692 research outputs found
Organic small molecule field-effect transistors with Cytop(TM) gate dielectric: eliminating gate bias stress effects
We report on organic field-effect transistors with unprecedented resistance
against gate bias stress. The single crystal and thin-film transistors employ
the organic gate dielectric Cytop(TM). This fluoropolymer is highly water
repellent and shows a remarkable electrical breakdown strength. The single
crystal transistors are consistently of very high electrical quality: near zero
onset, very steep subthreshold swing (average: 1.3 nF V/(dec cm2)) and
negligible current hysteresis. Furthermore, extended gate bias stress only
leads to marginal changes in the transfer characteristics. It appears that
there is no conceptual limitation for the stability of organic semiconductors
in contrast to hydrogenated amorphous silicon.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, to be published in Appl. Phys. Let
Crossovers and Phase Coherence in Cuprate Superconductors
High temperature superconductivity is a property of doped antiferromagnetic
insulators. The electronic structure is inhomogeneous on short length and time
scales, and, as the temperature decreases, it evolves via two crossovers,
before long range superconducting order is achieved. Except for overdoped
materials, pairing and phase coherence occur at different temperatures, and
phase fluctuations determine both T and the temperature dependence of the
superfluid density for a wide range of doping. A mechanism for obtaining a high
pairing scale in a short coherence length material with a strong
poorly-screened Coulomb interaction is described.Comment: 5 pages, Latex, Revte
Partial quantum statistics and its implications for narrow band materials
Based upon the newly proposed partial quantum statistics [T. Zhou, Solid
State Commun. 115, 185 (2000)], some canonical physical properties of partially
localized electron systems have been calculated. The calculated transport and
superconducting properties of such systems are very different from those of
Landau Fermi liquids, but display some striking similarities to the properties
of high temperature superconductors and some other narrow band materials.Comment: 11 pages, 2 figure
High-frequency gate manipulation of a bilayer graphene quantum dot
We report transport data obtained for a double-gated bilayer graphene quantum
dot. In Coulomb blockade measurements, the gate dielectric Cytop(TM) is found
to provide remarkable electronic stability even at cryogenic temperatures.
Moreover, we demonstrate gate manipulation with square shaped voltage pulses at
frequencies up to 100 MHz and show that the signal amplitude is not affected by
the presence of the capacitively coupled back gate
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