25 research outputs found

    Fostering Inclusive Recruitment Interviews with Intelligent Digital Humans: A Diversity and Inclusion Training Initiative

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    This article is about an intelligent digital human model enhanced by artificial intelligence, designed to meet the requirements from a multinational company in need of training for their human resources personnel on bias-free recruitment interviews. We have been creating a new generation of avatars with social intelligence, who are capable not only of presenting a wide variety of topics in a dynamic and engaging manner, but also of interacting with the audience and communicating emotions and moods. We have been customizing avatars for role plays, building them as real interlocutors who facilitate training in how to handle difficult conversations by including aspects such as non-verbal communication, different communication styles, and diversity and inclusion. Practicing conversations with avatars accelerates learning from experience without the risks associated with learning in the field. At the end of each interview, timely feedback is provided so learners can determine how to improve their performance. These digital humans are able to perform like realistic human beings, challenging the interviewer both at a verbal and para-verbal level, as well on the cognitive and the emotional levels – making it easy for the interviewer to get trapped into biases and false assumptions. The key message is this: diversity and inclusion best practices are first of all about mindset

    Voice- and Touch-Controlled Checklists

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    From day 1 of training, pilots learn to utilize mnemonics, acronyms and aphorisms to remember checks, procedures and practices—and these techniques remain with them throughout their careers. Learning to use such memory aids effectively can help pilots in at least two distinct ways; it frees up working memory during routine operations and directs the mind towards required actions during situations and emergencies. Surgeons, physicians, paramedic personnel, and nurses are often invited to do the same. The amount of information and the level of detail included in checklists are among the most difficult issues to control during the development process of these tools, since there is no universal model of representation regarding iconography, text length, density of information, number of steps, colors, fonts, etc. regarding any of the elements involved in the system. Communication patterns, knowledge visualization strategies and techniques, and the ways to interact with the checklist are other challenging issue

    Enhancing Communication Between Sonographers and Patients in Diverse Cultural Settings via Digital Human Role-Playing

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    Effective communication skills are essential for sonographers to build trust, to explain examination procedures to the patient in non-technical terms, to alleviate anxiety and gain patient consent and collaboration, and to provide information at a pace suitable for the patient. In order to communicate effectively, the sonographer needs to be able to communicate empathetically, adjusting their communication style to meet the needs of different audiences. This is particularly challenging when working with a diverse and multicultural group of patients where the risk of misinterpretation is higher. Students are provided with the opportunity to practice dialogues with virtual patients that are able to interact as real human beings, communicating concerns, emotions, and moods both at a verbal and non-verbal level. Coaching through digital humans accelerates learning from experience without the risks associated with learning in the field

    Virtual worlds and augmented reality: The enhanced reality lab as a best practice for advanced simulation and immersive learning

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    e-REAL is enhanced reality for immersive simulation. It is a system where physical and digital objects co-exist and interact in real time, in a real place and not within a headset. e-REAL allows for an advanced simulation within a multisensory scenario, based on challenging situations developed by visual storytelling techniques. The e-REAL immersive setting is fully interactive with 3D holographic visualization, talking avatars, electronically writable surfaces and more: people can take notes, cluster key-concepts or fill questionnaires directly on the projected surfaces. Learners rapidly circle between deliberate practice and direct feedback within a simulation scenario until mastery is achieved. So far, the early findings show that visualization, if linked in interactive ways to the learners, allows for better neural processes related to learning and behavior change. Mondi virtuali e realtà aumentata: l’Enhanced Reality Lab come best practice per la simulazione avanzata e l’apprendimento immersivoe-REAL è realtà potenziata per la simulazione immersiva. E’ un sistema dove oggetti fisici e virtuali coesistono e interagiscono in tempo reale, in un luogo reale e non all’interno di un visore. e-REAL consente una simulazione avanzata all’interno di uno scenario multisensoriale, basato su situazioni sfidanti progettate attraverso tecniche di storytelling visuale. Il setting immersivo di e-REAL è pienamente interattivo con visualizzazioni olografiche in 3D, avatars parlanti, superfici sulle quali è possibile scrivere elettronicamente e altro ancora: le persone possono prendere note, raggruppare concetti-chiave, compilare questionari direttamente sulle superfici proiettate. L’applicazione della tecnica denominate Rapid Cicle Deliberate Practice (RCDP), basata su feedback diretti e mirati, consente di migliorare le performance già nel corso della simulazione. I primi risultati mostrano che la visualizzazione interattiva potenzia i processi neurali associati all’apprendimento e al cambiamento comportamentale

    reimagining stem education and training with e real 3d and holographic visualization immersive and interactive learning for an effective flipped classroom

