118 research outputs found
The effects of human disturbance on breeding and foraging birds
The appropriate management of visitors to nature reserves is an important conservation concern. In this thesis I briefly review the current literature describing the effects of disturbance on wildlife, concentrating mainly on birds (Chapter 1). Recent literature has provided worrying critiques of the practical and theoretical bases upon which management practice is based. Here, I address a number of questions that seek to clarify the impacts of human disturbance on birds. I started by asking whether behavioural measures of disturbance are accurate indices of the negative effects of disturbance. Through an experimental test of a theoretical model, I showed that animals that respond most to disturbance may in fact be those individuals that face the lowest cost associated with such disturbance (Chapter 2). Turnstones Arenaria interpres provided with extra food over three days showed stronger behavioural responses to a standardised disturbance stimulus than those without extra food. Behavioural measures are therefore not always a good index of disturbance effects. Consequently, the conclusions of some of the studies reviewed in Chapter 1 must be considered doubtful.
Although some large declines in breeding success of some species are caused by human disturbance, such effects are obvious, simple to remedy and appear to be rather rare. If human disturbance is a general concern it is therefore necessary to assess whether human disturbance has impacts on species that are not obviously sensitive. To investigate this, I modelled the impact of human disturbance on the nesting success of kittiwakes Rissa tridactyla and guillemots Uria aalge (Chapter 3). By directly measuring a range of nest site parameters as well as those parameters involving human disturbance, I was able to improve the power of the analysis to detect disturbance effects over those of previous, less detailed, studies
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Are existing biodiversity conservation strategies appropriate in a changing climate?
Many countries have conservation plans for threatened species, but such plans have generally been developed without taking into account the potential impacts of climate change. Here, we apply a decision framework, specifically developed to identify and prioritise climate change adaptation actions and demonstrate its use for 30 species threatened in the UK. Our aim is to assess whether government conservation recommendations remain appropriate under a changing climate. The species, associated with three different habitats (lowland heath, broadleaved woodland and calcareous grassland), were selected from a range of taxonomic groups (primarily moths and vascular plants, but also including bees, bryophytes, carabid beetles and spiders). We compare the actions identified for these threatened species by the decision framework with those included in existing conservation plans, as developed by the UK Government's statutory adviser on nature conservation. We find that many existing conservation recommendations are also identified by the decision framework. However, there are large differences in the spatial prioritisation of actions when explicitly considering projected climate change impacts. This includes recommendations for actions to be carried out in areas where species do not currently occur, in order to allow them to track movement of suitable conditions for their survival. Uncertainties in climate change projections are not a reason to ignore them. Our results suggest that existing conservation plans, which do not take into account potential changes in suitable climatic conditions for species, may fail to maximise species persistence. Comparisons across species also suggest a more habitat-focused approach could be adopted to enable climate change adaptation for multiple species
The impact of increased food availability on reproduction in a long-distance migratory songbird: implications for environmental change?
Many populations of migratory songbirds are declining or shifting in distribution. This is likely due to environmental changes that alter factors such as food availability that may have an impact on survival and/or breeding success. We tested the impact of experimentally supplemented food on the breeding success over three years of northern wheatears (Oenanthe oenanthe), a species in decline over much of Europe. The number of offspring fledged over the season was higher for food-supplemented birds than for control birds. The mechanisms for this effect were that food supplementation advanced breeding date, which, together with increased resources, allowed further breeding attempts. While food supplementation did not increase the clutch size, hatching success or number of chicks fledged per breeding attempt, it did increase chick size in one year of the study. The increased breeding success was greater for males than females; males could attempt to rear simultaneous broods with multiple females as well as attempting second broods, whereas females could only increase their breeding effort via second broods. Multiple brooding is rare in the study population, but this study demonstrates the potential for changes in food availability to affect wheatear breeding productivity, primarily via phenotypic flexibility in the number of breeding attempts. Our results have implications for our understanding of how wheatears may respond to natural changes in food availability due to climate changes or changes in habitat management
Roles of spatial scale and rarity on the relationship between butterfly species richness and human density in South Africa
Wildlife and humans tend to prefer the same productive environments, yet high human densities
often lead to reduced biodiversity. Species richness is often positively correlated with
human population density at broad scales, but this correlation could also be caused by unequal
sampling effort leading to higher species tallies in areas of dense human activity. We
examined the relationships between butterfly species richness and human population density
at five spatial resolutions ranging from 2' to 60' across South Africa. We used atlas-type
data and spatial interpolation techniques aimed at reducing the effect of unequal spatial
sampling. Our results confirm the general positive correlation between total species richness
and human population density. Contrary to our expectations, the strength of this positive
correlation did not weaken at finer spatial resolutions. The patterns observed using total
species richness were driven mostly by common species. The richness of threatened and
restricted range species was not correlated to human population density. None of the correlations
we examined were particularly strong, with much unexplained variance remaining,
suggesting that the overlap between butterflies and humans is not strong compared to other
factors not accounted for in our analyses. Special consideration needs to be made regarding
conservation goals and variables used when investigating the overlap between species
and humans for biodiversity conservation.SM was supported by a postdoctoral
fellowship from the University of Pretoria (www.up.ac.
