111 research outputs found
A Supergravity Dual of a (1,0) Field Theory in Six Dimensions
We suggest a supergravity dual for the superconformal field theory in
six dimensions which has global symmetry. Compared to the description of
the (2,0) field theory, the 4-sphere is replaced by a 4-hemisphere, or by
orbifolding the 4-sphere.Comment: 5 pages, Harvmac. Typos corrected, References correcte
From SYM Perturbation Theory to Closed Strings in Matrix Theory
For the purpose of better understanding the AdS/CFT correspondence it is
useful to have a description of the theory for all values of the 't Hooft
coupling, and for all . We discuss such a description in the framework of
Matrix theory for SYM on D4-branes, which is given in terms of quantum
mechanics on the moduli space of solutions of the Nahm equations. This
description reduces to both SYM perturbation theory and to closed string
perturbation theory, each in its appropriate regime of validity, suggesting a
way of directly relating the variables in the two descriptions. For example, it
shows explicitly how holes in the world-sheets of the 't Hooft expansion close
to give closed surfaces.Comment: 19 page
Near Hagedorn Dynamics of NS Fivebranes, or A New Universality Class of Coiled Strings
We analyze the thermodynamics of NS 5-branes as the temperature approaches
the NS 5-branes' Hagedorn temperature, and conclude that the dynamics of
``Little String Theory'' is a new universality class of interacting strings.
First we point out how to vary the temperature of the near extremal solution by
taking into account corrections. The Hagedorn temperature is shown to be
a limiting temperature for the theory. We then compare the thermodynamics to
that of a toy model made of free strings and find basic discrepancies. This
suggests a need for a new class of string interactions. We suggest that this
new universality class is characterized by a strong attractive
self-intersection interaction, which causes strings to be coiled. This model
might also explain why ``Little String Theories'' exist in at most 5+1
dimensions.Comment: 37 pages, important signs in section 6.4 corrected, references adde
Splitting the Wino Multiplet by Higher-Dimensional Operators in Anomaly Mediation
In a class of AMSB models, the splitting in the Wino multiplet turns out to
be very small, such as the often-quoted 170 MeV in minimal AMSB, which
originates from MSSM loops. Such a small mass gap is potentially a window into
higher scale physics, as it may be sensitive to higher-dimensional operators.
We show that still within AMSB one can get a much larger splitting in the Wino
multiplet--a few GeV--if the scale of the new physics is comparable to the
gravitino mass (which is indeed often the scale of new physics in anomaly
mediation).Comment: 18 pages; v2: references added, matching journal versio
New IR Dualities in Supersymmetric Gauge Theory in Three Dimensions
We present nontrivial examples of d=3 gauge theories with sixteen and eight
supercharges which are infrared dual at special points in the moduli space.
This duality is distinct from mirror symmetry. To demonstrate duality we
construct the gauge theories of interest using D2-branes and orientifolds and
then consider their lift to M-theory. We also discuss the strong coupling limit
of orientifold two-planes and orbifolds of orientifold six-planes.Comment: 15 pages, harvmac, 1 embedded ps figure; a reference has been adde
IR Dynamics of d=2, N=(4,4) Gauge Theories and DLCQ of "Little String Theories"
We analyze the superconformal theories (SCFTs) which arise in the low-energy
limit of N=(4,4) supersymmetric gauge theories in two dimensions, primarily the
Higgs branch SCFT. By a direct field theory analysis we find a continuum of
"throat"-like states localized near the singularities of the Higgs branch. The
"throat" is similar to the "throat" found in the Coulomb branch of the same
theories, but the full superconformal field theories of the two branches are
different. A particular example is the SCFT of the R^4/Z_2 sigma model with
zero theta angle. In the application of the Higgs branch SCFTs to the DLCQ
description of "little string theories" (LSTs), the "throat" continuum is
identified with the continuum of "throat" states in the holographic description
of the LSTs. We also match the descriptions of the string interactions (in the
"throat" region) in the DLCQ and holographic descriptions of the N=(2,0) LSTs.Comment: 37 pages, harvmac. v2: very minor change
Chiral 2D "Strange Metals" from N = 4 SYM
Familiar field theories may contain closed subsectors made out of only
fermions, which can be used to explore new and unusual phases of matter in
lower dimensions. We focus on the fermionic su(1,1) sector in N=4 SYM and on
its ground states, which are Fermi surface states/operators. By computing their
spectrum to order , we argue that fluctuations around this
fermi surface, within the sector and in the limit , are
governed by a chiral 1+1 dimensional sector of the "strange metal" coset
. On the gravity side, the conjectured dual
configuration is an degeneration of a rotating black hole. On general
grounds we expect that the near horizon excitations of
degenerations of black holes will be
governed by a chiral sector of a 1+1 CFT.Comment: 44 page
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