369 research outputs found

    Water tunnel flow visualization using a laser

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    Laser systems for flow visualization in water tunnels (similar to the vapor screen technique used in wind tunnels) can provide two-dimensional cross-sectional views of complex flow fields. This parametric study documents the practical application of the laser-enhanced visualization (LEV) technique to water tunnel testing. Aspects of the study include laser power levels, flow seeding (using flourescent dyes and embedded particulates), model preparation, and photographic techniques. The results of this study are discussed to provide potential users with basic information to aid in the design and setup of an LEV system

    A negative mass theorem for surfaces of positive genus

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    We define the "sum of squares of the wavelengths" of a Riemannian surface (M,g) to be the regularized trace of the inverse of the Laplacian. We normalize by scaling and adding a constant, to obtain a "mass", which is scale invariant and vanishes at the round sphere. This is an anlaog for closed surfaces of the ADM mass from general relativity. We show that if M has positive genus then on each conformal class, the mass attains a negative minimum. For the minimizing metric, there is a sharp logarithmic Hardy-Littlewood-Sobolev inequality and a Moser-Trudinger-Onofri type inequality.Comment: 8 page

    On classes of non-Gaussian asymptotic minimizers in entropic uncertainty principles

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    In this paper we revisit the Bialynicki-Birula & Mycielski uncertainty principle and its cases of equality. This Shannon entropic version of the well-known Heisenberg uncertainty principle can be used when dealing with variables that admit no variance. In this paper, we extend this uncertainty principle to Renyi entropies. We recall that in both Shannon and Renyi cases, and for a given dimension n, the only case of equality occurs for Gaussian random vectors. We show that as n grows, however, the bound is also asymptotically attained in the cases of n-dimensional Student-t and Student-r distributions. A complete analytical study is performed in a special case of a Student-t distribution. We also show numerically that this effect exists for the particular case of a n-dimensional Cauchy variable, whatever the Renyi entropy considered, extending the results of Abe and illustrating the analytical asymptotic study of the student-t case. In the Student-r case, we show numerically that the same behavior occurs for uniformly distributed vectors. These particular cases and other ones investigated in this paper are interesting since they show that this asymptotic behavior cannot be considered as a "Gaussianization" of the vector when the dimension increases

    Infant Eye Gaze While Viewing Dynamic Faces

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    Research using eye tracking methods has revealed that when viewing faces, between 6 to 10 months of age, infants begin to shift visual attention from the eye region to the mouth region. Moreover, this shift varies with stimulus characteristics and infants' experience with faces and languages. The current study examined the eye movements of a racially diverse sample of 98 infants between 7.5 and 10.5 months of age as they viewed movies of White and Asian American women reciting a nursery rhyme (the auditory component of the movies was replaced with music to eliminate the influence of the speech on infants' looking behavior). Using an analytic approach inspired by the multiverse analysis approach, several measures from infants' eye gaze were examined to identify patterns that were robust across different analyses. Although in general infants preferred the lower regions of the faces, i.e., the region containing the mouth, this preference depended on the stimulus characteristics and was stronger for infants whose typical experience included faces of more races and for infants who were exposed to multiple languages. These results show how we can leverage the richness of eye tracking data with infants to add to our understanding of the factors that influence infants' visual exploration of faces

    Quantum information entropies of the eigenstates and the coherent state of the P\"oschl-Teller potential

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    The position and momentum space information entropies, of the ground state of the P\"oschl-Teller potential, are exactly evaluated and are found to satisfy the bound, obtained by Beckner, Bialynicki-Birula and Mycielski. These entropies for the first excited state, for different strengths of the potential well, are then numerically obtained. Interesting features of the entropy densities, owing their origin to the excited nature of the wave functions, are graphically demonstrated. We then compute the position space entropies of the coherent state of the P\"oschl-Teller potential, which is known to show revival and fractional revival. Time evolution of the coherent state reveals many interesting patterns in the space-time flow of information entropy.Comment: Revtex4, 11 pages, 11 eps figures and a tabl

    Closure properties of solutions to heat inequalities

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    We prove that if u1,u2:(0,)×Rd(0,)u_1,u_2 : (0,\infty) \times \R^d \to (0,\infty) are sufficiently well-behaved solutions to certain heat inequalities on Rd\R^d then the function u:(0,)×Rd(0,)u: (0,\infty) \times \R^d \to (0,\infty) given by u1/p=u11/p1u21/p2u^{1/p}=u_1^{1/p_1} * u_2^{1/p_2} also satisfies a heat inequality of a similar type provided 1p1+1p2=1+1p\tfrac{1}{p_1} + \tfrac{1}{p_2} = 1 + \tfrac{1}{p}. On iterating, this result leads to an analogous statement concerning nn-fold convolutions. As a corollary, we give a direct heat-flow proof of the sharp nn-fold Young convolution inequality and its reverse form.Comment: 12 page