1,056 research outputs found
Exact Counting of Black Hole Microstates
The exact entropy of two-charge supersymmetric black holes in N=4 string
theories is computed to all orders using Wald's formula and the supersymmetric
attractor equations with an effective action that includes the relevant higher
curvature terms. Classically, these black holes have zero area but the
attractor equations are still applicable at the quantum level. The quantum
corrected macroscopic entropy agrees precisely with the microscopic counting
for an infinite tower of fundamental string states to all orders in an
asymptotic expansion.Comment: 4 pages, latex, minor change
F-theory, Geometric Engineering and N=1 Dualities
We consider geometric engineering of N=1 supersymmetric QFTs with matter in
terms of a local model for compactification of F-theory on Calabi-Yau fourfold.
By bringing 3-branes near 7-branes we engineer N=1 supersymmetric
gauge theory with flavors in the fundamental. We identify the Higgs
branch of this system with the instanton moduli space on the compact four
dimensional space of the 7-brane worldvolume. Moreover we show that the
Euclidean 3-branes wrapped around the compact part of the 7-brane worldvolume
can generate superpotential for as well as lead to quantum
corrections to the moduli space for . Finally we argue that Seiberg's
duality for N=1 supersymmetric QCD may be mapped to T-duality exchanging
7-branes with 3-branes.Comment: 15 page
D-Branes and Topological Field Theories
In the presence of a D-brane a string theory develops a new subsector. We
show that for curved D-branes the corresponding sector is a (partially twisted)
topological field theory. We use this result to compute the degeneracy of
2-branes wrapped around cycles as well as 3-branes wrapped around CY
threefold vanishing 3-cycles. In both cases we find the degeneracy is in accord
with expectation. The counting of BPS states of a gas of 0-branes in the
presence of a 4-brane in is considered and it is noted that the effective
0-brane charge is shifted by 1, due to a quantum correction. This is in accord
with string duality and the fact that left-moving ground state energy of
heterotic string starts at . We also show that all the three different
topological twistings of four dimensional Yang-Mills theory do arise from
curved three-branes embedded in different spaces (Calabi-Yau manifolds and
manifolds with exceptional holonomy groups).Comment: 22 page
Kodaira-Spencer Theory of Gravity and Exact Results for Quantum String Amplitudes
We develop techniques to compute higher loop string amplitudes for twisted
theories with (i.e. the critical case). An important
ingredient is the discovery of an anomaly at every genus in decoupling of BRST
trivial states, captured to all orders by a master anomaly equation. In a
particular realization of the theories, the resulting string field theory
is equivalent to a topological theory in six dimensions, the Kodaira--Spencer
theory, which may be viewed as the closed string analog of the Chern--Simon
theory. Using the mirror map this leads to computation of the `number' of
holomorphic curves of higher genus curves in Calabi--Yau manifolds. It is shown
that topological amplitudes can also be reinterpreted as computing corrections
to superpotential terms appearing in the effective 4d theory resulting from
compactification of standard 10d superstrings on the corresponding
theory. Relations with strings are also pointed out.Comment: 178 pages, 20 figure
One Loop Effects in Various Dimensions and D-Branes
We calculate some one loop corrections to the effective action of theories in
dimensions that arise on the dimensional reduction of a Weyl fermion in
dimensions. The terms that we are interested in are of a topological nature.
Special attention is given to the effective actions of the super Yang Mills
theories that arise on dimensional reduction of the N=1 theory in six
dimensions or on the dimensional reduction of the N=1 theory in ten dimensions.
In the latter case we suggest an interpretation of the quantum effect as a
coupling of the gauge field on the brane to a relative background gauge field.Comment: 18 pages, LaTe
Extended N=2 Superconformal Structure of Gravity and W-Gravity Coupled to Matter
We show that almost all string theories, including the bosonic string, the
superstring and -string theories, possess a twisted N=2 superconformal
symmetry. This enables us to establish a connection between topological gravity
and the field theoretical description of matter coupled to gravity. We also
show how the \brs operators of the -string can be obtained by hamiltonian
reduction of . The tachyonic and ground ring states of -strings
are described in the light of the N=2 superconformal structure, and the ground
ring generators for the non-critical -string are explicitly constructed.
The relationship to models and quantum integrable systems is also briefly
described.Comment: 48 page
F-theory and linear sigma models
We present an explicit method for translating between the linear sigma model
and the spectral cover description of SU(r) stable bundles over an elliptically
fibered Calabi-Yau manifold. We use this to investigate the 4-dimensional
duality between (0,2) heterotic and F-theory compactifications. We indirectly
find that much interesting heterotic information must be contained in the
`spectral bundle' and in its dual description as a gauge theory on multiple
F-theory 7-branes.
A by-product of these efforts is a method for analyzing semistability and the
splitting type of vector bundles over an elliptic curve given as the sheaf
cohomology of a monad.Comment: 40 pages, no figures; minor cosmetic reorganization of section 4;
reference [6] update
Polynomial Structure of Topological String Partition Functions
We review the polynomial structure of the topological string partition
functions as solutions to the holomorphic anomaly equations. We also explain
the connection between the ring of propagators defined from special K\"ahler
geometry and the ring of almost-holomorphic modular forms defined on modular
curves.Comment: version 2: references fixe
Distribution of satellite galaxies in high redshift groups
We use galaxy groups at redshifts between 0.4 and 1.0 selected from the Great
Observatories Origins Deep Survey (GOODS) to study the color-morphological
properties of satellite galaxies, and investigate possible alignment between
the distribution of the satellites and the orientation of their central galaxy.
We confirm the bimodal color and morphological type distribution for satellite
galaxies at this redshift range: the red and blue classes corresponds to the
early and late morphological types respectively, and the early-type satellites
are on average brighter than the late-type ones. Furthermore, there is a {\it
morphological conformity} between the central and satellite galaxies: the
fraction of early-type satellites in groups with an early-type central is
higher than those with a late-type central galaxy. This effect is stronger at
smaller separations from the central galaxy. We find a marginally significant
signal of alignment between the major axis of the early-type central galaxy and
its satellite system, while for the late-type centrals no significant alignment
signal is found. We discuss the alignment signal in the context of shape
evolution of groups.Comment: 7 pages, 7 figures, accepted by Ap
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