1,941 research outputs found

    Micropropagation of Salvia wagneriana Polak and hairy root cultures with rosmarinic acid production

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    Salvia wagneriana Polak is a tropical species native to Central America, well adapted to grow in the Mediterranean basin for garden decoration. Micropropagation has been assessed from axillary shoots of adult plants using a Murashige and Skoog basal medium, with the addition of 1.33-μM 6-benzylaminopurine for shoot proliferation; the subsequent rooting phase occurred in plant growth regulator-free medium. The plants were successfully acclimatised with high survival frequency. Hairy roots were induced after co-cultivation of leaf lamina and petiole fragments with Agrobacterium rhizogenes and confirmed by PCR. The establishment and proliferation of the selected HRD3 line were obtained in hormone-free liquid medium and the production of rosmarinic acid (RA) was evaluated after elicitation. The analysis of RA was performed by LC-ESI-DAD-MS in the hydroalcoholic extracts. The addition of casein hydrolysate increased the RA production, whereas no enrichment was observed after the elicitation with jasmonic acid

    Many-body localization in continuum systems: two-dimensional bosons

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    We demonstrate that many-body localization of two-dimensional weakly interacting bosons in disorder remains stable in the thermodynamic limit at sufficiently low temperatures. Highly energetic particles destroy the localized state only above a critical temperature, which increases with the strength of the disorder. If the particle distribution is truncated at high energies, as it does for cold atom systems, the localization can be stable at any temperature.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figure

