659 research outputs found
Cosmic rays from active galactic nuclei
Cosmic ray (CR) acceleration at the shock created by the expanding cocoons
around active galactic nuclei (AGNs) is studied. It is shown that above the
energy eV the overall energy spectrum of CRs, produced during the AGN
evolution and released in the intergalactic space, has the form , with , which extends up to
eV. It is concluded that cocoons shocks have to be
considered as a main source of extragalactic CRs, which together with Galactic
supernova remnants provide the observed CR spectrum.Comment: 9 pages, Accepted for publication in ApJ
Cosmic ray acceleration parameters from multi-wavelength observations. The case of SN 1006
The properties of the Galactic supernova remnant SN 1006 are theoretically
reanalysed. Nonlinear kinetic theory is used to determine the acceleration
efficiency of cosmic rays (CRs) in the supernova remnant SN 1006. The known
range of astronomical parameters and the existing measurements of nonthermal
emission are examined in order to define the values of the relevant physical
parameters which determine the CR acceleration efficiency. It is shown that the
parameter values -- proton injection rate, electron to proton ratio and
downstream magnetic field strength -- are determined with the appropriate
accuracy. In particular also the observed azimuthal variations in the gamma-ray
morphology agree with the theoretical expectation. These parameter values,
together with the reduction of the gamma-ray flux relative to a spherically
symmetric acceleration geometry, allow a good fit to the existing data,
including the recently detected TeV emission by H.E.S.S. SN 1006 represents the
first example where a high efficiency of nuclear CR production, required for
the Galactic CR sources, is consistently established.Comment: 10 pages, 6 figures, accepted for publication in A&
Theory of cosmic ray and gamma-ray production in the supernova remnant RX J0852.0-4622
Aims. The properties of the Galactic supernova remnant (SNR) RX J0852.0-4622
are theoretically analysed.
Methods. An explicitly time-dependent, nonlinear kinetic model of cosmic ray
(CR) acceleration in SNRs is used to describe the properties of SNR RX
J0852.0-4622, the accelerated CRs and the nonthermal emission. The source is
assumed to be at a distance of ~1 kpc in the wind bubble of a massive
progenitor star. An estimate of the thermal X-ray flux in such a configuration
is given.
Results. We find that the overall synchrotron spectrum of RX J0852.0-4622 as
well as the filamentary structures in hard X-rays lead to an amplified magnetic
field B > 100 muG in the SNR interior. This implies that the leptonic very high
energy (VHE) gamma-ray emission is suppressed, and that the VHE gamma-rays are
hadronically dominated. The energy spectrum of protons produced over the
life-time of the remnant until now may well reach ''knee'' energies. The
derived gamma-ray morphology is consistent with the H.E.S.S. measurements. The
amount of energy in energetic particles corresponds to about 35% of the
hydrodynamic explosion energy. A remaining uncertainty concerns the thermal
X-ray flux at 1 keV. A rough estimate, possibly not quite appropriate for the
assumed wind bubble configuration, results in it being larger than the
nonthermal flux at this energy.
Conclusions. It is concluded that this SNR expanding into the wind bubble of
a massive star in a dense gas environment can be a hadronic gamma-ray source
that is consistent with all existing multi-wavelength constraints, except
possibly the thermal X-ray emission.Comment: 14 pages, 8 figures, accepted for publication in A&
The theory of synchrotron emission from supernova remnants
The time-dependent nonlinear kinetic theory for cosmic ray (CR) acceleration
in supernova remnants (SNRs) is applied studying the properties of the
synchrotron emission from SNRs, in particular, the surface brightness-diameter
() relation. Detailed numerical calculations are performed for the
expected range of the relevant physical parameters, namely the ambient density
and the supernova explosion energy. The magnetic field in SNRs is assumed to be
significantly amplified by the efficiently accelerating nuclear CR component.
Due to the growing number of accelerated CRs the expected SNR luminosity
increases during the free expansion phase, reaches a peak value at the
beginning of the Sedov phase and then decreases again, since in this stage the
overall CR number remains nearly constant, whereas the effective magnetic field
diminishes with time. The theoretically predicted brightness-diameter relation
in the radio range in the Sedov phase is close to . It fits the observational data in a very satisfactory way. The
observed spread of at a given SNR size is the result of
the spread of supernova explosion energies and interstellar medium densities.Comment: 13 pages, 8 figures, accepted for publication in Astronomy &
Variation of cosmic ray injection across supernova shocks
The injection rate of suprathermal protons into the diffusive shock
acceleration process should vary strongly over the surface of supernova remnant
shocks. These variations and the absolute value of the injection rate are
investigated. In the simplest case, like for SN 1006, the shock can be
approximated as being spherical in a uniform large-scale magnetic field. The
injection rate depends strongly on the shock obliquity and diminishes as the
angle between the ambient field and the shock normal increases. Therefore
efficient particle injection, which leads to conversion of a significant
fraction of the kinetic energy at a shock surface element, arises only in
relatively small regions near the "poles", reducing the overall CR production.
