14 research outputs found
Ethnopsychological peculiarities of the structure of value scope of titular ethnicity of Kazakhstan
Fundamental change of the public system and other changes over the past decade in the Republic of Kazakhstan after receiving State independence, demanded reassessment of values, including character and features of value orientations of the Kazakh people. Interest in the value orientations of the individual and society is increasing in crisis, critical stages of historical development, which raises the need for their full understanding. Studying value orientations of ethnology is one of the most actual problems of modern psychological theory and practice. Undoubtedly, the new values of modern civilization affect the ethnic consciousness-oriented people who value traditional culture. This influence affects the system of values of the individual and, in particular, on a system of ethical values of ethnology.The purpose of the research: Explore the structure of value scope of titular nation of Kazakhstan at the modern stage. The main hypothesis of the study: the value orientations of the Kazakh people in the system of cultural relations and relationships are based on a system-forming ethno-value component, which determines the conditions for their development, direction, character of activity of personality and provides the integrity and unity of the Kazakh ethnos. Research hypothesis: There are similarities and differences in the structure of value orientations among representatives of the Kazakh ethnos, depending on characteristics of respondents (on the example of the titular ethnic group of Kazakhstan, youth and adulthood).In the structure of the value sphere of the titular ethnos of Kazakhstan, value orientations related to adherence to the principles of conformity to nature and traditionality, equality and freedom of love are also significant. These value orientations reveal themselves also in the ability to be persistent with a simultaneous focus on the desire to be useful to others, to act for others. The value orientations of activity, initiative and employment, self-realization in interrelation with a sense of community and well-being, a happy family life and a financially secure life also occupy a large place in the structure of the value sphere of the titular ethnos of Kazakhstan. To examine the value orientations of the Kazakhs, we have developed a comprehensive package of psychological techniques, which allows to consider the structure of value scope of titular nation (method of Sh. Schwartz (value questionnaire Schwartz), methodology of studying value orientations of Milton Rokeach, system diagnostic methodology of value orientations by E.B. Fantalova, L. S. Kolmogorova, D. V. Kashyrsky, modification of method of Kun "Who am I?". According to the results of our research, value orientation activity, initiative, employment generally takes an important place in the structure of value scope of titular nation of Kazakhstan Along with this, informative factor as the national value belonging to the title ethnicity of Kazakhstan during factor analysis is equal to 1.8%, which corresponds to only 19 factors in the structure of value scope of sampling study. The results of factor analysis allow us to conclude that the structure of value scope of titular nation of Kazakhstan is multifaceted and includes both individual and group, social values. Valuable orientation of Kazakh people in the system of cultural ties and relationships are based on valuable backbone component, which determines the conditions for their development, orientation, the nature of the activity of the individual and to ensure the integrity and the unity of ethnic group: the most important characteristics of the structure of value scope of titular nation of Kazakhstan are: competence, commitment, self-discipline, which testifies to the importance of achieving social success, success in work for the Kazakh ethnic group. In summary, we would like to point out that the formation of a national identity based on values is a long process, which, of course, for the period of the beginning of the modern history of Kazakhstan is not completed yet. The results of this research can be used for implementing national policy of the Republic of Kazakhstan and works towards the preservation of cultural traditions of Kazakh people. The theoretical and practical analysis carried out in the research suggests that the problem of preserving and enriching the ethnic values of the titular nation Kazakhstan, is now extremely urgent, but it is not enough elaborated now.