    Tolerance of Pedunculate oak (Quercus robur) saplings to herbicides

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    Spraying herbicides to reduce weed competition is a usual practice in agricultural regions. However, tree tending under agroforestry or forest plantations is hampered by the extensive use of these pesticides. Here, we assessed the survival, symptoms expression and growth of pedunculate oak (Quercus robur) saplings after spraying different herbicides at recommended doses in two seasons: winter and spring. Three independent herbicide trials were carried out on oak sapling plots (E_WINTER 2013, E_SPRING 2012, E_SPRING 2013) in Ayacucho, province of Buenos Aires, Argentina. Plants were kept under uniform conditions in a nursery for about three months. We alternatively tested the herbicides (doses in sub-index, cc.ha-1 or g.ha-1) flumioxazin (FLUM100), glyphosate (GLIF2000, 4000, 6000), metsulfuron-methyl (METS8), dicamba (DIC120), propaquizafop (PROP500, 1000), flurochloridone (FLUO1000, 1500, 4000), atrazine (ATR2000, 4000), acetochlor (ACET2000), imazethapyr (IMAZE500, 1000) and imazapyr (IMAZA33, 100). At the end of each trial all plants survived, regardless of treatment, although the symptoms varied depending on the trial and product. Glyphosate associated with chlorosis, necrosis and deformation, propaquizafop with necrosis, and dicamba, flurochloridone, imazethapyr and imazapyr with chlorosis. ATR2000 and FLUO1500 treatments advanced the re-sprout phases. In terms of growth, saplings sprayed with IMAZE1000, IMAZA100 and GLIF6000 had lower total dry weight than the control (CT) (p<0.05), in E_SPRING 2012. In E_WINTER 2013 differences of dry weight were not significant, but in E_SPRING 2013, FLUO1500 sprayed saplings had a lower dry weight of roots than CT (p<0.05). Total plant height and stem diameter presented similar trends. According to the whole set of symptoms assessed, the application of FLUM100, ACET2000, ATR2000 or METS8 would be compatible with oak saplings production. The low effect of herbicides in wintertime might be related to different ways of avoidance to herbicide penetration: root depth, the absence of foliage or to the protective structure of buds (perulae); in spring, to root depth, leaf cuticle thickness and hairiness, and to the (high) capacity of the oaks to re-sprout. Although the results obtained are promising for oak plantation in sites exposed to common herbicides, further research is needed to assess long term responses, or to repeated applications over time.El uso de herbicidas en áreas agrícolas es una práctica usual para reducir la competencia de malezas. Sin embargo, la plantación de árboles en sistemas agroforestales o en macizos es amenazada por la aplicación extensiva de estos agroquímicos. En este estudio se evaluó supervivencia, síntomas y crecimiento inicial de plantines de roble pedunculado (Quercus robur) tratados con distintos herbicidas bajo las dosis usualmente recomendadas y en dos épocas del año: invierno y primavera. Con este fin se llevaron a cabo tres ensayos independientes sobre plantines de roble (E_WINTER 2013, E_SPRING 2012, E_SPRING 2013) en la localidad de Ayacucho, provincia de Buenos Aires, Argentina. Las plantas se mantuvieron en el vivero durante aproximadamente tres meses bajo condiciones uniformes. Se probaron alternativamente los herbicidas (dosis en subíndices, en cc.ha-1 o g.ha-1): flumioxazin (FLUM100), glifosato, (GLIF2000, 4000, 6000), metsulfuronmetil (METS8), dicamba (DIC120), propaquizafop (PROP500, 1000), flurocloridona (FLUO1000, 1500, 4000), atrazina (ATR2000, 4000), acetoclor (ACET2000), imazetapir (IMAZE500, 1000) e imazapir (IMAZA33, 100). Al finalizar los ensayos todas las plantas sobrevivieron, independientemente de los tratamientos, aunque los síntomas variaron según los ensayos y productos aplicados. El glifosato se asoció con clorosis, necrosis y deformación de las hojas, propaquizafop con necrosis, y dicamba, fluorocloridona, imazetapir e imazapir con clorosis. Los tratamientos ATR2000 y FLUO1500 adelantaron las fases de rebrote. En cuanto al crecimiento, los plantines tratados con IMAZE1000, IMAZA100 y GLIF6000 alcanzaron un menor peso seco total que el control (CT) (p<0.05) en el ensayo E_SPRING 2012. En el ensayo E_WINTER 2013 no se observaron diferencias significativas en el peso seco, pero en E_SPRING 2013, con FLUO1500 los plantines alcanzaron menor peso seco de raíces que el control (p<0.05). Las alturas totales y los diámetros de tallo presentaron tendencias similares. Según los síntomas observados en el total de los ensayos, FLUM100, ACET2000, ATR2000 y METS8 serían compatibles con los plantines de roble. Los modos de evadir la penetración de los herbicidas en el período invernal pueden relacionarse con la profundidad de las raíces, con la ausencia de hojas y con la protección de las yemas por pérulas; y en la primavera con la profundidad de las raíces, con el espesor de la cutícula y con la pilosidad foliar, y con la alta capacidad de rebrote de los robles. Si bien los resultados alcanzados son promisorios para la implantación de robles en sitios expuestos a herbicidas de uso corriente, es necesario conducir otros estudios para evaluar la reacción de las plantas a largo plazo, o sujetas a aplicaciones repetidas en el tiempo.EEA BalcarceFil: Laclau, Pablo. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (INTA). Estación Experimental Agropecuaria Balcarce. Agencia de Extensión Rural Tandil; ArgentinaFil: Murillo, Natalia Lorena. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (INTA). Estación Experimental Agropecuaria Balcarce. Agencia de Extensión Rural Nicanor Otamendi; ArgentinaFil: Bertoli, B. Vivero Bértoli; ArgentinaFil: Vignolio, Osvaldo. Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias. Unidad Integrada. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (INTA). Estación Experimental Agropecuaria Balcarce; Argentina

    Usos potenciales de la madera de roble europeo y fresno americano cultivados en la provincia de Buenos Aires, Argentina

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    - Spavento, E. Ing. Forestal, Docente-Investigadora, Xilotecnología y Profesional Independiente. Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias y Forestales, UNLP. [email protected] - Keil, G. Ing. Forestal M. Sc., Docente-Investigador, Xilotecnología e Industrias de Transformación Mecánica. Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias y Forestales, UNLP. [email protected] - Murace, M. Licenciada en Biología, Docente-Investigadora, Protección Forestal. Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias y Forestales, UNLP. [email protected] - Luján M . Doctora en Ciencias Naturales, Docente-Investigadora, Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Museo, UNLP. CIC, PBA. - Bertoli, B Ingeniero Forestal, Profesional Independiente.Los usos de una madera están estrechamente relacionados a sus características tecnológicas. Para utilizar con fiabilidad la madera de roble europeo (Quercus robur L.) y fresno americano (Fraxinus pennsylvanica Marsh.) cultivada en la provincia de Buenos Aires (Argentina) es necesario conocer sus propiedades físicomecánicas y su durabilidad. El objetivo de este trabajo fue determinar, mediante ensayos estandarizados, las características tecnológicas de la madera de roble y fresno, implantados en la provincia de Buenos Aires, con el propósito de definir sus usos. Las propiedades físicas determinadas fueron: contenido de humedad (IRAM 9532), densidades aparentes (IRAM 9544), cambios dimensionales (IRAM 9543). Las propiedades mecánicas determinadas fueron: dureza Janka (IRAM 9570), flexión estática (IRAM 9542), corte paralelo a las fibras (IRAM 9596), compresión perpendicular y paralela a las fibras (IRAM 9547 y 9541 respectivamente). La durabilidad natural se estimó aplicando la norma IRAM 9518. Se estudió además la estructura del leño de ambas especies, a nivel macro y microscópico, con el fin de relacionar estas características con las propiedades tecnológicas. Para ello se cuantificaron los siguientes caracteres: longitud, espesor de pared y diámetro del lumen de fibras y diámetro de vasos mayores. Ambas maderas resultaron medianamente estables, de densidad media alta y durables. De acuerdo con esto las maderas de roble europeo y fresno americano cultivadas en Argentina son aptas para una amplia gama de usos: elementos deportivos, mangos de herramientas, muebles, escaleras, molduras, puertas, solados interiores y exteriores y elementos estructurales como vigas y columnas, entre otros

