91 research outputs found
On the nature of space-time, cosmological inflation, and expansion of the universe
In this article, we propose to investigate the mechanism of cosmological
inflation and expansion through the physical properties of space-time. By
taking the bulk modulus , we
show that the dark energy density is decreased by a factor of
while the scaling factor expands from to during
a time of the order of during inflation. At the end of this
paper, we discuss a microscopic interpretation of the inflation mechanism and
future investigations on longitudinal waves.Comment: New paradigms, new figure
Three-dimensional Quantum Slit Diffraction and Diffraction in Time
We study the quantum slit diffraction problem in three dimensions. In the
treatment of diffraction of particles by a slit, it is usually assumed that the
motion perpendicular to the slit is classical. Here we take into account the
effect of the quantum nature of the motion perpendicular to the slit using the
Green function approach [18]. We treat the diffraction of a Gaussian wave
packet for general boundary conditions on the shutter. The difference between
the standard and our three-dimensional slit diffraction models is analogous to
the diffraction in time phenomenon introduced in [16]. We derive corrections to
the standard formula for the diffraction pattern, and we point out situations
in which this might be observable. In particular, we discuss the diffraction in
space and time in the presence of gravity
The second critical point for the Perfect Bose gas in quasi-one-dimensional traps
We present a new model of quasi-one-dimensional trap with some unknown
physical predictions about a second transition, including about a change in
fractions of condensed coherence lengths due to the existence of a second
critical temperature Tm < Tc. If this physical model is acceptable, we want to
challenge experimental physicists in this regard
Discrete-Time Path Distributions on Hilbert Space
We construct a path distribution representing the kinetic part of the Feynman
path integral at discrete times similar to that defined by Thomas [1], but on a
Hilbert space of paths rather than a nuclear sequence space. We also consider
different boundary conditions and show that the discrete-time Feynman path
integral is well-defined for suitably smooth potentials
Nonadiabatic energy fluctuations of scale-invariant quantum systems in a time-dependent trap
We consider the nonadiabatic energy fluctuations of a many-body system in a
time-dependent harmonic trap. In the presence of scale-invariance, the dynamics
becomes self-similar and the nondiabatic energy fluctuations can be found in
terms of the initial expectation values of the second moments of the
Hamiltonian, square position, and squeezing operators. Nonadiabatic features
are expressed in terms of the scaling factor governing the size of the atomic
cloud, which can be extracted from time-of-flight images. We apply this exact
relation to a number of examples: the single-particle harmonic oscillator, the
one-dimensional Calogero-Sutherland model, describing bosons with
inverse-square interactions that includes the non-interacting Bose gas and the
Tonks-Girdardeau gas as limiting cases, and the unitary Fermi gas. We
illustrate these results for various expansion protocols involving sudden
quenches of the trap frequency, linear ramps and shortcuts to adiabaticity. Our
results pave the way to the experimental study of nonadiabatic energy
fluctuations in driven quantum fluids.Comment: 13 pages, 3 figures, minor change
Feynman Path Integral approach to electron diffraction for one and two slits, analytical results
In this article we present an analytic solution of the famous problem of
diffraction and interference of electrons through one and two slits (for
simplicity, only the one-dimensional case is considered). In addition to exact
formulas, we exhibit various approximations of the electron distribution which
facilitate the interpretation of the results. Our derivation is based on the
Feynman path integral formula and this work could therefore also serve as an
interesting pedagogical introduction to Feynman's formulation of quantum
mechanics for university students dealing with the foundations of quantum
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