highly enhanced near strongly wind-blowing galaxies, almost half of all high-redshift galaxies in our sample, in agreement with the results of Adelberger et al. (2005). Finally, we propose a new method to identify absorption lines potentially due to wind shells in the Lyalpha forest: we calculate the abundance of saturated regions in spectra as a function of region width and we find that the number with widths smaller than about 1 Angstrom at z=3 and 0.6 Angstrom at z=2 may be more than doubled. This should be detectable in real spectra.Comment: 14 pages, 11 figures. Minor changes in the text. Accepted for publication in MNRA

    Magnetic Field Seeding by Galactic Winds

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    The origin of intergalactic magnetic fields is still a mystery and several scenarios have been proposed so far: among them, primordial phase transitions, structure formation shocks and galactic outflows. In this work we investigate how efficiently galactic winds can provide an intense and widespread "seed" magnetisation. This may be used to explain the magnetic fields observed today in clusters of galaxies and in the intergalactic medium (IGM). We use semi-analytic simulations of magnetised galactic winds coupled to high resolution N-body simulations of structure formation to estimate lower and upper limits for the fraction of the IGM which can be magnetised up to a specified level. We find that galactic winds are able to seed a substantial fraction of the cosmic volume with magnetic fields. Most regions affected by winds have magnetic fields in the range -12 < Log B < -8 G, while higher seed fields can be obtained only rarely and in close proximity to wind-blowing galaxies. These seed fields are sufficiently intense for a moderately efficient turbulent dynamo to amplify them to the observed values. The volume filling factor of the magnetised regions strongly depends on the efficiency of winds to load mass from the ambient medium. However, winds never completely fill the whole Universe and pristine gas can be found in cosmic voids and regions unaffected by feedback even at z=0. This means that, in principle, there might be the possibility to probe the existence of primordial magnetic fields in such regions.Comment: 14 pages, 5 figures. Accepted for publications by MNRAS. A high resolution version of the paper is available at http://astronomy.sussex.ac.uk/~sb207/Papers/bb.ps.g

    On Hopf's Lemma and the Strong Maximum Principle

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    In this paper we consider Hopf's Lemma and the Strong Maximum Principle for supersolutions to a class of non elliptic equations. In particular we prove a sufficient condition for the validity of Hopf's Lemma and of the Strong Maximum Principle and we give a condition which is at once necessary for the validity of Hopf's Lemma and sufficient for the validity of the Strong Maximum Principle.Comment: 27 pages,4 figure

    Relativistic formulation of coordinate light time, Doppler and astrometric observables up to the second post-Minkowskian order

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    Given the extreme accuracy of modern space science, a precise relativistic modeling of observations is required. In particular, it is important to describe properly light propagation through the Solar System. For two decades, several modeling efforts based on the solution of the null geodesic equations have been proposed but they are mainly valid only for the first order Post-Newtonian approximation. However, with the increasing precision of ongoing space missions as Gaia, GAME, BepiColombo, JUNO or JUICE, we know that some corrections up to the second order have to be taken into account for future experiments. We present a procedure to compute the relativistic coordinate time delay, Doppler and astrometric observables avoiding the integration of the null geodesic equation. This is possible using the Time Transfer Function formalism, a powerful tool providing key quantities such as the time of flight of a light signal between two point-events and the tangent vector to its null-geodesic. Indeed we show how to compute the Time Transfer Functions and their derivatives (and thus range, Doppler and astrometric observables) up to the second post-Minkowskian order. We express these quantities as quadratures of some functions that depend only on the metric and its derivatives evaluated along a Minkowskian straight line. This method is particularly well adapted for numerical estimations. As an illustration, we provide explicit expressions in static and spherically symmetric space-time up to second post-Minkowskian order. Then we give the order of magnitude of these corrections for the range/Doppler on the BepiColombo mission and for astrometry in a GAME-like observation.Comment: 22 pages, 5 figures, accepted in Phys. Rev.

