40 research outputs found
Capabilities of Earth-based radar facilities for near-Earth asteroid observations
We evaluated the planetary radar capabilities at Arecibo, the Goldstone 70-m
DSS-14 and 34-m DSS-13 antennas, the 70-m DSS-43 antenna at Canberra, the Green
Bank Telescope, and the Parkes Radio Telescope in terms of their relative
sensitivities and the number of known near-Earth asteroids (NEAs) detectable
per year in monostatic and bistatic configurations. In the 2015 calendar year,
monostatic observations with Arecibo and DSS-14 were capable of detecting 253
and 131 NEAs respectively, with signal-to-noise ratios (SNRs) greater than
30/track. Combined, the two observatories were capable of detecting 276 NEAs.
Of these, Arecibo detected 77 and Goldstone detected 32, or 30% and 24% the
numbers that were possible. The two observatories detected an additional 18 and
7 NEAs respectively, with SNRs of less than 30/track. This indicates that a
substantial number of potential targets are not being observed. The bistatic
configuration with DSS-14 transmitting and the Green Bank Telescope receiving
was capable of detecting about 195 NEAs, or ~50% more than with monostatic
observations at DSS-14. Most of the detectable asteroids were targets of
opportunity that were discovered less than 15 days before the end of their
observing windows. About 50% of the detectable asteroids have absolute
magnitudes > 25, which corresponds diameters < ~30 m.Comment: 12 pages, 7 figures, Accepted to A
Creep stability of the proposed AIDA mission target 65803 Didymos: I. Discrete cohesionless granular physics model
As the target of the proposed Asteroid Impact & Deflection Assessment (AIDA)
mission, the near-Earth binary asteroid 65803 Didymos represents a special
class of binary asteroids, those whose primaries are at risk of rotational
disruption. To gain a better understanding of these binary systems and to
support the AIDA mission, this paper investigates the creep stability of the
Didymos primary by representing it as a cohesionless self-gravitating granular
aggregate subject to rotational acceleration. To achieve this goal, a
soft-sphere discrete element model (SSDEM) capable of simulating granular
systems in quasi-static states is implemented and a quasi-static spin-up
procedure is carried out. We devise three critical spin limits for the
simulated aggregates to indicate their critical states triggered by reshaping
and surface shedding, internal structural deformation, and shear failure,
respectively. The failure condition and mode, and shear strength of an
aggregate can all be inferred from the three critical spin limits. The effects
of arrangement and size distribution of constituent particles, bulk density,
spin-up path, and interparticle friction are numerically explored. The results
show that the shear strength of a spinning self-gravitating aggregate depends
strongly on both its internal configuration and material parameters, while its
failure mode and mechanism are mainly affected by its internal configuration.
Additionally, this study provides some constraints on the possible physical
properties of the Didymos primary based on observational data and proposes a
plausible formation mechanism for this binary system. With a bulk density
consistent with observational uncertainty and close to the maximum density
allowed for the asteroid, the Didymos primary in certain configurations can
remain geo-statically stable without including cohesion.Comment: 66 pages, 24 figures, submitted to Icarus on 25/Aug/201
Determining asteroid spin states using radar speckles
Knowing the shapes and spin states of near-Earth asteroids is essential to understanding their dynamical evolution because of the Yarkovsky and YORP effects. Delay-Doppler radar imaging is the most powerful ground-based technique for imaging near-Earth asteroids and can obtain spatial resolution of <10 m, but frequently produces ambiguous pole direction solutions. A radar echo from an asteroid consists of a pattern of speckles caused by the interference of reflections from different parts of the surface. It is possible to determine an asteroid’s pole direction by tracking the motion of the radar speckle pattern. Speckle tracking can potentially measure the poles of at least several radar targets each year, rapidly increasing the available sample of NEA pole directions. We observed the near-Earth asteroid 2008 EV5 with the Arecibo planetary radar and the Very Long Baseline Array in December 2008. By tracking the speckles moving from the Pie Town to Los Alamos VLBA stations, we have shown that EV5 rotates retrograde. This is the first speckle detection of a near-Earth asteroid
Constraints on the perturbed mutual motion in Didymos due to impact-induced deformation of its primary after the DART impact