za), followed by one from the South African National
Biodiversity Institute (www.sanbi.org.za). RA was
supported by the National Research Foundation of
South Africa (Grant 85802; www.nrf.ac.za). JFC was
supported by a National Research Foundation of
South Africa's Research Career Award Fellowship.http://www.plosone.orgam201
Climate change vulnerability for species—Assessing the assessments
Climate change vulnerability assessments are commonly used to identify species at risk from global climate change, but the wide range of methodologies available makes it difficult for end users, such as conservation practitioners or policymakers, to decide which method to use as a basis for decision-making. In this study, we evaluate whether different assessments consistently assign species to the same risk categories and whether any of the existing methodologies perform well at identifying climate threatened species. We compare the outputs of 12 climate change vulnerability assessment methodologies, using both real and simulated species, and validate the methods using historic data for British birds and butterflies (i.e. using historical data to assign risks and more recent data for validation). Our results show that the different vulnerability assessment methods are not consistent with one another; different risk categories are assigned for both the real and simulated sets of species. Validation of the different vulnerability assessments suggests that methods incorporating historic trend data into the assessment perform best at predicting distribution trends in subsequent time periods. This study demonstrates that climate change vulnerability assessments should not be used interchangeably due to the poor overall agreement between methods when considering the same species. The results of our validation provide more support for the use of trend-based rather than purely trait-based approaches, although further validation will be required as data become available
Quantifying the availability of seasonal surface water and identifying the drivers of change within tropical forests in Cambodia
Surface freshwater is a vital resource that is declining globally, predominantly due to climate and land use changes. Cambodia is no exception and the loss threatens many species, such as the giant ibis a Critically Endangered waterbird. We aimed to quantify the spatial and temporal (2000-2020) change of surface water availability across northern and eastern Cambodia and to assess the impact of this on the giant ibis. We used a Random Forest Classifier to determine the changes and we tested the impact of land use and geographical covariates using spatially explicit regression models. We found an overall reduction of surface water availability of 4.16%. This was predominantly driven by the presence of Economic Land Concessions and roads which increased the probability of extreme drying and flooding events. The presence of protected areas reduced these probabilities. We found changes in precipitation patterns over the wider landscape did not correlate with changes in surface water availability, supporting the overriding influence of land use change. 98% of giant ibis nests recorded during the time period were found within 25m of surface water during the dry season, highlighting their dependency on surface water. The overall surface water decline resulted in a 25% reduction in dry season suitable habitat for the giant ibis. Although absolute changes in surface water over the whole area were relatively small, the impact on the highest quality habitat for ibis is disproportionate and therefore threatens its populations. Defining the threats to such an endangered species is crucial for effective management
Anthropogenic modifications to fire regimes in the wider Serengeti‐Mara ecosystem
Fire is a key driver in savannah systems and widely used as a land management tool. Intensifying human land uses are leading to rapid changes in the fire regimes, with consequences for ecosystem functioning and composition. We undertake a novel analysis describing spatial patterns in the fire regime of the Serengeti‐Mara ecosystem, document multidecadal temporal changes and investigate the factors underlying these patterns. We used MODIS active fire and burned area products from 2001 to 2014 to identify individual fires; summarizing four characteristics for each detected fire: size, ignition date, time since last fire and radiative power. Using satellite imagery, we estimated the rate of change in the density of livestock bomas as a proxy for livestock density. We used these metrics to model drivers of variation in the four fire characteristics, as well as total number of fires and total area burned. Fires in the Serengeti‐Mara show high spatial variability—with number of fires and ignition date mirroring mean annual precipitation. The short‐term effect of rainfall decreases fire size and intensity but cumulative rainfall over several years leads to increased standing grass biomass and fuel loads, and, therefore, in larger and hotter fires. Our study reveals dramatic changes over time, with a reduction in total number of fires and total area burned, to the point where some areas now experience virtually no fire. We suggest that increasing livestock numbers are driving this decline, presumably by inhibiting fire spread. These temporal patterns are part of a global decline in total area burned, especially in savannahs, and we caution that ecosystem functioning may have been compromised. Land managers and policy formulators need to factor in rapid fire regime modifications to achieve management objectives and maintain the ecological function of savannah ecosystems
Decline of a rare moth at its last known English site : causes and lessons for conservation
The conditions required by rare species are often only approximately known. Monitoring such species over time can help refine management of their protected areas. We report population trends of a rare moth, the Dark Bordered Beauty Epione vespertaria (Linnaeus, 1767) (Lepidoptera: Geometridae) at its last known English site on a protected lowland heath, and those of its host-plant, Salix repens (L.) (Malpighiales: Salicaceae). Between 2007 and 2014, adult moth density reduced by an average of 30-35% annually over the monitored area, and its range over the monitored area contracted in concert. By comparing data from before this decline (2005) with data taken in 2013, we show that the density of host-plants over the monitored area reduced three-fold overall, and ten-fold in the areas of highest host-plant density. In addition, plants were significantly smaller in 2013. In 2005, moth larvae tended to be found on plants that were significantly larger than average at the time. By 2013, far fewer plants were of an equivalent size. This suggests that the rapid decline of the moth population coincides with, and is likely driven by, changes in the hostplant population. Why the host-plant population has changed remains less certain, but fire, frost damage and grazing damage have probably contributed. It is likely that a reduction in grazing pressure in parts of the site would aid host-plant recovery, although grazing remains an important site management activity. Our work confirms the value of constant monitoring of rare or priority insect species, of the risks posed to species with few populations even when their populations are large, of the potential conflict between bespoke management for species and generic management of habitats, and hence the value of refining our knowledge of rare species' requirements so that their needs can be incorporated into the management of protected areas
Inferring species interaction networks from species abundance data: a comparative evaluation of various statistical and machine learning methods
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