165 research outputs found

    Research Objects: Towards Exchange and Reuse of Digital Knowledge

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    What will researchers be publishing in the future? Whilst there is little question that the Web will be the publication platform, as scholars move away from paper towards digital content, there is a need for mechanisms that support the production of self-contained units of knowledge and facilitate the publication, sharing and reuse of such entities.

 In this paper we discuss the notion of _research objects_, semantically rich aggregations of resources, that can possess some scientific intent or support some research objective. We present a number of principles that we expect such objects and their associated services to follow

    Conceptual Linking: Ontology-based Open Hypermedia

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    This paper describes the attempts of the COHSE project to define and deploy a Conceptual Open Hypermedia Service. Consisting of • an ontological reasoning service which is used to represent a sophisticated conceptual model of document terms and their relationships; • a Web-based open hypermedia link service that can offer a range of different link-providing facilities in a scalable and non-intrusive fashion; and integrated to form a conceptual hypermedia system to enable documents to be linked via metadata describing their contents and hence to improve the consistency and breadth of linking of WWW documents at retrieval time (as readers browse the documents) and authoring time (as authors create the documents)

    Conceptual Linking: Ontology-based Open Hypermedia

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    This paper describes the attempts of the COHSE project to define and deploy a Conceptual Open Hypermedia Service. Consisting of • an ontological reasoning service which is used to represent a sophisticated conceptual model of document terms and their relationships; • a Web-based open hypermedia link service that can offer a range of different link-providing facilities in a scalable and non-intrusive fashion; and integrated to form a conceptual hypermedia system to enable documents to be linked via metadata describing their contents and hence to improve the consistency and breadth of linking of WWW documents at retrieval time (as readers browse the documents) and authoring time (as authors create the documents)

    myExperiment: An ontology for e-Research

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    myExperiment describes itself as a "Social Virtual Research Environment" that provides the ability to share Research Objects (ROs) over a social infrastructure to facilitate actioning of research. The myExperiment Ontology is a logical representation of the data model used by this environment, allowing its data to be published in a standard RDF format, whilst providing a generic extensible framework that can be reused by similar projects. ROs are data structures designed to semantically enhance research publications by capturing and preserving the research method so that it can be reproduced in the future. This paper provides some motivation for an RO specification and briefly considers how existing domain-specifific ontologies might be integrated. It concludes by discussing the future direction of the myExperiment Ontology and how it will best support these ROs

    Science Bots: a Model for the Future of Scientific Computation?

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    As a response to the trends of the increasing importance of computational approaches and the accelerating pace in science, I propose in this position paper to establish the concept of "science bots" that autonomously perform programmed tasks on input data they encounter and immediately publish the results. We can let such bots participate in a reputation system together with human users, meaning that bots and humans get positive or negative feedback by other participants. Positive reputation given to these bots would also shine on their owners, motivating them to contribute to this system, while negative reputation will allow us to filter out low-quality data, which is inevitable in an open and decentralized system.Comment: WWW 2015 Companion, May 18-22, 2015, Florence, Ital

    Scientific Social Objects: The Social Objects and Multidimensional Network of the myExperiment Website

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    Scientific research is increasingly conducted digitally and online, and consequently we are seeing the emergence of new digital objects shared as part of the conduct and discourse of science. These Scientific Social Objects are more than lumps of domain-specific data: they may comprise multiple components which can also be shared separately and independently, and some contain descriptions of scientific processes from which new objects will be generated. Using the myExperiment social website as a case study we explore Scientific Social Objects and discuss their evolution

    Research Objects: Towards Exchange and Reuse of Digital Knowledge

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    What will researchers be publishing in the future? Whilst there is little question that the Web will be the publication platform, as scholars move away from paper towards digital content, there is a need for mechanisms that support the production of self-contained units of knowledge and facilitate the publication, sharing and reuse of such entities. In this paper we discuss the notion of research objects, semantically rich aggregations of resources, that possess some scientifi?c intent or support some research objective. We present a number of principles that we expect such objects and their associated services to follow

    The myExperiment Open Repository for Scientific Workflows

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    4th International Conference on Open RepositoriesThis presentation was part of the session : Conference PresentationsDate: 2009-05-19 10:00 AM – 11:30 AMmyExperiment is an open repository solution for the born-digital items arising in contemporary research practice, in particular scientific workflows and experiment plans. Launched in November 2007, the public repository (myexperiment.org) has established a significant collection of scientific workflows, spanning multiple disciplines and multiple workflow systems, which has been accessed by over 16,000 users worldwide. Built according to Web 2.0 design principles, myExperiment demonstrates the success of blending modern social curation methods with the demands of researchers sharing hard-won intellectual assets and research works within a scholarly communication lifecycle. myExperiment is an important component in the revolution in creating, sharing and publishing scientific results, and has already established itself as a valuable and unique repository with a growing international presence.JISC; EPSRC; Microsoft Corporatio

    Corporate Governance and the Cost of Debt of Large European Firms

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    This paper examines the effects of different corporate governance mechanisms on the cost of debt for large European firms and documents a novel interaction effect between shareholder rights and disclosure. Improved disclosure leads to a lower credit spread only if shareholder rights are low. A possible explanation for this finding is the ‘share rights or disclose’ hypothesis. If shareholders have sufficient rights to monitor and influence management decisions, debt providers can rely upon shareholders to mitigate agency costs. Otherwise, bondholders require a premium to compensate for the information risk due to uncertainty about the true value of the firm
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