    Frequency shift up to the 2-PM approximation

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    A lot of fundamental tests of gravitational theories rely on highly precise measurements of the travel time and/or the frequency shift of electromagnetic signals propagating through the gravitational field of the Solar System. In practically all of the previous studies, the explicit expressions of such travel times and frequency shifts as predicted by various metric theories of gravity are derived from an integration of the null geodesic differential equations. However, the solution of the geodesic equations requires heavy calculations when one has to take into account the presence of mass multipoles in the gravitational field or the tidal effects due to the planetary motions, and the calculations become quite complicated in the post-post-Minkowskian approximation. This difficult task can be avoided using the time transfer function's formalism. We present here our last advances in the formulation of the one-way frequency shift using this formalism up to the post-post-Minkowskian approximation.Comment: 4 pages, submitted to proceedings of SF2

    Light propagation in the field of a moving axisymmetric body: theory and application to JUNO

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    Given the extreme accuracy of modern space science, a precise relativistic modeling of observations is required. We use the Time Transfer Functions formalism to study light propagation in the field of uniformly moving axisymmetric bodies, which extends the field of application of previous works. We first present a space-time metric adapted to describe the geometry of an ensemble of uniformly moving bodies. Then, we show that the expression of the Time Transfer Functions in the field of a uniformly moving body can be easily derived from its well-known expression in a stationary field by using a change of variables. We also give a general expression of the Time Transfer Function in the case of an ensemble of arbitrarily moving point masses. This result is given in the form of an integral easily computable numerically. We also provide the derivatives of the Time Transfer Function in this case, which are mandatory to compute Doppler and astrometric observables. We particularize our results in the case of moving axisymmetric bodies. Finally, we apply our results to study the different relativistic contributions to the range and Doppler tracking for the JUNO mission in the Jovian system.Comment: 17 pages, 4 figures, submitted to Phys. Rev. D, some corrections after revie

    Test of the gravitational redshift with stable clocks in eccentric orbits: application to Galileo satellites 5 and 6

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    The Einstein Equivalence Principle (EEP) is one of the foundations of the theory of General Relativity and several alternative theories of gravitation predict violations of the EEP. Experimental constraints on this fundamental principle of nature are therefore of paramount importance. The EEP can be split in three sub-principles: the Universality of Free Fall (UFF), the Local Lorentz Invariance (LLI) and the Local Position Invariance (LPI). In this paper we propose to use stable clocks in eccentric orbits to perform a test of the gravitational redshift, a consequence of the LPI. The best test to date was performed with the Gravity Probe A (GP-A) experiment in 1976 with an uncertainty of 1.4×10−41.4\times10^{-4}. Our proposal considers the opportunity of using Galileo satellites 5 and 6 to improve on the GP-A test uncertainty. We show that considering realistic noise and systematic effects, and thanks to a highly eccentric orbit, it is possible to improve on the GP-A limit to an uncertainty around (3−4)×10−5(3-4)\times 10^{-5} after one year of integration of Galileo 5 and 6 data.Comment: 13 pages, 5 figures, accepted in Classical and Quantum Gravity as a Fast Track Communicatio

    Construction et installation du LHC

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    L’installation du LHC a pris, en 2002, une nouvelle dimension avec le début des travaux de la machine en parallèle à ses futures expériences. La première phase des travaux pour le LHC a été la mise en place des services généraux électriques et des tuyauteries d’eau de refroidissement dans le secteur 7/8. Les premières lignes cryogéniques (QRL) seront acheminées au mois de juin. Pour les expériences ALICE et LHC B, après les dernières opérations de démontage, les premiers travaux d’installation des futurs détecteurs ont pu commencer. ATLAS a pu également débuter l’installation de son infrastructure au point 1 avec le début des travaux de charpente dans USA 15. Pour CMS au point 5, la réalisation d’une grande partie de son spectaculaire aimant, est l’objet de nombreuses visites. Le montage des autres parties de son détecteur représentant également une large part d’activité sur d’autres sites

    APFELgrid: A high performance tool for parton density determinations

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    We present a new software package designed to reduce the computational burden of hadron collider measurements in Parton Distribution Function (PDF) fits. The APFELgrid package converts interpolated weight tables provided by APPLgrid files into a more efficient format for PDF fitting by the combination with PDF and as evolution factors provided by APFEL. This combination significantly reduces the number of operations required to perform the calculation of hadronic observables in PDF fits and simplifies the structure of the calculation into a readily optimised scalar product. We demonstrate that our technique can lead to a substantial speed improvement when compared to existing methods without any reduction in numerical accuracy. Program Summary Program Title: APFELgrid Program Files doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.17632/mhwjt5nsg7.1 Licensing provisions: MIT license Programming language: C++ Nature of problem: Fast computation of hadronic observables under the variation of parton distribution functions. Solution method: Combination of interpolated weight grids from APPLgrid files and evolution factors from APFEL into efficient FastKernel tables. External routines/libraries: APPLgrid, APFE
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