760 research outputs found

    Random walk on Sierpinski-type multifractals

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    A method is established which allows the calculation of the walk dimension for Sierpinski-type multifractals. The multifractal scaling behaviour of the average time needed to cover a distance in the mentionned multifractals is shown. For the average-time-multifractal we calculate the Renyi dimensions and allpy the f(alpha)-formalism.Comment: 9 pages, Postscrip

    The I-mode confinement regime at ASDEX Upgrade: global propert ies and characterization of strongly intermittent density fluctuations

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    Properties of the I­mode confinement regime on the ASDEX Upgrade tokamak are summarized. A weak dependence of the power threshold for the L­I transition on the toroidal magnetic field strength is found. During improved confinement, the edge radial electric field well deepens. Stability calculations show that the I­mode pedestal is peeling­ballooning stable. Turbulence investigations reveal strongly intermittent density fluctuations linked to the weakly coherent mode in the confined plasma, which become stronger as the confinement quality increases. Across all investigated structure sizes ( ≈ ⊥ k 5 – 12 cm − 1 , with ⊥ k the perpendicular wavenumber of turbulent density fluctuations), the intermittent turbulence bursts are observed. Comparison with bolometry data shows that they move poloidally toward the X­point and finally end up in the divertor. This might be indicative that they play a role in inhibiting the density profile growth, such that no pedestal is formed in the edge density profile.European Union (EUROfusion 633053)European Union (EUROfusion AWP15­ENR­09/IPP­02

    Treatment effect of idebenone on inspiratory function in patients with Duchenne muscular dystrophy

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    Assessment of dynamic inspiratory function may provide valuable information about the degree and progression of pulmonary involvement in patients with Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD). The aims of this study were to characterize inspiratory function and to assess the efficacy of idebenone on this pulmonary function outcome in a large and well‐characterized cohort of 10–18 year‐old DMD patients not taking glucocorticoid steroids (GCs) enrolled in the phase 3 randomized controlled DELOS trial. We evaluated the effect of idebenone on the highest flow generated during an inspiratory FVC maneuver (maximum inspiratory flow; V'I,max(FVC)) and the ratio between the largest inspiratory flow during tidal breathing (tidal inspiratory flow; V'I,max(t)) and the V'I,max(FVC). The fraction of the maximum flow that is not used during tidal breathing has been termed inspiratory flow reserve (IFR). DMD patients in both treatment groups of DELOS (idebenone, n = 31; placebo: n = 33) had comparable and abnormally low V'I,max(FVC) at baseline. During the study period, V'I,max(FVC) further declined by −0.29 L/sec in patients on placebo (95%CI: −0.51, −0.08; P = 0.008 at week 52), whereas it remained stable in patients on idebenone (change from baseline to week 52: 0.01 L/sec; 95%CI: −0.22, 0.24; P = 0.950). The between‐group difference favoring idebenone was 0.27 L/sec (P = 0.043) at week 26 and 0.30 L/sec (P = 0.061) at week 52. In addition, during the study period, IFR improved by 2.8% in patients receiving idebenone and worsened by −3.0% among patients on placebo (between‐group difference 5.8% at week 52; P = 0.040). Although the clinical interpretation of these data is currently limited due to the scarcity of routine clinical practice experience with dynamic inspiratory function outcomes in DMD, these findings from a randomized controlled study nevertheless suggest that idebenone preserved inspiratory muscle function as assessed by V'I,max(FVC) and IFR in patients with DMD

    A descriptive analysis of relations between parents' self-reported smoking behavior and infants' daily exposure to environmental tobacco smoke

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The aims of the present study were to examine relations between parents' self-reported smoking behavior and infants' daily exposure to environmental tobacco smoke, as assessed by urinary cotinine-to-creatinine ratio (CCR), and to describe the CCR over seven days among infants at home.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>A convenience sample of 27 households was drawn. Each household had to have at least one daily tobacco smoker and one child up to three years of age. Over a seven-day period, urine samples were obtained from the child daily. To examine relations between parents' self-reported smoking and infants' daily CCR, generalized estimating equation (GEE) analysis was used.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The data revealed that infants from households with indoor smoking had higher CCRs than infants in households with outdoor smoking. CCRs were higher in girls than in boys. Older infants had lower CCRs than younger infants. Smoking outside the home versus inside the home, infant's gender, and infants' age accounted for 68% of the variance in CCR in a GEE data analysis model. No increase or decrease of CCR over time was found.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The findings suggest that parents' self-reported smoking indoors at home versus outdoors is predictive of CCR among infants three and younger. Higher CCR concentrations in girls' urine need further examination. Furthermore, significant fluctuations in daily CCR were not apparent in infants over a seven-day time period.</p