    Enhancing workflow-nets with data for trace completion

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    The growing adoption of IT-systems for modeling and executing (business) processes or services has thrust the scientific investigation towards techniques and tools which support more complex forms of process analysis. Many of them, such as conformance checking, process alignment, mining and enhancement, rely on complete observation of past (tracked and logged) executions. In many real cases, however, the lack of human or IT-support on all the steps of process execution, as well as information hiding and abstraction of model and data, result in incomplete log information of both data and activities. This paper tackles the issue of automatically repairing traces with missing information by notably considering not only activities but also data manipulated by them. Our technique recasts such a problem in a reachability problem and provides an encoding in an action language which allows to virtually use any state-of-the-art planning to return solutions

    Therapeutical Options in ROS1—Rearranged Advanced Non Small Cell Lung Cancer

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    ROS proto-oncogene 1 (ROS1) rearrangements occur in 0.9–2.6% of patients with non small cell lung cancer (NSCLC), conferring sensitivity to treatment with specific tyrosine-kinase inhibitors (TKI). Crizotinib, a first-generation TKI, was the first target-therapy approved for the first-line treatment of ROS1-positive NSCLC. Recently, entrectinib, a multitarget inhibitor with an anti-ROS1 activity 40 times more potent than crizotinib and better activity on the central nervous system (CNS), received approval for treatment-naive patients. After a median time-to-progression of 5.5–20 months, resistance mechanisms can occur, leading to tumor progression. Therefore, newer generation TKI with greater potency and brain penetration have been developed and are currently under investigation. This review summarizes the current knowledge on clinicopathological characteristics of ROS1-positive NSCLC and its therapeutic options

    Recent Ostracod Fauna of the Western Ross Sea (Antarctica): A Poorly Known Ingredient of Polar Carbonate Factories

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    Ostracoda are a minor but recurrent component of Southern Ocean marine carbonate factories, and their low-Mg calcitic skeletal mineralogy helps in ensuring a noteworthy post-mortem resilience. Our study, based upon surface sediment occurrences, contributes to the better definition of their distribution vs. potential controlling factors in Antarctic waters. The ostracod fauna from the Western Ross Sea Shelf appears dominated by Australicythere polylyca, Australicythere devexa, Xestoleberis rigusa, Loxoreticulatum fallax, Cativella bensoni, Austrotrachyleberis antarctica and Patagonacythere longiducta, colonizing a variety of shelf environments along a wide bathymetric range. The abundance and richness values correlate well to nutrient distribution and sediment supply, primarily related to the circulation of different oceanographic regimes affecting the floor of the Ross Sea Shelf. Circumpolar Deep Water could represent the main factor controlling the distribution of ostracods. Similar results (high abundance and richness in ostracod values) were also recorded in the Terra Nova Bay and in a nearby area characterized by warm water rich in nutrients and composed of water of circumpolar origin flowing from the open ocean southwards onto the continental shelf. Particulate Fe (pFe), in suspended particulate matter (SPM), and other particulate trace metals in TNB could support the hypothesis that biogenic iron may significantly contribute to the bioavailable iron pool, sustaining both primary production and ostracod fauna richness in this area

    Exercise training alone or in combination with high-protein diet in patients with late onset Pompe disease: results of a cross over study

