55 research outputs found


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    An easy fabricated, simple control and label-free micro-detection system was demonstrated in a PDMS chip and a new method to distinguish particle’ size in a FBG-FP cavity is exhibited. In our experiment, The period of FBG is 535.5 nm and the left and right length of the FBG is 5 mm and 3 mm, respectively. An amplified spontaneous emission (ASE) source with wavelength from 1528 nm to 1573 nm is coupled into the input fiber. The output signal is detected by an optical spectral analyzer (OSA, MS9740A) with a resolution of 0.03 nm. Two 25-μm particles pass through the cavity continuously and the flow rate is about 5 μL hr-1. The high-speed OSA clearly shows a rapid spectral change when a particle passes through the cavity

    Two new labdane diterpenoids from the rhizomes of <i>Isodon yuennanensis</i>

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    <div><p>Two new labdane diterpenoids, <i>s</i>-trans-8(17),12<i>E</i>,14-labdatrien-20-oic acid (<b>1</b>), <i>s</i>-trans-12<i>E</i>,14-labdadien-20,8β-olide (<b>2</b>), along with 10 known compounds, hinokiol (<b>3</b>), ursonic acid (<b>4</b>), 2α,3α-dihydroxyolean-12-en-28-oic acid (<b>5</b>), 2α,3β,23-trihydroxyolean-12-en-28-oic acid (<b>6</b>), ethyl 3-(3,4-dihydroxyphenyl)lactate (<b>7</b>), ethyl rosmarinate (<b>8</b>), (<i>Z</i>,<i>E</i>)-2-(3,4-dihydroxyphenyl)ethenyl caffeic ester (<b>9</b>), tridecanoic acid (<b>10</b>), β-sitosterol (<b>11</b>) and daucosterol (<b>12</b>), were isolated from the 70% acetone extract of the rhizomes of <i>Isodon yuennanensis</i>. Their structures were elucidated based on the analyses of extensive spectroscopic data and physicochemical properties.</p></div

    Curve of the arch specimen’s overall load vs. time.

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    <p>(a) Curve of the SQCC arch’s overall load vs. time. (b) Curve of the CCC arch’s overall load vs. time.</p

    Down-Cycling Sustainability of Flexible Polyurethane Foam in Improving Asphalt Performance through a Proper Pyrolysis Approach

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    The down-cycling process of waste polymers in asphalt binder achieves a win–win situation in terms of economic modification and efficient disposal of valuable waste. By combining the “controllable pyrolysis” and “down-cycling” concepts, this study specified the application potential of sustainable recycling flexible polyurethane foam (FPUF) in improving asphalt performance. A proper pyrolysis method was proposed to selectively decompose waste FPUF into fibers. Subsequently, eco-friendly and cost-effective properly pyrolyzed FPUF fiber-modified asphalt (PyFMA) was developed. The microscopic, chemical, and mechanical investigations were carried out to clarify modification mechanisms and application feasibility. The results showed that the proper pyrolysis method efficiently produced flexible reticulated PFUF fibers of different sizes grafted with polar groups. The PFUF fibers interlocked spatially and well-coordinated with the asphalt matrix, contributed an elastic component in the mixed hybrid, and positively influenced the asphalt performance. The performance enhancement was the result of a combination of chemical interaction, physical reinforcement, and the volumetric filling effect. In addition, the PyFMA had adequate workability at a high fiber dosage of 24% to achieve a massive recycling goal. It is promising and feasible to use waste FPUF as a sustainable and high-performance asphalt modifier, which countermeasures the rapidly increasing abandonment and meets economical asphalt modification requirements

    Functional linear quantile regression on a two-dimensional domain

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    This article considers the functional linear quantile regression which models the conditional quantile of a scalar response given a functional predictor over a two-dimensional domain. We propose an estimator for the slope function by minimizing the penalized empirical check loss function. Under the framework of reproducing kernel Hilbert space, the minimax rate of convergence for the regularized estimator is established. Using the theory of interpolation spaces on a two- or multi-dimensional domain, we develop a novel result on simultaneous diagonalization of the reproducing and covariance kernels, revealing the interaction of the two kernels in determining the optimal convergence rate of the estimator. Sufficient conditions are provided to show that our analysis applies to many situations, for example, when the covariance kernel is from the Matérn class, and the slope function belongs to a Sobolev space. We implement the interior point method to compute the regularized estimator and illustrate the proposed method by applying it to the hippocampus surface data in the ADNI study. </p

    The influence curve of steel tube thickness on the ultimate bearing capacity of the confined concrete arch.

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    <p>The influence curve of steel tube thickness on the ultimate bearing capacity of the confined concrete arch.</p
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