55 research outputs found

    A brief summary of nonlinear echoes and Landau damping

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    In this expository note we review some recent results on Landau damping in the nonlinear Vlasov equations, focusing specifically on the recent construction of nonlinear echo solutions by the author [arXiv:1605.06841] and the associated background. These solutions show that a straightforward extension of Mouhot and Villani's theorem on Landau damping to Sobolev spaces on Txn×Rvn\mathbb T^n_x \times \mathbb R^n_v is impossible and hence emphasize the subtle dependence on regularity of phase mixing problems. This expository note is specifically aimed at mathematicians who study the analysis of PDEs, but not necessarily those who work specifically on kinetic theory. However, for the sake of brevity, this review is certainly not comprehensive.Comment: Expository note for the Proceedings of the Journees EDP 2017, based on a talk given at Journees EDP 2017 in Roscoff, France. Aimed at mathematicians who study the analysis of PDEs, but not necessarily those who work specifically on kinetic theory. 16 page

    Inviscid damping and the asymptotic stability of planar shear flows in the 2D Euler equations

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    We prove asymptotic stability of shear flows close to the planar Couette flow in the 2D inviscid Euler equations on \Torus \times \Real. That is, given an initial perturbation of the Couette flow small in a suitable regularity class, specifically Gevrey space of class smaller than 2, the velocity converges strongly in L^2 to a shear flow which is also close to the Couette flow. The vorticity is asymptotically driven to small scales by a linear evolution and weakly converges as t→±∞t \rightarrow \pm\infty. The strong convergence of the velocity field is sometimes referred to as inviscid damping, due to the relationship with Landau damping in the Vlasov equations. This convergence was formally derived at the linear level by Kelvin in 1887 and it occurs at an algebraic rate first computed by Orr in 1907; our work appears to be the first rigorous confirmation of this behavior on the nonlinear level.Comment: 78 page

    Blister patterns and energy minimization in compressed thin films on compliant substrates

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    This paper is motivated by the complex blister patterns sometimes seen in thin elastic films on thick, compliant substrates. These patterns are often induced by an elastic misfit which compresses the film. Blistering permits the film to expand locally, reducing the elastic energy of the system. It is natural to ask: what is the minimum elastic energy achievable by blistering on a fixed area fraction of the substrate? This is a variational problem involving both the {\it elastic deformation} of the film and substrate and the {\it geometry} of the blistered region. It involves three small parameters: the {\it nondimensionalized thickness} of the film, the {\it compliance ratio} of the film/substrate pair and the {\it mismatch strain}. In formulating the problem, we use a small-slope (F\"oppl-von K\'arm\'an) approximation for the elastic energy of the film, and a local approximation for the elastic energy of the substrate. For a 1D version of the problem, we obtain "matching" upper and lower bounds on the minimum energy, in the sense that both bounds have the same scaling behavior with respect to the small parameters. For a 2D version of the problem, our results are less complete. Our upper and lower bounds only "match" in their scaling with respect to the nondimensionalized thickness, not in the dependence on the compliance ratio and the mismatch strain. The upper bound considers a 2D lattice of blisters, and uses ideas from the literature on the folding or "crumpling" of a confined elastic sheet. Our main 2D result is that in a certain parameter regime, the elastic energy of this lattice is significantly lower than that of a few large blisters

    A brief introduction to the mathematics of Landau damping

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    In these short, rather informal, expository notes I review the current state of the field regarding the mathematics of Landau damping, based on lectures given at the CIRM Research School on Kinetic Theory, November 14--18, 2022. These notes are mainly on Vlasov-Poisson in (x,v)∈Td×Rd(x,v) \in \mathbb T^d \times \mathbb R^d however a brief discussion of the important case of (x,v)∈Rd×Rd(x,v) \in \mathbb R^d \times \mathbb R^d is included at the end. The focus will be nonlinear and these notes include a proof of Landau damping on (x,v)∈Td×Rd(x,v) \in \mathbb T^d \times \mathbb R^d in the Vlasov--Poisson equations meant for graduate students, post-docs, and others to learn the basic ideas of the methods involved. The focus is also on the mathematical side, and so most references are from the mathematical literature with only a small number of the many important physics references included. A few open problems are included at the end. These notes are not currently meant for publication so they may not be perfectly proof-read and the reference list might not be complete. If there is an error or you have some references which you think should be included, feel free to send me an email and I will correct it when I get a chance.Comment: Expository notes (not currently meant for publication
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