Research of Self-Evaluation of Contemporary Kazakh Adolescents and Adolescents of Older Generation
AbstractIndependent variable, admittedly stipulated separate differences in measured values of self-evaluation level of contemporary Kazakh adolescents is the time factor itself, which divided two generations, taking into account important events in the country life and receiving of the state independence. Research of private structure of contemporary Kazakh adolescents self-evaluation. Contemporary adolescent's self-evaluation peculiarities are in 1) in higher level in comparison with adolescents of older generation; 2) in structural similarity with previous generation that is evidence of succession and difference on self-evaluation between two adolescents generation
Psychodiagnostic of Emotional States of Secondary School Teachers with Long Work Experience
AbstractProblem StatementIdentify emotional states of teachers that connect with long experience. In the process of teaching, teachers can develop different emotional states, which affect on the success of the work.Purpose of the StudyDetermine the influence of emotional states on the success of teaching in secondary school teachers with a long work experience. Research Methods 1. Methods of studying the motivation of professional work Zamfir 2. Emotional Intelligence Questionnaire “EMIN” 3. Method for studying the satisfaction of teachers and the work of his profession 4. Stress test (Shcherbatyh U.V.) 5. Maslach Burnout Inventory (MBI) 6. Self-assessment of emotional states Uessman A. and D. Ricks.Findings1) Results of Zamfir test show middle level of intrinsic motivation. 2) EI showed 83.2 points. 3) Methodology SSTPW showed 10.5 points. 4) Test for resistance of stress 57 points. 5) Maslach Burnout Inventory, gave results: EI 30, depersonalization14, the reduction of personal achievement 35 points. 6) Result of self-assessment questionnaire emotional states is 23.7 points.ConclusionsAccording results of the research, which aim was determined influence of emotional states on the success of teachers with long experience, we can say, that more than half of the teachers, have the best motivational complex, with a high level of resistance to stress. The level of EI is high, according EI test, and self-assessment questionnaire of emotional states
Research of Self-Evaluation of Contemporary Kazakh Adolescents and Adolescents of Older Generation
Research of Formation of Personal-Professional Capacities at Higher Education Institutes Students of Pedagogical Specialties
Psychodiagnostic of Emotional States of Secondary School Teachers with Long Work Experience
Research of the Characteristics of Self-esteem of Modern Kazakh Adolescents and Older Adolescents
Zjawisko „zniknięć” w procesie superwizji w warunkach stałej multimodalnej grupy superwizyjnej
The article discusses the phenomenon of “disappearance” in the supervision process. The authors show that the phenomenon of “disappearance” is a result of the peculiarities of the flow of group dynamics at the initial stage of the group’s development. The manifestation of all the phenomena of the initial stage of group dynamics is characteristic for a supervision multimodal group. The condition provoking the development of the phenomenon of “disappearance” is the activation of deep layers of the unconscious, typical for situations of group therapy and supervision. The motivational basis of this phenomenon is the avoidance of the narcissistic trauma of the specialist exposing the case to supervision. The article offers examples of how this phenomenon manifests, and discusses its variations. The article draws from the theoretical traditions in psychology such as psychoanalysis, group analysis and professional multimodal model of supervision.Niniejsza praca stanowi omówienie zjawisk określanych mianem „zniknięć” w procesie superwizji. Autorzy wykazują, iż zjawisko to jest wynikiem specyficznych warunków charakterystycznych dla dynamiki grupowej w grupie superwizyjnej na jej wstępnym etapie rozwoju. W multimodalnej grupie superwizyjnej można zaobserwować przejawy wszystkich zjawisk charakterystycznych dla początkowego etapu dynamiki grupowej. Różnorodne zjawiska „zniknięć” wywoływane są aktywacją głębokich warstw nieświadomości, typowo zachodzącą w warunkach terapii grupowej oraz superwizji. Podłożem motywacyjnym procesów określanych tą nazwą jest unikanie traumy narcystycznej przez specjalistę zgłaszającego przypadek mający podlegać superwizji. W artykule podano przykłady, w jaki sposób zjawiska „zniknięć” mogą się przejawiać, oraz opisano ich możliwe warianty. Ramy teoretyczne dla niniejszej pracy stanowią takie tradycje w psychologii, jak psychoanaliza, analiza grupowa oraz multimodalny model superwizji
The phenomenon of “disappearances” in the process of supervision in a permanent professional multimodal supervision group
The article discusses the phenomenon of “disappearance” in the supervision process. The authors show that the phenomenon
of “disappearance” is a result of the peculiarities of the flow of group dynamics at the initial stage of the group’s development.
The manifestation of all the phenomena of the initial stage of group dynamics is characteristic for a supervision multimodal
group. The condition provoking the development of the phenomenon of “disappearance” is the activation of deep layers of the
unconscious, typical for situations of group therapy and supervision. The motivational basis of this phenomenon is the
avoidance of the narcissistic trauma of the specialist exposing the case to supervision. The article offers examples of how this
phenomenon manifests, and discusses its variations. The article draws from the theoretical traditions in psychology such
as psychoanalysis, group analysis and professional multimodal model of supervision