158 research outputs found

    Factorization and Non-factorization in Diffractive Hard Scattering

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    Factorization, in the sense defined for inclusive hard scattering, is discussed for diffractive hard scattering. A factorization theorem similar to its inclusive counterpart is presented for diffractive DIS. For hadron-hadron diffractive hard scattering, in contrast to its inclusive counterpart, the expected breakdown of factorization is discussed. Cross section estimates are given from a simple field theory model for non-factorizing double-pomeron-exchange (DPE) dijet production with and without account for Sudakov suppression.Comment: 6 pages, Latex, DIS 97 tal

    A Quantum Field Theory Warm Inflation Model

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    A quantum field theory warm inflation model is presented that solves the cosmological horizon/flatness problems. An interpretation of the model is given from supersymmetry and superstring theory.Comment: 5 pages, 0 figure, Latex, presented COSMOS-9

    A Renormalization Group Approach to the Chiral Transition

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    A methodology is given to test the QCD NfN_f=2 chiral transition, presently conjectured to be second order. Scaling forms for the correlation length, susceptibilities and equation of state are given which account for finite lattice spacing. Confirmation by lattice simulation would provide a large set of consistency checks for establishing that the transition is second order. Further corrections from finite volume effects and higher dimensional operator mixing are given. The implications of scaling corrections in finite temperature lattice QCD studies are examined with emphasis on tests for the believed second order chiral transition within the realistic setting of finite lattice spacing effects.Comment: AZPH-TH 93-07, latex, Ann. Phys. (in press 94
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