5 research outputs found
Pregled slovenske esejistike na temo slovenske literarne ustvarjalnosti
Vidno mesto v slovenski esejistiki zavzema tema književnosti, v
okviru katere avtorji sledijo aktualnemu književnemu dogajanju,
razmišljajo o literarnih smereh, tokovih, obdobjih in oblikah, lastnem
in tujem ustvarjanju, ontoloških in fenomenoloških vprašanjih literature
ter o umetnosti na splošno. Članek prikazuje krajši tematski
izsek enega pomembnejših problemskih sklopov, ki se je izoblikoval
v slovenskem esejističnem korpusu med letoma 1995 in 2010, ter prinaša
kratek pregled nekaterih esejev, nastalih na temo slovenskega
literarnega ustvarjanja.
Literature (within the framework of which the authors treat contemporary
literary occurrences, literary trends, periods and forms, their
own or foreign works, ontological and phenomenological questions
concerning literature and art in general) occupies a visible place in the
Slovenian essay. This article discusses a minor thematic part of one
of the more important problem circles that formed in the Slovenian
essayist corpus between 1995 and 2010 and gives a short introduction
to some essays dealing with Slovenian literary production
Podoba Primoža Trubarja v slovenski esejistiki
This paper presents an overview of the selected essay corpus of Ivan
Cankar, Taras Kermauner, Ferdo Kozak, Denis Poniž, Ivan Prijatelj,
Alojz Rebula, and Jože Snoj. In their texts I attempted to find confirmation
of the thesis of Ivan Prijatelj that the consciousness of our
selves, and of the fact that Slovene culture and the Slovene national
essence took shape in relatively close and positive connection with
German culture, was decisively formed by Trubar and by the Slovene
Reformation.Prispevek ponuja pregled nad izbranim esejističnim korpusom Ivana
Cankarja, Tarasa Kermaunerja, Ferda Kozaka, Denisa Poniža, Ivana
Prijatelja, Alojza Rebule in Jožeta Snoja. V njihovih besedilih sem iskala
potrditev teze Ivana Prijatelja, ki pravi, da sta tako Primož Trubar
kot slovenska reformacija odločilno sooblikovala zavest o nas samih
in da je slovenska kultura ter z njo slovenska narodna bit nastajala v
razmeroma tesnem in pozitivnem stiku z nemško kulturo
Slovenian essay between the years 1995 and 2010 - the problem circles, the methods of the inner style and their functional union
V disertaciji je obravnavana slovenska esejistika med letoma 1995 in 2010. Prvi del povzema teorijo eseja in razčlenjuje pojme, ki so relevantni za nadaljnjo analizo. Drugi del je posvečen interpretaciji in tematski delitvi sodobne slovenske esejistike ter hkrati prinaša analizo notranjega sloga in jezika. Med najvidnejše tematske kroge slovenske esejistike med letoma 1995 in 2010 spadajo: književna vprašanja, eseji na temo kulture in umetnosti, eseji, ki obravnavajo vprašanja naroda, slovenstva in jezika, bivanjska vprašanja, narava in okolje, (avto)biografski in dnevniški eseji ter potopisni eseji. Disertacija izpostavlja tudi odvisnost med temo in notranjeslogovnimi prvinami ter jezikovnim stilom. Navedena medsebojna pogojenost zmeraj sicer ni nujna ali pa je manj opazna, gotovo pa moramo biti ob razčlenjevanju esejistike nanjo pozorni.The dissertation deals with the Slovenian essay between the years 1995 and 2010. The first part sums up the theory of the essay and the concepts that are relevant for the further analysis. The second part is dedicated to the interpretation and the thematic division of the contemporary Slovenian essayat the same time it gives the analysis of the inner style and the language. Among the most visible thematic circles in the Slovenian essay between the years 1995 and 2010 are: literary questions, essays about culture and art, essays that discuss the questions of the nation, Slovenehood and language, existential questions, nature and environment, (auto)biographical essays, essays that follow the form of the diary or traveller\u27s journal. The dissertation also exposes the interdependence among the theme, the inner style and the language. The stated reciprocal conditionality is not always obligatory or is less evident, but we have to take it into a consideration when we analyze the essay
Overview of a Slovenian essay on the subject of Slovenian literary production
Vidno mesto v slovenski esejistiki zavzema tema književnosti, v okviru katere avtorji sledijo aktualnemu književnemu dogajanju, razmišljajo o literarnih smereh, tokovih, obdobjih in oblikah, lastnem in tujem ustvarjanju, ontoloških in fenomenoloških vprašanjih literature ter o umetnosti na splošno. Članek prikazuje krajši tematski izsek enega pomembnejših problemskih sklopov, ki se je izoblikoval v slovenskem esejističnem korpusu med letoma 1995 in 2010, ter prinaša kratek pregled nekaterih esejev, nastalih na temo slovenskega literarnega ustvarjanja.Literature (within the framework of which the authors treat contemporary literary occurrences, literary trends, periods and forms, their own or foreign works, ontological and phenomenological questions concerning literature and art in general) occupies a visible place in the Slovenian essay. This article discusses a minor thematic part of one of the more important problem circles that formed in the Slovenian essayist corpus between 1995 and 2010 and gives a short introduction to some essays dealing with Slovenian literary production
Primož Trubar\u27s image in Slovene essayistics
Prispevek ponuja pregled nad izbranim esejističnim korpusom Ivana Cankarja, Tarasa Kermaunerja, Ferda Kozaka, Denisa Poniža, Ivana Prijatelja, Alojza Rebule in Jožeta Snoja. V njihovih besedilih sem iskala potrditev teze Ivana Prijatelja, ki pravi, da sta tako Primož Trubar kot slovenska reformacija odločilno sooblikovala zavest o nas samih in da je slovenska kultura ter z njo slovenska narodna bit nastajala v razmeroma tesnem in pozitivnem stiku z nemško kulturo.This paper presents an overview of the selected essay corpus of Ivan Cankar, Taras Kermauner, Ferdo Kozak, Denis Poniž, Ivan Prijatelj, Alojz Rebula, and Jože Snoj. In their texts I attempted to find confirmation of the thesis of Ivan Prijatelj that the consciousness of our selves, and of the fact that Slovene culture and the Slovene national essence took shape in relatively close and positive connection with German culture, was decisively formed by Trubar and by the Slovene Reformation