4 research outputs found


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    The article outlines the role and place of value orientations in a new, practical, planetary-cosmic world outlook of an individual, the system of values being defined as an ideological component in terms of philosophy of education and further formation of the Ukrainian value-normative model. Taking into consideration the worsening of global problems there is a need for forming a new cosmic-planetary world outlook of the individual in which values serve as perspective strategic life goals and the main motive of life activity, defining moral orientations and principles of behavior. Planetary-cosmic world outlook of any person assumes responsibility, creativity, activity of young people who, on the one hand, respect the diversity of cultures, but on the other hand they seek to unite nation and civilization to achieve higher goals. Realizing one’s unity with the world civilization, the personality with planetary-cosmic thinking can organize cooperation within the scope of the Earth and the Universe. Everyday, practical, professional, scientific knowledge plays an important role in the planetary-cosmic world outlook as an integral formation of the person. Individual values defining one’s life program, certain actions and deeds are produced by knowledge and experience. Man’s value relation to the world and oneself is formed into a hierarchy of personal values, on the top of which there are absolute values recorded in certain social ideals. The values hierarchy of the person with planetary-cosmic world outlook is formed depending on the life sphere, the most important of which being natural, biological, spiritual, mental and social spheres. Certain values correspond to every sphere of human existence: natural values (clean air, water, minerals, fertile soils, forests, rivers and seas rich in fish), biological values (health, healthy state of the body), mental values (feelings of comfort, elation, love, joy, happiness, etc..), social values (employment, harmony in society, order, peace, democracy), moral values (ideals of humanity – the good, the beautiful, truth, freedom, justice, holiness, and objects of culture (fiction, religious, moral and legal systems, scientific theories). Learning and understanding philosophical knowledge, acquiring philosophical methods contribute to successful formation of creative, humanitarian, planetary-cosmic world outlook of a person, since it allows to generalize the most recent achievements of different branches of science by means of actual outlook concepts. Humanistic values should prevail in the consciousness of a planetary-cosmic type person. The moral maxim known as "golden rule of morality" ( treat anyone in such a way you want to be treated) accumulates moral experience of the civilization and directs a person in the contemporary world.В статье очерчено место и роль ценностных ориентаций в новом практическом космически-планетарном мировоззрении личности, определена система ценностей как мировоззренческий компонент с позиций дальнейшего формирования украинской ценностно-нормативной модели. Утверждается, что приоритетная роль в решении важнейших проблем как всего человечества, так и украинского народа отводится философии образования, поскольку именно в этой области становится возможным определение как философских основ нового мировоз- зрения личности, так и целостное, всестороннее и обобщенное очерчивание образа-идеала современного человека с ценностно-нормативным мировоззрением.У статті окреслено місце і роль ціннісних орієнтацій у новому практичному космічно- планетарному світогляді особистості, визначено систему цінностей як світоглядний компонент з позицій подальшого формування української ціннісно-нормативної моделі. Стверджується, що пріоритетна роль у вирішенні найважливіших проблем як усього людства, так і українського народу відводиться філософії освіти, оскільки саме в цій галузі можливим є визначення як філософських засад нового світогляду особистості, так і цілісне, всебічне й узагальнене окреслення образу- ідеалу сучасної людини з ціннісно-нормативним світоглядом

    The Philosophy of Unity and Development of Harmony as an Option of the Anthrocosmic World View

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    The article touches upon the actual problem of integrity of the human being and space from the position of modern civilized aspects and noosphere vector of generating the mankind. Anthropocosmism is presented as an integral vision of the human being that embraces the natural-scientific direction of cosmism and noospherism and also defines the role and place of such philosophical categories as the unity and development of harmony in a new, planetary-cosmic world view of the individual. Comprehension of anthropocosmism significantly expands the consciousness capacity of the contemporary individual by means of realizing the functional and structural unity of the universe and the human performing the humanity’s space mission, striving for the world order and accepting the individual as the single whol

    Biophilosophy in the System of Higher Education as a Paradigm of the Preservation of Human Culture and Civilisation

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    The article attempts to solve the problem of updating higher education content to form a modern worldview of the individual through the interdisciplinary course “Biophilosophy”. Biophilosophical knowledge and cognition content is studied at the fundamental and applied levels using methods of description, explanation, and analysis. The obtained results make it possible to formulate conclusions and perspectives regarding updating the content of philosophical knowledge in higher education, where biophilosophy can be a new worldview paradigm for preserving human culture and civilisation

    Methodological Functions of Philosophy of Education in the National Socio-Cultural Space

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    У статті розглянуто роль філософії освіти в новій вітчизняній соціокультурній реальності, що полягає в методологічному підході до освітньо-виховного процесу, реформуванні системи освіти та піднесенні її рівня до розвитку світової культури.The article examines the role of philosophy of education in the new national socio-cultural reality, which consists both in the methodological approach to teaching and educational process and reforming the education system, as well as raising its level up to the development of world culture