358 research outputs found

    Malignant Keratitis Caused by a Highly-Resistant Strain of Fusarium Tonkinense from the Fusarium Solani Complex

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    Fusarium spp. are moulds ubiquitously distributed in nature and only occasionally pathogenic for humans. Species of the Fusarium solani complex are the predominant keratitis inducing pathogens, because they are endowed with proper virulence factors. These fungi can adhere to the cornea creating a biofilm and, with the help of enzymes and cytotoxins, penetrate the cornea. Whereas an intact cornea is hardly able to be invaded by Fusarium spp. in spite of appropriate virulence factors, these opportunistic fungi may profit from predisposing conditions, for example mechanical injuries. This can lead to a progressive course of corneal infection and may finally affect the whole eye up to the need for enucleation. Here, we present and discuss the clinical, microbiological and histopathological aspects of a particular case due to Fusarium tonkinense of the Fusarium solani complex with severe consequences in a patient without any obvious predisposing factors. A broad portfolio of antifungal agents was applied, both topically and systemically as well as two penetrating keratoplasties were performed. The exact determination of the etiologic agent of the fungal infection proved likewise to be very challenging

    The effect of family history on screening procedures and prognosis in breast cancer patients - Results of a large population-based case-control study

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    Background: The potential benefit of additional breast cancer screening examinations in moderate risk patients (patients with a history of breast cancer in one or two family members) remains unclear.Methods: A large population-based case-control study on breast cancer in postmenopausal women in Germany recruited 2002-2005 (3813 cases and 7341 age-matched controls) was used to assess the association of family history with breast cancer risk. Analysis of family history, participation in screening procedures, and tumor size regarding prognosis in patients was based on follow-up data until 2015.Results: A first degree family history of breast cancer was associated with higher breast cancer risk (OR 1.39, p &lt; 0.001). Patients with a first degree family history of breast cancer were more likely to have had &gt;10 mammograms (MG) (42.7% vs. 24.9%, p &lt; 0.001) and showed a higher rate of imaging-detected tumors (MG or ultrasound) (45.8% vs. 31.9%, p &lt; 0.001). A smaller tumor size at initial diagnosis (below 2 cm) was more likely in patients with a positive family history (OR 1.45, p &lt; 0.001) and a higher number of MG (&gt;= 10 MG: OR 2.29). After accounting for tumor characteristics, mammogram regularity (HR 0.72, p &lt; 0.001) and imaging-assisted tumor detection (HR 0.66, p &lt; 0.001) were associated with better overall survival but not with a positive family history.Discussion: Patients with a positive family history had a higher rate of imaging detected tumors with smaller size at initial diagnosis compared to patients without affected family members. Screening was associated with improved survival after a breast cancer diagnosis, irrespective of a positive family history. (C) 2020 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd.</p

    Strukturdaten des Naturkostfachhandels: Erhebung des Status quo und Aufbau eines Instrumentariums zur kontinuierlichen Strukturbeschreibung des Bio-Marktsegmentes Naturkostfachhandel

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    Der spezialisierte Naturkosthandel stellt in Deutschland traditionell einen wichtigen Absatzkanal für Öko-Lebensmittel dar. Zu Beginn des zweijährigen Projektes im Dezember 2009 lagen zu den Strukturen der Branche keine vollständigen und abgesicherten Daten vor. Dies galt insbesondere für den Naturkosteinzelhandel, aber auch den Naturkostgroßhandel. Es bestand eine relativ hohe Marktintransparenz. Vor diesem Hintergrund zielte das Vorhaben zunächst auf die Erhebung der Grundgesamtheit des Naturkosteinzelhandels ab. Zum Oktober 2010 wurden 2.346 Naturfachgeschäfte ermittelt. Aus der Grundgesamtheit wurde eine repräsentative Stichprobe von 319 Geschäften für die Durchführung von Face-to-Face-Interviews gezogen. Im Ergebnis lagen auswertbare Daten von 254 Geschäften vor, die detaillierte Auskünfte über u. a. Verkaufsflächen, Umsätze, Sortimentsstrukturen und Bezugsquellen der Einzelhändler ermöglichen. Zur Analyse der Großhandelsstrukturen wurden rund 131 Großhändler und Hersteller, die den Naturkosteinzelhandel direkt beliefern, telefonisch kontaktiert und nach bestimmten Kriterien befragt. Mit einer weitergehenden schriftlichen Befragung konnten auswertbare Ergebnisse von 28 Unternehmen erzielt werden, die erstmals vertiefte Einblicke in Umsätze sowie die Umsatzanteile verschiedener Kundengruppen und Sortimente geben. Auf der Grundlage der erhobenen Daten wurde ein Verfahren zur Hochrechnung des Marktvolumens der Naturkostbranche erarbeitet. Dazu wurden sechs verschiedene Varianten getestet und diskutiert. Die letztlich ausgewählte Variante kommt zu dem Ergebnis, dass das Marktvolumen des Naturkostfachhandels im Jahr 2009 1,77 Milliarden Euro betrug. Abschließend wurden mögliche Varianten für eine Datenfortschreibung (Strukturdaten und Hochrechnung des Marktvolumens) diskutiert. Dieses erfolgte sowohl auf der Basis der im Projekt erhobenen Daten als auch auf der Basis von bestehenden Datenquellen, die Teile der Naturkostbranche im Rahmen von Stichproben abbilden

