50,125 research outputs found
The Inner Life of the Kondo Ground State: An Answer to Kenneth Wilson's Question
The Kondo ground state has been investigated by numerical and exact methods,
but the physics behind these results remains veiled. Nobel prize winner Wilson,
who engineered the break through in his numerical renormalization group theory,
commented in his review article "the author has no simple explanation ...for
the crossover from weak to strong coupling". In this article a graphical
interpretation is given for the extraordinary properties of the Kondo ground
state. At the crossover all electron states in the low energy range of
k_{B}T_{K} are synchronized. An internal orthogonality catastrophe is averted.Comment: 4 figure
SED-ML Script Language
The Simulation Experiment Description Markup Language (SED-ML) is a XML format describing simulation experiments, so that they can be easily exchanged independent of software tools that created them. This document describes the SED-ML Script, a Python based shorthand that makes it easy to create / edit SED-ML documents
The Superconducting Proximity Effect as a Tool to Investigate Metal Films and Interfaces
052The superconducting
proximity effect is measured in sandwiches of thin Pb films and the alkali
metals Cs, Rb, K and Na. The -dependence provides information about the
interface barriers between Pb and the alkalis. Such a barrier is particularly
large in Pb/Cs sandwiches. It is not due to impurities or oxydation. In the
presence of a sufficiently strong barrier a special form of the Cooper limit
can be applied to calculate the transition temperature of the sandwich
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