232 research outputs found
The Symmetry, Color and Morphology of Galaxies in the Hubble Deep Field
We present a new method of utilizing the color and asymmetry values for
galaxies in the Hubble Deep Field to determine both their morphological
features and physical parameters. By using a color-asymmetry diagram, we show
that various types of star-forming galaxies (e.g. irregular versus interacting,
peculiar galaxies) can be distinguished in local samples. We apply the same
methods to the F814W images of the Hubble Deep Field, and show preliminary
results indicating that galaxy mergers and interactions are the dominate
process responsible for creating asymmetries in the HDF galaxies.Comment: 5 Pages with 1 figure; To appear in "After the Dark Ages: When
Galaxies were Young", proceedings of the 9th annual October Astrophysics
Conference, ed. S. Holt and E. Smit
The Intrinsic Ellipticity of Spiral Disks
We have measured the distribution of intrinsic ellipticities for a sample of
28 relatively face-on spiral disks. We combine H-alpha velocity fields and R
and I-band images to determine differences between kinematic and photometric
inclination and position angles, from which we estimate intrinsic ellipticities
of galaxy disks. Our findings suggest disks have a log-normal distribution of
ellipticities (mean epsilon =0.06) and span a range from epsilon= 0 (circular)
to epsilon=0.2. We are also able to construct a tight Tully-Fisher relation for
our face-on sample. We use this to assess the contribution of disk ellipticity
on the observed Tully-Fisher scatter.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures, to appear in "Disks of Galaxies: Kinematics,
Dynamics and Perturbations" (ASP Conference Series), eds E.Athanassoula and
A. Bosm
The 3-Dimensional Distribution of Dust in NGC 891
We produce three-dimensional Monte-Carlo radiative transfer models of the
edge-on spiral galaxy NGC 891, a fast-rotating galaxy thought to be an analogue
to the Milky Way. The models contain realistic spiral arms and a fractal
distribution of clumpy dust. We fit our models to Hubble Space Telescope images
corresponding to the B and I bands, using shapelet analysis and a genetic
algorithm to generate 30 statistically best-fitting models. These models have a
strong preference for spirality and clumpiness, with average face-on
attenuation decreasing from 0.24(0.16) to 0.03(0.03) mag in the B(I) band
between 0.5 and 2 radial scale-lengths. Most of the attenuation comes from
small high-density clumps with low (<10%) filling factors. The fraction of dust
in clumps is broadly consistent with results from fitting NGC 891's spectral
energy distribution. Because of scattering effects and the intermixed nature of
the dust and starlight, attenuation is smaller and less wavelength-dependent
than the integrated dust column-density. Our clumpy models typically have
higher attenuation at low inclinations than previous radiative transfer models
using smooth distributions of stars and dust, but similar attenuation at
inclinations above 70 degrees. At all inclinations most clumpy models have less
attenuation than expected from previous estimates based on minimizing scatter
in the Tully-Fisher relation. Mass-to-light ratios are higher and the intrinsic
scatter in the Tully-Fisher relation is larger than previously expected for
galaxies similar to NGC 891. The attenuation curve changes as a function of
inclination, with R_(B,B-I)=A_(B)/E(B-I) increasing by ~0.75 from face-on to
near-edge-on orientations.Comment: 26 pages, 18 figures, accepted for publication in Ap
Impact of surface-polish on the angular and wavelength dependence of fiber focal ratio degradation
We present measurements of how multimode fiber focal-ratio degradation (FRD)
and throughput vary with levels of fiber surface polish from 60 to 0.5 micron
grit. Measurements used full-beam and laser injection methods at wavelengths
between 0.4 and 0.8 microns on 17 meter lengths of Polymicro FBP 300 and 400
micron core fiber. Full-beam injection probed input focal-ratios between f/3
and f/13.5, while laser injection allowed us to isolate FRD at discrete
injection angles up to 17 degrees (f/1.6 marginal ray). We find (1) FRD effects
decrease as grit size decreases, with the largest gains in beam quality
occurring at grit sizes above 5 microns; (2) total throughput increases as grit
size decreases, reaching 90% at 790 nm with the finest polishing levels; (3)
total throughput is higher at redder wavelengths for coarser polishing grit,
indicating surface-scattering as the primary source of loss. We also quantify
the angular dependence of FRD as a function of polishing level. Our results
indicate that a commonly adopted micro-bending model for FRD is a poor
descriptor of the observed phenomenon.Comment: 10 pages, 7 figures, presented at SPIE Astronomical Telescopes and
Instrumentation, July 201
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