20 research outputs found

    Window-Dependent Bases for Efficient Representations of the Stockwell Transform

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    Since its appearing in 1996, the Stockwell transform (S-transform) has been applied to medical imaging, geophysics and signal processing in general. In this paper, we prove that the system of functions (so-called DOST basis) is indeed an orthonormal basis of L^2([0,1]), which is time-frequency localized, in the sense of Donoho-Stark Theorem (1989). Our approach provides a unified setting in which to study the Stockwell transform (associated to different admissible windows) and its orthogonal decomposition. Finally, we introduce a fast -- O(N log N) -- algorithm to compute the Stockwell coefficients for an admissible window. Our algorithm extends the one proposed by Y. Wang and J. Orchard (2009).Comment: 27 pages, 6 figure

    Weyl asymptotics of Bisingular Operators and Dirichlet Divisor Problem

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    We consider a class of pseudodifferential operators defined on the product of two closed manifolds, with crossed vector valued symbols. We study the asymptotic expansion of Weyl counting function of positive selfadjoint operators in this class. Exploiting a general Theorem of J. Aramaki, we determine the first term of the asymptotic expansion of Weyl counting function and, in a special case, we find the second term. We finish with some examples, emphasizing connections with problems of analytic number theory, in particular with Dirichlet Divisor Problem

    Energy transfer between modes in a nonlinear beam equation

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    We consider the nonlinear nonlocal beam evolution equation introduced by Woinowsky- Krieger. We study the existence and behavior of periodic solutions: these are called nonlinear modes. Some solutions only have two active modes and we investigate whether there is an energy transfer between them. The answer depends on the geometry of the energy function which, in turn, depends on the amount of compression compared to the spatial frequencies of the involved modes. Our results are complemented with numerical experiments, overall, they give a complete picture of the instabilities that may occur in the beam. We expect these results to hold also in more complicated dynamical systemComment: Journal-Mathematiques-Pures-Appliquees, 201

    Zeta functions of pseudodifferential operators and Fourier integral operators on manifolds with boundary

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