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    While the 19th and the 20th centuries were, in education, mainly about standardization, the 21st century is about visualization, interaction, customization, gamification and flipped teaching. What today we know about learning from cognitive psychology is that people learn by practicing, with feedback to tell them what they're doing right and wrong and how to get better. For STEM education, that means they need to practice thinking like a scientist in the field. So e-REAL is a cornerstone: developed as workplace learning system in a number of fields (from medical simulation to soft skills development within the continuing education), it's an ideal solution to root a practical – but not simplicistic - approach for STEM education.</p

    Fostering Diversity and Inclusion in Medicine: Collaborating with Extended Reality and Medical Simulation in the Metaverse

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    Metaverse is a term used to describe a hypothetical shared virtual space where people can interact with a computer-generated environment and each other, and there are multiple metaverses currently being developed by various companies and organizations. Cooperation in the metaverse is at the core of the ongoing digital revolution that impacts the way we design and deliver overall education and training. Medical simulation is a powerful way to deliver education and training, based on the use of technology and other techniques to recreate clinical scenarios for the purpose of teaching and training healthcare professionals and students. This article is about how to involve learners in a metaverse within the medical simulation field. The key questions that we address are as follows: What is the metaverse today? What will it look like in a few years? How do we enhance medical simulation based on cooperation in the metaverse? How do we engage learners with diversity and inclusion

    Reimagining STEM Education and Training with e-REAL. 3D and Holographic Visualization, Immersive and Interactive Learning for an Effective Flipped Classroom

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     While the 19th and the 20th centuries were, in education, mainly about standardization, the 21st century is about visualization, interaction, customization, gamification and flipped teaching. What today we know about learning from cognitive psychology is that people learn by practicing, with feedback to tell them what they're doing right and wrong and how to get better. For STEM education, that means they need to practice thinking like a scientist in the field. So e-REAL is a cornerstone: developed as workplace learning system in a number of fields (from medical simulation to soft skills development within the continuing education), it’s an ideal solution to root a practical – but not simplicistic - approach for STEM education

    An e-REAL Lab in Dubai. Immersive Experiences, Visual Communication and Augmented Reality

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    e-REAL is an enhanced reality lab by LKN and is at the forefront by design for learners’ centricity. It is becoming a cornerstone as a suite of solutions based on immersive experiences, visual communication and augmented reality. e-REAL is both a physical and a virtual ecosystem for boosting people and fostering their competencies: it embeds augmented reality tools, mobile applications, holograms and wearable devices to be used during education and training programs, as well as being utilized for assessment and development centers. e-REAL can be delivered both face to face and remotely. By implementing e-REAL, a myriad of competencies are fostered and audited: this includes behavioral skills, as well as cognitive and metacognitive capacity. Technical know-how and job-related competencies are also honed and attested. As a result, people’s performance is expected to grow; measuring return on investment and the outputs in terms of competencies’ growth is an easy task; the most demanding traceability standards are guaranteed

    Leadership 5.0: An Agile Mindset for a Digital Future

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    This article is about a program aimed at fostering an agile mindset in young corporate leaders (under 40 years old) working in the energy sector, who are expected to be effective leaders in an ever more digitalized world; the program has been co-designed with ENI Corporate University (Milan and Rome, Italy) on behalf of the World Economic Forum (Davos and Geneva, Switzerland). Digital transformation is not only about technology. It is also mainly enabled by leadership that is grounded in 3 pillars: teamwork, start-up culture, and matrix management. Hot topics and key activities include: a business game for launching a new cryptocurrency; scenario analysis  and immersive simulation within a mixed reality environment (e-REAL); online keynotes by seasoned faculty from Harvard, MIT and Stanford with moderated Q&amp;A sessions to facilitate an interactive dialogue; a collaborative platform to enhance online learning and bridge between modules

    Interactive Holograms and Tutorials in Healthcare Education: Case Studies from the e-REAL Experience

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    With both portable and permanent fixtures available, the e-REAL lab encompasses users in an entirely interactive and immersive ecosystem; advanced medical simulation reaches its best thanks to interactive 3D holographic visualization. Using a number of tools, e-REAL enables not only face-to-face training, but also e-learning and remote communication across the globe