5,564 research outputs found

    Heavy flavor production at HERA

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    Recent results of open charm and beauty production in electron proton scattering at HERA are presented. In photoproduction, the measured cross sections for charm exceed fixed order NLO QCD calculations. Experimental evidence supports the hypothesis that a significant fraction of photoproduction events with charm can be described by resolved photon processes, where the charm quark is a constituent of the resolved photon. In deep inelastic scattering the NLO calculations give in general a fairly reasonable description of the observed charm cross sections. The measurements of the structure function F2ccF_2^{cc} show that, at large photon virtualities and low x, the events with charm constitute a major part of the total ep cross section. The beauty cross sections both in photoproduction and in DIS exceed NLO predictions.Comment: 6 pages, 9 figures in eps, talk given at XXXI International Symposium on Multiparticle Dynamics, Sept 1-7, 2001, Datong China. URL http://ismd31.ccnu.edu.cn

    Charm, Beauty and Top at HERA

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    Results on open charm and beauty production and on the search for top production in high-energy electron-proton collisions at HERA are reviewed. This includes a discussion of relevant theoretical aspects, a summary of the available measurements and measurement techniques, and their impact on improved understanding of QCD and its parameters, such as parton density functions and charm- and beauty-quark masses. The impact of these results on measurements at the LHC and elsewhere is also addressed.Comment: 103 pages, 60 figures, to be published in Prog. Part. Nucl. Phy

    Creative Solutions for Emerging Child Care Needs

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    Harnett County has one of the fastest growing populations of families with children ages birth to 5 among rural counties in North Carolina. Collaborative partnerships have addressed this emerging need through the creation of Cooperative Extension\u27s Child Care Resource and Referral Program. This progressive, educational effort meets the unique needs of Harnett County families through six initiatives: comprehensive training; referral line; child care data base; resource library; development of new child care; and newsletters. Results include 11,033 providers trained, 4,707 new child care spaces created, and 81 family child care homes increasing quality indicators

    Health and Safety Events for Latino Families: Collaborating to Create \u3ci\u3eEl Día de los Niños Celebración\u3c/i\u3e

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    Latino immigrants to rural counties within North Carolina are at an increased risk for experiencing injury, health complications, and chronic illness. This is due largely to the fact that many new immigrants arrive with limited knowledge of the health and safety risks that are present in their communities. To reduce the incidence of injury and health complications, programs must be developed to increase local awareness of these risks. This article outlines the collaborative efforts of one rural North Carolina community to develop and implement a community-based health and safety event for Latino families

    Evaluation of Juntos 4-H: A Wraparound Program Helping Latinx High Schoolers Succeed

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    Preprogram and postprogram surveys of 241 Latinx 4-H youths from five counties in North Carolina provided a snapshot of their experiences in the Juntos 4-H program. The study findings demonstrate that Juntos 4-H has positive impacts on academics, college readiness, parent engagement, and community engagement. Suggestions are made to help Extension professionals elsewhere develop effective programs for Latinx youths

    Energy- and charge-state-resolved spectrometry of tin laser-produced plasma using a retarding field energy analyzer

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    We present a method to obtain the individual charge-state-dependent kinetic-energy distributions of tin ions emanating from a laser-produced plasma from their joint overlapping energy distributions measured by means of a retarding field energy analyzer (RFA). The method of extracting charge state specific parameters from the ion signals is described mathematically, and reinforced with experimental results. The absolute charge-state-resolved ion energy distributions is obtained from ns-pulse Nd:YAG-laser-produced microdroplet tin plasmas in a setting relevant for state-of-the-art extreme ultraviolet nanolithography
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