3 research outputs found

    Rancang Bangun Sistem Informasi Kasir Berbasis Web pada TB. Kariman Jaya

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    TB. Kariman Jaya is a shop engaged in the sale of building materials and tools. The transaction process carried out still uses conventional methods, starting from recording in books and calculating using a calculator as well as searching for data that is a problem. Based on these problems, a Web-based Cashier Information System was designed using a Visual code application with the PHP programming language. The development method used is the Waterfall method. The purpose of this research is to produce a Web-based Cashier Information System. With the Web-based Cashier Information System, it will be easier for the cashier in terms of transactions, data collection of goods, and sales reports. The results of this study are a Web-based Cashier Information System with the functions of logging in, adding data, editing data, sales transactions and sales reports and logging out. With the Web-based Cashier Information System, it is hoped that it will facilitate data collection and sales reports on TB. Karim jaya

    Rancang Bangun Sistem Informasi Kasir Berbasis Web pada TB. Kariman Jaya

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    TB. Kariman Jaya is a shop engaged in the sale of building materials and tools. The transaction process carried out still uses conventional methods, starting from recording in books and calculating using a calculator as well as searching for data that is a problem. Based on these problems, a Web-based Cashier Information System was designed using a Visual code application with the PHP programming language. The development method used is the Waterfall method. The purpose of this research is to produce a Web-based Cashier Information System. With the Web-based Cashier Information System, it will be easier for the cashier in terms of transactions, data collection of goods, and sales reports. The results of this study are a Web-based Cashier Information System with the functions of logging in, adding data, editing data, sales transactions and sales reports and logging out. With the Web-based Cashier Information System, it is hoped that it will facilitate data collection and sales reports on TB. Karim jaya

    Pemesanan Paket Wedding Organizer pada Cahaya Bridal Decoration Berbasis Web Sukabumi

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    The Wedding Organizer package ordering information system is made by utilizing web-lined information technology, with the aim of expanding the area of promotion and sales of wedding packages and simplifying the ordering process. so the author tries to make a Final Project on the Website-Based Website-Based Information System for ordering wedding organizer packages. In the process of collecting data with the aim of solving problems, the authors use data sources (Observation and Interview). The authors Wedding Organizer package ordering information system uses the PHP and MySQL programming languages. For system design, the author uses the Prototype method. The final result obtained in this study is a website-based Information System, which can provide information about several wedding organizer packages, wedding organizer package prices and the contents of wedding organizer packages available at Cahaya Bridal Decoration. With several advantages of website technology as an information medium, the Website-Based Information System for ordering wedding organizer packages is expected to expand the reach of information dissemination to all aspectsSistem informasi pemesanan paket Wedding Organizer yang dibuat dengan memanfaatkan teknologi informasi berbaris web, dengan tujuan untuk memperluas area promosi dan penjualan paket pernikahan dan mempermudah proses pemesanannya. maka penulis mencoba membuat Tugas Akhir mengenai Sistem Informasi pemesanan paket wedding organizer Berbasis Website tersebut. Pada proses pengumpulan data dengan tujuan untuk memecahkan masalah, penulis menggunakan sumber data  (Observasi dan Wawancara). Sistem informasi pemesanan paket Wedding Organizer penulis menggunakan bahasa pemrograman PHP dan MySQL. Untuk perancangan sistem, penulis menggunakan metode Prototype, Hasil akhir yang diperoleh dalam penelitian ini adalah sebuah Sistem Informasi yang berbasis website, yang dapat memberikan informasi tentang beberapa paket wedding organizer, harga paket wedding organizer beserta isian paket wedding organizer yang tersedia di Cahaya Bridal Decoration. Dengan beberapa kelebihan teknologi website sebagai media informasi, maka Sistem Informasi pemesanan paket wedding organizer Berbasis Website  dapat memperluas jangkauan penyebaran informasi kepada seluruh aspek