Binary near-Earth asteroid (65803) Didymos is the target of the proposed NASA
Double Asteroid Redirection Test (DART), part of the Asteroid Impact &
Deflection Assessment (AIDA) mission concept. In this mission, the DART
spacecraft is planned to impact the secondary body of Didymos, perturbing
mutual dynamics of the system. The primary body is currently rotating at a spin
period close to the spin barrier of asteroids, and materials ejected from the
secondary due to the DART impact are likely to reach the primary. These
conditions may cause the primary to reshape, due to landslides, or internal
deformation, changing the permanent gravity field. Here, we propose that if
shape deformation of the primary occurs, the mutual orbit of the system would
be perturbed due to a change in the gravity field. We use a numerical
simulation technique based on the full two-body problem to investigate the
shape effect on the mutual dynamics in Didymos after the DART impact. The
results show that under constant volume, shape deformation induces strong
perturbation in the mutual motion. We find that the deformation process always
causes the orbital period of the system to become shorter. If surface layers
with a thickness greater than ~0.4 m on the poles of the primary move down to
the equatorial region due to the DART impact, a change in the orbital period of
the system and in the spin period of the primary will be detected by
ground-based measurement.Comment: 8 pages, 7 figures, 2 tables, accepted for publication in MNRA
Libration-induced Orbit Period Variations Following the DART Impact
The Double Asteroid Redirection Test (DART) mission will be the first test of a kinetic impactor as a means of planetary defense. In late 2022, DART will collide with Dimorphos, the secondary in the Didymos binary asteroid system. The impact will cause a momentum transfer from the spacecraft to the binary asteroid, changing the orbit period of Dimorphos and forcing it to librate in its orbit. Owing to the coupled dynamics in binary asteroid systems, the orbit and libration state of Dimorphos are intertwined. Thus, as the secondary librates, it also experiences fluctuations in its orbit period. These variations in the orbit period are dependent on the magnitude of the impact perturbation, as well as the system’s state at impact and the moments of inertia of the secondary. In general, any binary asteroid system whose secondary is librating will have a nonconstant orbit period on account of the secondary’s fluctuating spin rate. The orbit period variations are typically driven by two modes: a long period and a short period, each with significant amplitudes on the order of tens of seconds to several minutes. The fluctuating orbit period offers both a challenge and an opportunity in the context of the DART mission. Orbit period oscillations will make determining the post-impact orbit period more difficult but can also provide information about the system’s libration state and the DART impact
Orbits of Near-Earth Asteroid Triples 2001 SN263 and 1994 CC: Properties, Origin, and Evolution
Three-body model fits to Arecibo and Goldstone radar data reveal the nature
of two near-Earth asteroid triples. Triple-asteroid system 2001 SN263 is
characterized by a primary of ~10^13 kg, an inner satellite ~1% as massive
orbiting at ~3 primary radii in ~0.7 days, and an outer satellite ~2.5% as
massive orbiting at ~13 primary radii in ~6.2 days. 1994 CC is a smaller system
with a primary of mass ~2.6 \times 10^11 kg and two satellites ~2% and ~1% as
massive orbiting at distances of ~5.5 and ~19.5 primary radii. Their orbital
periods are ~1.2 and ~8.4 days. Examination of resonant arguments shows that
the satellites are not currently in a mean-motion resonance. Precession of the
apses and nodes are detected in both systems (2001 SN263 inner body:
d{\varpi}/dt ~1.1 deg/day, 1994 CC inner body: d{\varpi}/dt ~ -0.2 deg/day),
which is in agreement with analytical predictions of the secular evolution due
to mutually interacting orbits and primary oblateness. Nonzero mutual
inclinations between the orbital planes of the satellites provide the best fits
to the data in both systems (2001 SN263: ~14 degrees, 1994 CC: ~16 degrees).
Our best-fit orbits are consistent with nearly circular motion, except for 1994
CC's outer satellite which has an eccentric orbit of e ~ 0.19. We examine
several processes that can generate the observed eccentricity and inclinations,
including the Kozai and evection resonances, past mean-motion resonance
crossings, and close encounters with terrestrial planets. In particular, we
find that close planetary encounters can easily excite the eccentricities and
mutual inclinations of the satellites' orbits to the currently observed values.Comment: 17 pages, accepted to Astronomical Journa