19,239 research outputs found
Termite Distribution in Michigan
Subterranean termites have been present in Michigan for a long time. They were reported as being destructive to buildings in 1920 (Anonymous, 1961), and apparently damage done at that time was increasing over what had occurred earlier. Notwithstanding this long time presence of termites in the state a majority of the population still looks upon the termite as a strange insect most likely to be encountered in the South. All too many home owners and building proprietors as well as others are unacquainted with presence of termites in their areas. At the same time monetary loss due to termite attack is considerable. As an example, control costs and losses to structures in Tennessee due to termites in 1971 were reported (Anonymous, 1972) as over $8 million. Expenditures are less than this in Michigan but still substantial. Because of these facts it was felt that a wide cross-section of the public would benefit from knowledge of locations in Michigan where termites are present and most likely to cause damage. Unfortunately the general public is not aware that there are effective control methods to prevent damage where termites are a hazard.
Retieulitermes flavipes (Kollar) is the most commonly encountered termite in Michigan. Other species found in the State are Reticulitermes arenincola Goellner and R. tibialis Banks. Areninocola is reported from the very southwest corner of the State and R. tibialis is known from scattered localities
Searches with Boosted Objects
Boosted objects - particles whose transverse momentum is greater than twice
their mass - are becoming increasingly important as the LHC continues to
explore energies in the TeV range. The sensitivity of searches for new
phenomena beyond the Standard Model depends critically on the efficient
reconstruction and identification (tagging) of their unique detector
signatures. This contribution provides a review of searches for new physics
carried out by the ATLAS and CMS experiments that rely on the reconstruction
and identification of boosted top quarks as well as boosted , and Higgs
bosons. A particular emphasis is placed on the different substructure
techniques and tagging algorithms for top quarks and bosons employed by the two
experiments.Comment: 11 pages, 8 figures. Proceedings of the XXXIV Physics in Collision
Symposium, Bloomington, Indiana, September 16-20, 201
Vertical stratification of iron in atmospheres of blue horizontal-branch stars
The aim of this study is to search for observational evidence of vertical
iron stratification in the atmosphere of fourteen blue horizontal-branch (BHB)
stars. We have found from our numerical simulations that five BHB stars: B22,
B186 in the globular cluster NGC 288, WF2-820, WF2-2692 in M13 and B203 in M15
show clear signatures of the vertical stratification of iron whose abundance
increases toward the lower atmosphere. Two other BHB stars (B334 in M15 and
B176 in M92) also show possible iron stratification in their atmosphere. A
dependence of the slope of iron stratification on the effective temperature was
also discovered. It is found that the vertical stratification of iron is
strongest in BHB stars with Teff around 11,500K. The slope of iron abundance
decreases as Teff increases and becomes negligible for the BHB stars with Teff=
14,000K. These results support the hypothesis regarding the efficiency of
atomic diffusion in the stellar atmospheres of BHB stars with Teff > 11,500K.Comment: 6 pages, 2 figures, 3 table
Credit risk transfer, real sector productivity, and financial deepening
We derive the effects of credit risk transfer (CRT) markets on real sector productivity and on the volume of financial intermediation in a model where banks choose their optimal degree of CRT and monitoring. We find that CRT increases productivity in the up-market real sector but decreases it in the low-end segment. If optimal, CRT unambiguously fosters financial deepening, i.e., it reduces credit-rationing in the economy. These effects rely upon the ability of banks to commit to the optimal CRT at the funding stage. The optimal degree of CRT depends on the combination of moral hazard, general riskiness, and the cost of monitoring in non-monotonic ways
Rule Algebras for Adhesive Categories
We demonstrate that the most well-known approach to rewriting graphical
structures, the Double-Pushout (DPO) approach, possesses a notion of sequential
compositions of rules along an overlap that is associative in a natural sense.
Notably, our results hold in the general setting of -adhesive
categories. This observation complements the classical Concurrency Theorem of
DPO rewriting. We then proceed to define rule algebras in both settings, where
the most general categories permissible are the finitary (or finitary
restrictions of) -adhesive categories with -effective
unions. If in addition a given such category possess an -initial
object, the resulting rule algebra is unital (in addition to being
associative). We demonstrate that in this setting a canonical representation of
the rule algebras is obtainable, which opens the possibility of applying the
concept to define and compute the evolution of statistical moments of
observables in stochastic DPO rewriting systems
Holography as a highly efficient RG flow II: An explicit construction
We complete the reformulation of the holographic correspondence as a
\emph{highly efficient RG flow} that can also determine the UV data in the
field theory in the strong coupling and large limit. We introduce a special
way to define operators at any given scale in terms of appropriate
coarse-grained collective variables, without requiring the use of the
elementary fields. The Wilsonian construction is generalised by promoting the
cut-off to a functional of these collective variables. We impose three criteria
to determine the coarse-graining. The first criterion is that the effective
Ward identities for local conservation of energy, momentum, etc. should
preserve their standard forms, but in new scale-dependent background metric and
sources which are functionals of the effective single trace operators. The
second criterion is that the scale-evolution equations of the operators in the
actual background metric should be state-independent, implying that the
collective variables should not explicitly appear in them. The final criterion
is that the endpoint of the scale-evolution of the RG flow can be transformed
to a fixed point corresponding to familiar non-relativistic equations with a
finite number of parameters, such as incompressible non-relativistic
Navier-Stokes, under a certain universal rescaling of the scale and of the time
coordinate. Using previous work, we explicitly show that in the hydrodynamic
limit each such highly efficient RG flow reproduces a unique classical gravity
theory with precise UV data that satisfy our IR criterion. We obtain the
explicit coarse-graining which reproduces Einstein's equations. In a simple
example, we are also able to compute the beta function. Finally, we show how
our construction can be interpolated with the traditional Wilsonian RG flow at
a suitable scale, and can be used to develop new non-perturbative frameworks
for QCD-like theories.Comment: 1+59 pages; Introduction slightly expanded, Section V on beta
function in highly efficient RG flow added, version accepted in PR
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