The sizes of these regions depend strongly on the random background field and
the Alfven wave turbulence generated due to CR streaming instability. For the
cases of SN 1006 and Tycho's SNR they correspond to about 20, and for Cas A to
between 10 and 20 percent of the entire shock surface. In first approximation,
the CR production rate, calculated under the assumption of spherical symmetry,
has therefore to be renormalized by this factor, while the shock as such
remains roughly spherical.Comment: 10 pages, 4 figures. To appear in Astronomy and Astrophyics;
Corrected typos, references change
TeV Gamma Rays Expected from Supernova Remnants in Different Uniform Interstellar Media
Calculations of the expected TeV -ray emission, produced by
accelerated cosmic rays (CRs) in nuclear collisions, from supernova remnants
evolving in a uniform interstellar medium (ISM) are presented. The aim is to
study the sensitivity of -ray production to a physical parameter set.
Apart from its general proportionality to N_H, it is shown that the
-ray production essentially depends upon the ratio of the CR diffusion
coefficient to a critical value , where B_0 and N_H are the magnetic
field and hydrogen number density of the ISM, and denotes the Bohm
diffusion coefficient. If is of the same order or lower than
, then the peak TeV -ray flux in the Sedov evolutionary
phase, normalized to a distance of 1 kpc, is about 10^{-10}(N_H/0.3 {cm}^{-3})
photons cm^{-2} s^{-1}. For a CR diffusion coefficient that is significantly
larger than , the CR cutoff energy is less than 10 TeV and the
expected -ray flux at 1 TeV is considerably below the presently
detectable level of 10^{-12} photons cm^{-2} s^{-1}. The same is of course true
for a SNR in the rarified, so-called hot ISM.Comment: 9 pages, 2 figures, to appear in Astroparticle Physic
Nonthermal properties of supernova remnant G1.9+0.3
The properties of the - presumably - youngest Galactic supernova remnant
(SNR) G1.9+0.3 are investigated within the framework of nonlinear kinetic
theory of cosmic ray acceleration in SNRs. The observed angular size and
expansion speed as well as the radio and X-ray emission measurements are used
to determine relevant physical parameters of this SNR. Under the assumption
that SNR G1.9+0.3 is the result of a Type Ia supernova near the Galactic center
(at the distance d=8.5 kpc) the nonthermal properties are calculated. In
particular, the expected TeV gamma-ray spectral energy density is predicted to
be as low as erg
cm s, strongly dependent () upon the
source distance d.Comment: 7 pages, 5 figures, accepted for publication in Ap
Expected gamma-ray emission of supernova remnant SN 1987A
A nonlinear kinetic theory of cosmic ray (CR) acceleration in supernova
remnants is employed to re-examine the nonthermal properties of the remnant of
SN 1987A for an extended evolutionary period of 5--100 yr. It is shown that an
efficient production of nuclear CRs leads to a strong modification of the outer
supernova remnant shock and to a large downstream magnetic field
mG. The shock modification and the strong field are
required to yield the steep radio emission spectrum observed, as well as to
considerable synchrotron cooling of high energy electrons which diminishes
their X-ray synchrotron flux. These features are also consistent with the
existing X-ray observations. The expected \gr energy flux at TeV-energies at
the current epoch is nearly erg cms under reasonable assumptions about the overall
magnetic field topology and the turbulent perturbations of this field. The
general nonthermal strength of the source is expected to increase roughly by a
factor of two over the next 15 to 20 yrs; thereafter it should decrease with
time in a secular form.Comment: 7 pages, 5 figures, accepted for publication in ApJ, a number of
changes have been made, even though these are not changing the main results
of the pape
A semi-analytical approach to non-linear shock acceleration
Shocks in astrophysical fluids can generate suprathermal particles by first
order (or diffusive) Fermi acceleration. In the test particle regime there is a
simple relation between the spectrum of the accelerated particles and the jump
conditions at the shock. This simple picture becomes complicated when the
pressure of the accelerated particles becomes comparable with the pressure of
the shocked fluid, so that the non-linear backreaction of the particles becomes
non negligible and the spectrum is affected in a substantial way. Though only
numerical simulations can provide a fully self-consistent approach, a more
direct and easily applicable method would be very useful, and would allow to
take into account the non-linear effects in particle acceleration in those
cases in which they are important and still neglected. We present here a simple
semi-analytical model that deals with these non-linear effects in a
quantitative way. This new method, while compatible with the previous
simplified results, also provides a satisfactory description of the results of
numerical simulations of shock acceleration.Comment: 20 pages, 9 figures. To appear in Astroparticle Physic
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