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    15noBACKGROUND: Late onset Pompe disease (LOPD) is a lysosomal neuromuscular disorder which can progressively impair the patients' exercise tolerance, motor and respiratory functions, and quality of life. The available enzyme replacement therapy (ERT) does not completely counteract disease progression. We investigated the effect of exercise training alone, or associated with a high-protein diet, on the exercise tolerance, muscle and pulmonary functions, and quality of life of LOPD patients on long term ERT. METHODS: The patients were asked to participate to a crossover randomized study comprehending a control period (free diet, no exercise) followed by 2 intervention periods: exercise or exercise + diet, each lasting 26 weeks and separated by 13 weeks washout periods. Exercise training included moderate-intensity aerobic exercise on a cycle ergometer, stretching and balance exercises, strength training. The diet was composed by 25-30% protein, 30-35% carbohydrate and 35-40% fat. Before and after each period patients were assessed for: exercise tolerance test on a cycle-ergometer, serum muscle enzymes, pulmonary function tests and SF36 questionnaire for quality of life. Compliance was evaluated by training and dietary diaries. Patients were contacted weekly by researchers to optimize adherence to treatments. RESULTS: Thirteen LOPD patients, median age 49 ± 11 years, under chronic ERT (median 6.0 ± 4.0 years) were recruited. Peak aerobic power (peak pulmonary O2 uptake) decreased after control, whereas it increased after exercise, and more markedlyafter exercise + diet. Serum levels of lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) significantly decreased after exercise + diet; both creatine kinase (CK) and LDH levels were significantly reduced after exercise + diet compared to exercise. Pulmonary function showed no changes after control and exercise, whereas a significant improvement of forced expiratory volume in 1 sec (FEV1) was observed after exercise + diet. SF36 showed a slight improvement in the "mental component" scale after exercise, and a significant improvement in "general health" and "vitality" after exercise + diet. The compliance to prescriptions was higher than 70% for both diet and exercise. CONCLUSIONS: Exercise tolerance (as evaluated by peak aerobic power) showed a tendency to decrease in LOPD patients on long term ERT. Exercise training, particularly if combined with high-protein diet, could reverse this decrease and result in an improvement, which was accompanied by improved quality of life. The association of the two lifestyle interventions resulted also in a reduction of muscle enzyme levels and improved pulmonary function.openopenSechi A.; Zuccarelli L.; Grassi B.; Frangiamore R.; De Amicis R.; Marzorati M.; Porcelli S.; Tullio A.; Bacco A.; Bertoli S.; Dardis A.; Biasutti L.; Pasanisi M.B.; Devigili G.; Bembi B.Sechi, A.; Zuccarelli, L.; Grassi, B.; Frangiamore, R.; De Amicis, R.; Marzorati, M.; Porcelli, S.; Tullio, A.; Bacco, A.; Bertoli, S.; Dardis, A.; Biasutti, L.; Pasanisi, M. B.; Devigili, G.; Bembi, B

    RNA-seq dataset of subcutaneous adipose tissue: Transcriptional differences between obesity and healthy women

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    In this data article, we present the dataset from the RNA-Seq analysis of subcutaneous adipose tissue collected from 5 healthy normal weight women (NW, age 37 +/- 6.7 years, BMI 24.3 +/- 0.9 kg/m(2)) and 5 obese women (OBF, age 41 +/- 12.5 years, BMI 38.2 +/- 4.6 kg/m(2)). Raw data obtained from Illumina NextSeq 500 sequencer were processed through BlueBee (R) Genomics Platform while differential expression analysis was performed with the DESeq2 R package and deposited in the GEO public repository with GSE166047 as accession number. Specifically, 20 samples divided between NW (control), OBF (obese women), OBM (obese male) and OBT2D (obese women with diabetes) are deposited in the GSE166047. We hereby describe only 10 samples (5 healthy normal weight women reported as NW and 5 obese women reported as OBF) because we refer to the data published in the article "Transcriptional characterization of Subcutaneous Adipose Tissue in obesity affected women highlights metabolic dysfunction and implications for lncRNAs" (DOI: 10.1016/j.ygeno.2021.09.014). Pathways analyses were performed on g:Profiler, Enrichr, ClueGO and GSEA to gain biological insights on gene expression. Raw data reported in GEO database along with detailed methods description reported in this data article could be reused for comparisons with other datasets on the topic to obtain transcriptional differences in a wider co-hort. Moreover, detailed pathways analysis along with cross-referenced data with other datasets will allow to identify novel dysregulated pathways and genes responsible for this regulation. The biological interpretation of this dataset, along with related in vitro experiments, is reported by Rey et al., in Genomics (DOI: 10.1016/j.ygeno.2021.09.014). (C) 2021 Published by Elsevier Inc
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