    Magnesium Alloys for Open-Pored Bioresorbable Implants

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    If bone defects occur, the body’s own healing mechanism can close them below a critical size; for larger defects, bone autografts are used. These are typically cut from the same person’s hip in a second surgery. Consequently, the risk of complications, such as inflammations, rises. To avoid the risks resulting from the second surgery, absorbable, open-pored implants can be used. In the present study, the suitability of different magnesium alloys as absorbable porous bone substitute material has been investigated. Using the investment casting process with its design flexibility, the implant’s structure can be adapted to the ideal pore geometry with respect to bone ingrowth behavior. Different magnesium alloys (Mg-La2, LAE442, and ZX61) were studied and rated in terms of their degradation rate, bone ingrowth behavior, biocompatibility, and resorbability of the individual alloying elements

    Evaluating a Novel Class of Biomaterials: Magnesium-Containing Layered Double Hydroxides

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    Metallic magnesium and compounds such as magnesium hydroxide Mg(OH)2 have been shown to have osteoconductive properties under experimental conditions and are gaining an increasing interest in the field of degradable biomaterials. The application of the compounds as implant coatings could support implant incorporation, resulting in an increased period of use of the implants. A variety of Mg-containing Layered Double Hydroxides (Mg-LDHs) has been synthesized and examined. These materials have been tested in various in vitro and in vivo studies; the latter took place in different sites like in the middle ear or in the condyle of New Zealand White Rabbits. In the latest study newly formed bone could be found around the Mg-Al-CO3-LDH pellets, making it a promising compound for bone-healing applications.DFG/SFB/59

    Remembering the ‘unwanted’ victims: initiatives to memorialize the National Socialist euthanasia program in Germany

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    Between 1939 and 1945, approximately 200,000 patients were murdered under the National Socialist euthanasia program in Germany and Austria. For many years, these victims were largely excluded from post-war commemorative culture and they are yet to attain legal equality with the victims of political or racial persecution. This article considers recent initiatives to commemorate the victims of euthanasia, focusing on three examples: 1) the national memorial and information point for the victims of National Socialist “euthanasia” killings in Berlin; 2) the web portal http://www.gedenkort-t4.eu” www.gedenkort-t4.eu; and 3) the national competition “Andersartig Gedenken”, which invited young Germans to design their own memorial

    Diffuse reflectance spectroscopy for estimating soil properties: A technology for the 21st century

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    Spectroscopic measurements of soil samples are reliable because they are highly repeatable and reproducible. They characterise the samples' mineral-organic composition. Estimates of concentrations of soil constituents are inevitably less precise than estimates obtained conventionally by chemical analysis. But the cost of each spectroscopic estimate is at most one-tenth of the cost of a chemical determination. Spectroscopy is cost-effective when we need many data, despite the costs and errors of calibration. Soil spectroscopists understand the risks of over-fitting models to highly dimensional multivariate spectra and have command of the mathematical and statistical methods to avoid them. Machine learning has fast become an algorithmic alternative to statistical analysis for estimating concentrations of soil constituents from reflectance spectra. As with any modelling, we need judicious implementation of machine learning as it also carries the risk of over-fitting predictions to irrelevant elements of the spectra. To use the methods confidently, we need to validate the outcomes with appropriately sampled, independent data sets. Not all machine learning should be considered 'black boxes'. Their interpretability depends on the algorithm, and some are highly interpretable and explainable. Some are difficult to interpret because of complex transformations or their huge and complicated network of parameters. But there is rapidly advancing research on explainable machine learning, and these methods are finding applications in soil science and spectroscopy. In many parts of the world, soil and environmental scientists recognise the merits of soil spectroscopy. They are building spectral libraries on which they can draw to localise the modelling and derive soil information for new projects within their domains. We hope our article gives readers a more balanced and optimistic perspective of soil spectroscopy and its future. Highlights Spectroscopy is reliable because it is a highly repeatable and reproducible analytical technique. Spectra are calibrated to estimate concentrations of soil properties with known error. Spectroscopy is cost-effective for estimating soil properties. Machine learning is becoming ever more powerful for extracting accurate information from spectra, and methods for interpreting the models exist. Large libraries of soil spectra provide information that can be used locally to aid estimates from new samples